20-07-2017, 04:40 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Let us not forget about Mike.
You know, the guy who had three different stories about when he saw the BYP for the first time.
I wonder if the Paines are on the agenda for the November mock trial?
Grand Canyon smile @ Super Mod Lauren's telling response above (two thumbs up)
Another excellent point, Mr. DiEugenio, @ three different stories attributed to a lone, single individual. Pay attention to your script, Mikey, good grief man! Cut!
For their own sake, Mr. & Mrs. Paine may want to avoid November's mock trial like the plague (there will be no softball lobbing apologies, Ruthie, nor cookies with a glass of milk, Mikey).
This couple needs to do some serious soul-searching and find the courage to come clean. No more pushing that telling phone exchange between them up to a day after the assassination, nor any of the rest of their rehearsed accounts, or their reluctance to share their filed taxes. What are these two hiding?