18-09-2017, 12:01 AM
John Kowalksi & Peter Lemkin-
I have not heard from my author friend for a couple of months. I offered to write him a review and urged him to publish his book as is, warts and all. He declined. He had a major squabble going on with his print-on-demand publisher at the time.
I had pointed out some embarrassing errors he made identifying DPD in photos, which led to big fat errors in some tangent conspiratorial filler stuff in his text. There were other fat mistakes. And I didn't think he needed to incorporate Liftonesque scenarios into his book- they gave it a grandiose conspiratorial touch, but detracted from his own findings.
So I assume he's working on a revised edition. He trusted me 'cause I'll tell it to him straight. And he knows I'll keep his identity private.
Without giving away the store, I will say that his military experience helped him get a correct bead on Harvey & Lee's individual service deployments that John Armstrong got mixed up. He also makes a fairly good case, but no certainty, that there was a substitution in Russia.
We speculated, during our correspondence 6-7 years ago, that biology was the surefire method to get a lookalike at ages 6, 12 and 18. We initially concluded there might have been some sort of incestual affair that get kept off the record. But this author did a ton of geneological work- the 1940 census records got released in 2015, and also at ancestry.com and through the Mormon database. The answers he found fit the puzzle pattern, a big improvement over Armstrong's Hungarian refugee hypothesis.
All I can say is just trust in the passage of time- probably he needs another winter to get it revised and go through a re-set with a publisher. Maybe November 2018 would be a good target for a conference date.
Tom Scully-
Gary Mack said everyone who gets into JFK research generally has some sort of mental health issue. I side naturally with Albert Doyle, because philosophically we're on the same side of the railroad tracks- virtual one-man bands campaigning against what we see as fatally flawed tenets of the Murphy cult. We've both experienced unhealthy levels of psychological abuse, from people who are not paragons of emotional wellness. It is a sickness of the research community that it indulges in so much ad hominem abuse. It is a madhouse, a house divided against itself, and my considered opinion is that situation has only escalated during the ascendancy of Murphyism.
I have held Doyle in high esteem during my 8 years as a poster on JFK forums. We got along splendidly during my 2 years at Lancer- there were a couple of threads only the two of us posted on and the exchange was furthering. And I read many of his posts here at Deep Politics while I wasn't a member and found him to be a tough cookie with valid points. And the week I spent reading the PrayerMan giga-thread at Duncan's forum changed my outlook for keeps on that critical issue. Doyle's insights won the day, and he's consistently expressed them since then, and he's still targeted with an overload of ad hominem attacks.
I have no problem stepping in to defend him against the stupid mob, and will continue to do so.
This thread has shown that the moderators here at Deep Politics turn a blind eye to the caprices of Jim DiEugenio. The link to Bart Kamp's full essay is right in the beginning portion of Jim's excerpts. Yet he professes that the essay is not about PrayerMan, but about Oswald's possible 1st-floor whereabouts.
Yet those possible 1st-floor whereabouts revolve entirely around the PrayerMan possibility- which Kamp, in his full essay, wholeheartedly endorses. And Jim omitted this decisive belief from his excerpts.
Albert Doyle called him on this academic sleight-of-hand, and as a consequence his posting privileges have been suspended for 5 months now. And the Deep Politics forum rules only pretend that all members shall be accorded equal treatment. Because in this case, DiEugenio got a pass, and Doyle got dumped. And so the bad blood continues flowing, courtesy of another Murphyite clash with the real world.
The overriding reason for the animosity against Doyle stems from his repudiation of the PrayerMan possibility. His height argument excludes Oswald from consideration. My own photo-analysis, fairly precise, determined the height of the figure is only 5' 2 1/2". I have not seen any reputable challenges to that result, particularly from the photography professionals in the research community.
High school geometry and the laws of perspective aren't sufficient for the devoted followers of the Oswald-is-PrayerMan hypothesis. They demand a better image. And although Chris Davidson's enhancement suggests a woman's face- which correlates with the height determination- the Murphyites still call for an even better image.
They require a picture to convince them of what their reasoning skills cannot.
It is high time to get that better image- to get a digital scan made of the relevant 20 or so frames of the Darnell film. This task is firmly upon Jim DiEugenio's shoulders, since he has so clearly allied himself with the Murphyites. Get on your steed, sir!! Get this thing accomplished.
Is there not a copy of Darnell at NBC HQ in New York? Milicent Cranor worked with film from the vault there, and she might know something about that. There must be a digital film scanner in that city.
The services of a copyright lawyer might come in handy, although there should be no legal obstacle for obtaining permission to scan the film. Copyright protection still allows "fair use" for educational purposes. And it needn't even be mentioned that the possibility of Oswald on the TSBD landing is being investigated. Rather, you simply hope to identify the people on the landing for a potential documentary. The more you put into the legal argument yourself, the less it will cost, but a "power of attorney" writ may have to be served to NBC to get them to comply.
If 50 people put in $100 that gives you $5000, which should be plenty of money to achieve this scan. Whether the film obtainable is a 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation copy is relatively unimportant, since a top-of-the-line 2017 scanner should be sufficient to yield an answer to the question- Is PrayerMan Oswald?
As an alternative source, doesn't Robert Groden have a Darnell copy that he spliced to the Couch film?
It would be important also to video-record the making of the digital film scan, and the processing of its result, so that the image achieved is completely trustworthy, beyond reproach.
Until that Darnell film scan occurs, the PrayerMan-is-Oswald argument remains a fallacy, disproven by Doyle's height argument. And that fallacy is the fulcrum for the fallacious argument that the lunchroom incident was a hoax.
Just because a bunch of people believe in these fallacies doesn't make them a fact, any more than a million people believing that Oswald was a gunman puts him in the sniper's nest.
In any case, once this is done we will know as a stone cold fact whether Oswald was on the landing, and whether the lunchroom incident was hoaxed. Be fearless with what you may discover. And brace yourself for a profound disappointment.
I have not heard from my author friend for a couple of months. I offered to write him a review and urged him to publish his book as is, warts and all. He declined. He had a major squabble going on with his print-on-demand publisher at the time.
I had pointed out some embarrassing errors he made identifying DPD in photos, which led to big fat errors in some tangent conspiratorial filler stuff in his text. There were other fat mistakes. And I didn't think he needed to incorporate Liftonesque scenarios into his book- they gave it a grandiose conspiratorial touch, but detracted from his own findings.
So I assume he's working on a revised edition. He trusted me 'cause I'll tell it to him straight. And he knows I'll keep his identity private.
Without giving away the store, I will say that his military experience helped him get a correct bead on Harvey & Lee's individual service deployments that John Armstrong got mixed up. He also makes a fairly good case, but no certainty, that there was a substitution in Russia.
We speculated, during our correspondence 6-7 years ago, that biology was the surefire method to get a lookalike at ages 6, 12 and 18. We initially concluded there might have been some sort of incestual affair that get kept off the record. But this author did a ton of geneological work- the 1940 census records got released in 2015, and also at ancestry.com and through the Mormon database. The answers he found fit the puzzle pattern, a big improvement over Armstrong's Hungarian refugee hypothesis.
All I can say is just trust in the passage of time- probably he needs another winter to get it revised and go through a re-set with a publisher. Maybe November 2018 would be a good target for a conference date.
Tom Scully-
Gary Mack said everyone who gets into JFK research generally has some sort of mental health issue. I side naturally with Albert Doyle, because philosophically we're on the same side of the railroad tracks- virtual one-man bands campaigning against what we see as fatally flawed tenets of the Murphy cult. We've both experienced unhealthy levels of psychological abuse, from people who are not paragons of emotional wellness. It is a sickness of the research community that it indulges in so much ad hominem abuse. It is a madhouse, a house divided against itself, and my considered opinion is that situation has only escalated during the ascendancy of Murphyism.
I have held Doyle in high esteem during my 8 years as a poster on JFK forums. We got along splendidly during my 2 years at Lancer- there were a couple of threads only the two of us posted on and the exchange was furthering. And I read many of his posts here at Deep Politics while I wasn't a member and found him to be a tough cookie with valid points. And the week I spent reading the PrayerMan giga-thread at Duncan's forum changed my outlook for keeps on that critical issue. Doyle's insights won the day, and he's consistently expressed them since then, and he's still targeted with an overload of ad hominem attacks.
I have no problem stepping in to defend him against the stupid mob, and will continue to do so.
This thread has shown that the moderators here at Deep Politics turn a blind eye to the caprices of Jim DiEugenio. The link to Bart Kamp's full essay is right in the beginning portion of Jim's excerpts. Yet he professes that the essay is not about PrayerMan, but about Oswald's possible 1st-floor whereabouts.
Yet those possible 1st-floor whereabouts revolve entirely around the PrayerMan possibility- which Kamp, in his full essay, wholeheartedly endorses. And Jim omitted this decisive belief from his excerpts.
Albert Doyle called him on this academic sleight-of-hand, and as a consequence his posting privileges have been suspended for 5 months now. And the Deep Politics forum rules only pretend that all members shall be accorded equal treatment. Because in this case, DiEugenio got a pass, and Doyle got dumped. And so the bad blood continues flowing, courtesy of another Murphyite clash with the real world.
The overriding reason for the animosity against Doyle stems from his repudiation of the PrayerMan possibility. His height argument excludes Oswald from consideration. My own photo-analysis, fairly precise, determined the height of the figure is only 5' 2 1/2". I have not seen any reputable challenges to that result, particularly from the photography professionals in the research community.
High school geometry and the laws of perspective aren't sufficient for the devoted followers of the Oswald-is-PrayerMan hypothesis. They demand a better image. And although Chris Davidson's enhancement suggests a woman's face- which correlates with the height determination- the Murphyites still call for an even better image.
They require a picture to convince them of what their reasoning skills cannot.
It is high time to get that better image- to get a digital scan made of the relevant 20 or so frames of the Darnell film. This task is firmly upon Jim DiEugenio's shoulders, since he has so clearly allied himself with the Murphyites. Get on your steed, sir!! Get this thing accomplished.
Is there not a copy of Darnell at NBC HQ in New York? Milicent Cranor worked with film from the vault there, and she might know something about that. There must be a digital film scanner in that city.
The services of a copyright lawyer might come in handy, although there should be no legal obstacle for obtaining permission to scan the film. Copyright protection still allows "fair use" for educational purposes. And it needn't even be mentioned that the possibility of Oswald on the TSBD landing is being investigated. Rather, you simply hope to identify the people on the landing for a potential documentary. The more you put into the legal argument yourself, the less it will cost, but a "power of attorney" writ may have to be served to NBC to get them to comply.
If 50 people put in $100 that gives you $5000, which should be plenty of money to achieve this scan. Whether the film obtainable is a 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation copy is relatively unimportant, since a top-of-the-line 2017 scanner should be sufficient to yield an answer to the question- Is PrayerMan Oswald?
As an alternative source, doesn't Robert Groden have a Darnell copy that he spliced to the Couch film?
It would be important also to video-record the making of the digital film scan, and the processing of its result, so that the image achieved is completely trustworthy, beyond reproach.
Until that Darnell film scan occurs, the PrayerMan-is-Oswald argument remains a fallacy, disproven by Doyle's height argument. And that fallacy is the fulcrum for the fallacious argument that the lunchroom incident was a hoax.
Just because a bunch of people believe in these fallacies doesn't make them a fact, any more than a million people believing that Oswald was a gunman puts him in the sniper's nest.
In any case, once this is done we will know as a stone cold fact whether Oswald was on the landing, and whether the lunchroom incident was hoaxed. Be fearless with what you may discover. And brace yourself for a profound disappointment.