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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
There is over 200 books written on just this one topic, [killing Kennedy,] throughout each staging of his trip to Dallas has been examined thoroughly, as well as each aspect from arriving to Texas to the autospies, and everything in between. Has anyone ever been able to present a clear testimony regarding any agency as to who, how and why?

We know that so many folks have admitted to something or another, it's like any unstable person admitting to a murder, when they're really innocent of the crime. I always find it most interesting when any agency doesn't disclose everything, but they give us enough information to wet our appetite. I especially find the information even more interesting when it's backed by two, three even four people telling me the same thing but at different times, it's as if there is something really going on here, something that no one has taken the time to connect.


What do I mean? Well, for example, let's take William Kelly, I do believe he is the first researcher who discovered a guy by the name of Luis Castillo while researching the case, Peter Dale Scott, discovered that this Casillo guy was also Eddie Bayo's brother-in-law, they both learned that these two men were introduced to John Martino and they all worked for William Pawley, it gets more interesting. I never heard of Luis Castillo, and no one ever told me about him, but there is a Louis and a phone number listed in my (father's address book,) a few years went by, I've still not heard of Castillo. I knew who the others were, you know, Martino, Bayo & Pawley, and most importantly, my father had William Pawley's name, number and address in his address book, not once, but twice, now that's interesting!

Now we get into how did I learn about Castillo and who he was, well, that's pretty easy, I emailed the MDPL (Miami Dade Public Library) Dear Sirs, I have discovered the following name and number in my father's address book, Louis (305) 374-2208, this number may be circa 1962-63. Please advise as to who owned this number, and if there is any historical value, thanking you in advance, Scott Kaiser. Their response to me was; Dear Mr. Kaiser; Thank you for your question: The number 305.374.2208 exists. We looked in the 1962-63 R.L. Polk Miami Beach City Directory and found the following name: [Luis Castillo.]

I then later learned that Luis said there were (14) men in Dallas in buildings where he took photographs of individuals and buildings, I later discovered a CIA report that said (14) men were safely exfiltrated on 11/22/1963. This document was a recap of exercises between November 21-30, nowhere does it discuss Kennedy's assassination in November, but it does discuss the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami not Dallas, however, the recaps were specifically discussing the dates of November 21-30, there is no discussion recap of November 16th the day he visited Miami.

I thought to myself, well, that's interesting, perhaps, it's just an oversight on the CIA. Then, the CIA discusses all the photographs they confiscated, it's got to be just another coincidence, because my father stole some photos from the CIA just before Watergate broke, and then he, (my father) was invited to participate in Watergate, wow I thought to myself, this shit has got to be just another coincidence.

But, then my father did something I thought he'd never do, and that was he started showing those photos around in Miami to people he himself thought was involved in the JFK hit, and so the first person my father contacts was Richard Poyle, the same guy who's name is mentioned on the very same CIA document that says (14) men were involved, but what really struck me was that Poyle visited Mexico not once but twice while living in Cuba, he went to Mexico in October 1963, and low and behold he's in Mexico the day before Kennedy is assassinated, and guess what? Poyle says he was arrested in 1966 for trying to illegally leave Cuba, the same month and year Cuesta was arrested, Cuba's government says Poyle was arrested for "crimes against the state" and not illegally trying to leave. Crimes against the State usually means a plot to assassinate Castro. But! Poyle also visited Mexico twice in 1963 and not once is he arrested? I wonder, was it all apart of an elaborate plan to blame Fidel Castro to invade Cuba?

The story doesn't stop there, Poyle then shares a cell with Tony Cuesta, and my father is working with Eugenio's father to break these guy's out of prison in Cuba, whose Eugenio you ask? Well, he's one of the guys who went to Cuba with Tony Cuesta in 1966 to assassinate Fidel Castro, and they got caught. Oh, I have a lot more, a lot, but I think I'll stop here because it sounds like this story is nothing more than one huge coincidence right? Wrong! I believe in coincidences, the problem is, this is not all a coincidence, unfortunately, everything described in this story did happen, therefore, making it a real story.

Someone, not going to mention any names sent me a PM said, your story sounds like James Files and JVB. Well, I don't want to get caught up in folks believing I'm making stuff up, so I'll just say, could it be really nothing more than a coincidence? Each occurrence, each event? Pretty hard to imagine.

Could this information prove I'm certainly wrong in thinking any of it had to do with the assassination of president John F, Kennedy?

No one has to believe me, not any publisher, radio or TV guy. Not any actor, producer or news reporter, not even you because "it's not about me." It's about the one who cannot be denied his rightful place in history, and he did what he had to do. That's what it's about for me!

For those who have not seen what I'm talking about I'll post one page for you!

Did you also know that many of the Cubans were planning on holding a vote on November 24, 1963 for who would be the next president of Cuba, but as we know, LBJ elected not to invade Cuba.

Did you know "that guy" hint, hint, I know how much some of you hate me repeating his badass name also had in his possession a list of leaders who would be president, vice president, governor and so on in Cuba drawn up in Frank Sturgis' own handwriting, and this was POST Kennedy?

This is the real extreme no one knows about!

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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics - by Scott Kaiser - 19-09-2017, 10:01 PM

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