24-09-2017, 04:31 AM
Mr. Trotter:
I really do no understand that last comment.
I would have never said anything about Mr. Doyle if Rich Gilbride had not brought my name into this. As I said I was not even aware of his suspension or restriction.
So I begged to disagree with him on that.
He now brings my name up again, and you now jump on and say what I wrote necessitates Doyle being brought back. But you find no fault with Rich dragging me into this.
Do you really think that no one can see what you are doing? The only question is this: Is Gilbride emailing you what to say? How else could you be so one sided?
I really do no understand that last comment.
I would have never said anything about Mr. Doyle if Rich Gilbride had not brought my name into this. As I said I was not even aware of his suspension or restriction.
So I begged to disagree with him on that.
He now brings my name up again, and you now jump on and say what I wrote necessitates Doyle being brought back. But you find no fault with Rich dragging me into this.
Do you really think that no one can see what you are doing? The only question is this: Is Gilbride emailing you what to say? How else could you be so one sided?