26-10-2017, 03:14 AM
Anthony DeFiore Wrote:Dawn Meredith Wrote:Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I think Roger is doing a good job considering he is not in the administration. He at least has Trump talking about it.
And the story is catching on in the MSM.
Ya, I read that CNN had Posner on yesterday and he said the only thing Oliver Stone got right in JFK was the assassination date. Any MSM not doing a hit piece on this? I am very glad to see that Trump is doing this.
Greetings Dawn! Posner looked like an underfed squirrel. He does more good as a MSM source than not!
I'm no researcher, and I do not consider myself to side with anyone, nor do I believe any longer that Oswald acted a lone, although, I was at one time convinced he did, that was before I started to dig into other information. I would challenge Posner any time, day, and anywhere to a debate on this, of course I know he would never accept. It would be like beating a dead dog, and what fun is that?
Posner, if you EVER get around to reading this, I would love a shot at you, (no pun intended) on a live debate, and I promise to keep it clean, and I certainly will not call you any names until after the debate, then, all I'll say is dumbass! I'll have enough idiots surrounding me.