26-10-2017, 05:55 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Scott:
In what ways are you different from the MSM on this issue?
They read nothing, tell us nothing, and inform us about nothing in these new documents. Neither do you.
Posner tells us its a waste of time. He solved the case. So do you.
Dallek says, don't worry baby, Kennedy was not a very good president anyway. So do you.
Maybe you should set up your own channel on cable or something. Or at least open your own web site.
If we are all wasting our time here, then you are wasting yours being here. Go ahead and label your site, "Forget all that NARA stuff, the JFK case is solved by me." I am sure you would have thousands, if not millions flocking to your site in a snap. You would drive all the forums out of business, overthrow our present form of government, and become imperial consul, or kaiser. Go ahead, try it. You won't be wasting your time then with the silly dolts here.. And its your chance to give JFK the finger.
I remember once saying 'I don't want to be the one who said I told you so' but, as everyone is giving Roger some credit about calling Trump, why does no one give the guy who called Roger asking him to call Trump and ask if not only would he release ALL the documents 'in full' which is what I understood, but to also release ALL my father's documents 'in full.' See Jim, I'm doing more than you. The fact that I do not boast on any completed reviews day after day while expressing to everyone they should visit my website to read some articles, and that's because I'm too busy Jim disclosing evidence I've discovered.
There you have it folks, what a researcher is going to tell you vs someone who isn't going to blow smoke up your, well, you know!