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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Tracy-What a terrific reply to my citation in re tribalism and the truth. I also have never registered in any party nor voted in any partisan based primary (as in Illinois). However, I have also probably voted 99% democratic. But now since I'm a white guy, I have nearly been drummed out of the family as being an accused Trump-lover. And admittedly, Trump is currently my favorite Republican due to trade and immigration policy.

Here's the bottom line: I predicted to my son at least 1.5 years before the election that the National Security State would intervene in the 2016 election. He was a poly sci major and was astounded when it actually happened. But a decent JFK researcher could not have missed it. As everyone has heard, there has not been a Republican elected since Herbert Hoover without a Nixon or a Bush on the ticket. Since 1980, there has always been a Bush. In 2016, the National Security State would not allow a Democrat due to the Supreme Court. There has been a conservative Supreme Court since the 1960s. (The National Security State was created by and is controlled by international bankers which apparently today means Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds, who knows?)

The National Security State wanted a (CIA connected) Bush. They had one in Jeb. Unfortunately, they could not call all the shots. So Bush fell on his face, CIA connected Ted Cruz fell on his face as well. So they intervened against Hilary with the Comey pre-election announcement. And at the same time, they began the "insurance policy" or the "Secret Society" at the FBI and let loose the Operation Mockingbird crowd like former CIA intern and Gloria Vanderbilt heir Anderson Cooper. They would do their best to remove Trump (or worse, I'm sure).

They plan to get rid of Trump. The plan is apparently that the FBI will blackmail (a la J. Edgar Hoover or Vladimir Putin) enough Republican members of Congress to impeach Trump. And for good measure, they will pull a Spiro Agnew on Pence. Paul Ryan will retire as Speaker and they will fill the Speakership with a former CIA employee from the Congress. I don't know who he is, but he's out there I'm sure.

If you have read enough about how and why the National Security State was created, then all of this is pretty much National Security State 101. That's why I'm amazed so many people (who are way smarter and for sure better educated) than I am can't see either this forest or any of the trees.

As far as Russia is concerned, this is not a Russian issue. It is a German issue. The last significant issue in Europe was when the German Government and US intel sponsored Ukrainian neo-Nazis to oust the elected government there while Hilary was Secretary of State. It's the expansionist forces in Germany that are the only relevant question in any of this Russia/Syria/Ukraine complex of stuff.

I learned all of the above reading 160 books on JFK and related foreign policy and other closely related issues. It was fun. I would recommend this as the ultimate hobby for any bored old guy like myself.

James Lateer

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by James Lateer - 25-01-2018, 05:35 AM

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