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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
James Lateer Wrote:Since the "KGB" FSB or whoever has a troll farm in Leningrad with untold numbers of workers, does anybody know if our own CIA or other agencies have anything comparable. It would seem like they would have to. Please inform--James Lateer

One only has to read something like one of Bill Blum's excellent books Killing Hope or Rouge State [as well as many other books I could name] that detail the loooong list of US. Intelligence [and sometimes military] roles in tampering with foreign elections or overthrowing democratically elected governments. The list is too long for me to feel up to listing this morning...but we clearly tampered with the Italian elections just after WWII and overthrew democratically elected governments in Chile, Iran, Greece and about 40 other countries and tried in many more. In fact, the list of countries we have not done so in is shorter than those we have!!! Rather famously the US Intel. community and mil. intel and just plain mil. had a 'special election' to which the American People were not invited on 11.22.63!!! Smedley Butler exposed how US Oligarchs planned to overthrow FDR in a coup. It is now quite clear that U.S. Oligarchs tampered with and even help set up the USSR and Nazi Germany - both long and somewhat complex stories - but well documented. Now, to get more to your point of whether the US has troll farms. I think the NSA qualifies - as do their proxies such as MS, Facebook, Twitter, Google, et al. Most of the big electronics and social media firms have been built by or infiltrated by US electronic intel units/entities for the purpose of controlling narrative, viewpoints (read propaganda), election results, so-called 'history', facts (again so-called), and more. Snowden's revelations clearly show a pervasive effort to take in all electronic communication and positioning/banking/images/spying worldwide and also to disseminate alternatives to suit the Empire. I would say that most Presidential and many Congressional and even state and local elections in the USA have been tampered with by this electronic US secret cabal - not to mention their work on foreign ones, as well. That said, I know of no specific hub other than Mother [NSA HQ] and its Five Eyes quadruplets who do this. Surely they have places and hackers who would appear to be working on their own outside of he Mother, but I'm hard pressed to name a location, although hackers who have done their bidding are known - most not by name, a few by name. Maybe someone else can come up with specific locations and names. I'll bet Snowden and others like him could. It is a sure bet we have and IF the Russians, Chinese or anyone else is now also doing this defensively or offensively they are latecomers to this game, which in military, economic, and electronic terms was all but invented in its modern form by the US secret government.

Oh...yes...nearly forgot the US Cyber Command. Secret Army + some Intel entity - do you think they are only doing defensive work - I think not! They put the Stuxnet virus in the system in Iran...and who knows what else they have done we don't know about - even making it look like other nations are attacking us [its called false flag].

N.B. Sorry the post above mine by J.L. seems to be edited by me....middle of the night and am not awake....hit wrong button and have corrected and put my reply where it belonged here. Sorry.
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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by Peter Lemkin - 18-02-2018, 05:31 AM

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