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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
Mr. Lemkin:

My JFK research has given me several insights to fascism and oligarchicalism which I could list here:

(1) I didn't realize that Aristotlle laid out the "facts of life" about oligarchy. It's apparently not a new phenomenon.

(2) Gay activity used to be called (by some) "the love which dare not speak its name". Well, oligarchy "the government which dare not speak its name." Apparently the tell-tale sign of oligarchy is referred to as the "theory of the state". In other words, such a government can't say "we have an oligarchy form of government." Instead, they say "we have a veneration of the state." The goal is "the state". (But what does that mean? This thinking is meaningless). Amazingly, both the government of Putin and the government of Argentina's Juan Peron used the identical explanation of their philosophy as veneration of the "state". (I have also heard that Japanese Shintoism involves a worship of the state).

(3) In "The New Odessa: How Peron Brought The Nazi War Criminals To Argentina" by Uki Goni, one can find some amazing insight into Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump as well as Juan Peron. Peron built on the base of the oligarchy but he added a new ingredient: the support of labor unions. Thus he broadened the base of the oligarchy to pick up the support of some working people, enough to become an icon. In a biography of Putin which I also read recently, Putin also uses "the state" as his entire philosophy of government. Trump has taken the Koch Brothers' oligarchy and added the extra ingredient of opposing the outsourcing of jobs and opposing illegal immigrants taking of jobs from workers. Since Juan Peron is defined by most people as a fascist, then that might make Trump and Putin fascists as well. (I'm not sure that Putin supports workers, as such, though).

(4) The missing link here is that fascism (i.e. the fasces or "bundle") has historically involved the binding together of the government, the (Catholic or Eastern Orthodox) church and the corporate establishment. Peron definitely involved the Catholic Church. Putin and Trump are not involving any church. That's why I'm not sure they qualify as fascists in the sense of Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, Peron, etc.

(5) The big weakness of oligarchicalsm is its military weakness. In oligarchicalism, the ordinary person has no love for the goverment as do people under democracy or fascism. For that reason, such goverments are military pushovers. Thus, there has never been any Latin American country with any military influence whatever. The Southern Confederate oligarchy imploded. Mexico offered no resistance in the Mexican War. Spain collapsed in the Spanish-American War. Mussolini was deposed even with the threat of the US invasion. Even Hitler collapsed in the face of Stalin and the Communist invasion and that of the democracies.

(6) The other analysis which comes into play is found in the information about international banker Clarence Dillon. Dillon owned the banking firm Dillon, Read. He saw the basic conflict and struggle of government as being between private creation of credit (i.e. loaning most of the money) and the government creating credit through loaning money by government bonds and government entities such as the New Deal FHLA, Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mac and so forth. Dillon believed that it's an abberation when rich people control the government and loan all the money. He believed that this was the case from the Civil War up to the New Deal. This was the heyday of the Robber Barons, Jay Gould, John D Rockefeller, JP Morgan, etc. I'm not sure where his analysis would put the US government today. The Federal Government still loans most of the money through the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury (bonds) and the bloated spending on the military-industrial complex, etc.

I would say that Hitler, Franco and Mussolini were 100% fascists. Since Putin and Trump don't feature legally established religion, I'm not sure they are 100% fascists: maybe 50% fascists.

James Lateer

Messages In This Thread
USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by James Lateer - 24-02-2018, 09:11 PM

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