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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
Peter: I am no fan of fascists. As you know, I have spent four years proving in The Three Barons that JFK was murdered by a fascist alliance involving worldwide escaped Nazis, Nazis in the West German Government and Southern segregationists and New Orleans "Catholic Reformers" like Hale Boggs Leander Perez (although excommunicated) and David W. Ferrie.

I agree with you that you don't have to have a perfect bridge-hand of fascism all at once to have fascism. As I mentioned before here, after reading the book The The Real Odessa by Uki Goni, I realized that Trump pretty much fit the pattern of Juan Peron. Peron ran a government of which the foundation was oligarchy, but he expanded it into supporting labor unions to widen his base.

Person was only lukewarm toward the Catholic Church and the Military and fought a continual battle to prevent his support for unions from destruction of his base among the oligarchs and the military. He feared a military coup at every turn. All of this could be analyzed as the Trump-type strategy. And pretty much everybody would call Peron a Fascist (and surely the Patron Saint of the escaped Nazis).

Last night I listened to Mark Levin on Fox interview Devin Nunez on the "Russia probe." This Mueller situation is apparently heading the United States and our government off of a cliff. I you think that the Democratic Party is showing less of a tendency toward a fascist police state in this Russia-gate situation than is the Trump Administration, then I beg to differ.

Adam Schiff was a guest on C-Span Washington Journal a year ago. I called in and asked him on-the-air why the JFK files were still classified. He lied to my face and claimed that it was because of inadvertent over-classification. If Schiff is not the scariest face on TV right now, I don't know who else that would be. And, despite the fact he is a Democrat, he is the point-man for the attempted takeover the US by the Fascist anti-democratic, anti-truth, anti-election FBI force that is J EDGAR HOOVER ON STEROIDS.!

As everyone I have read on this site would agree, then END does not justify the MEANS in democracy. If we have The National Security State openly arrest Trump and take over the U S Government, then we won't be debating about Fascism. We will be living under it!

James Lateer

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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by James Lateer - 05-03-2018, 04:19 PM

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