06-07-2018, 04:18 PM
Anthony apologies that you had to read my unedited post yesterday. I edited it now if you would like to take a look again and you might better understand what I meant to say
Anthony Thorne Wrote:I've avoided looking at the two Oswalds stuff too deeply, although a number of critics I respect do not dismiss it, and a couple of others who I also respect dismiss it vehemently. John Newman says he'll be running back through the Harvey and Lee evidence and assessing it when he hits volume 5 of his ongoing JFK series (1,2 are out already, 3 is out this Christmas, 4 and a revised version of 2 are scheduled for 2020 and the wrap-up volume 5 is scheduled for 2022, although if he decided to make the final volume twice as long and kick it across to the 60th anniversary in 2023 I wouldn't have a problem).