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Bloomfield / Osborne
Mr. Kowalski:

The plot here seems to be thickening very quickly:

1. Louis M Bloomfield was involved with Israel getting the a-bomb during the period 1957 to 1963 or so. If Bloomfield dedicated his academic and law practice in major part to the treaty relating to "internationally protected persons" then this could have a huge importance on the issue of whether he was involved in assassinations, especially the JFK assassination (as a consultant at minimum).

2. The fact that in his letters to George H W Bush he drops the line that Bush is now included in the category of "internationally protected persons" must be discussed. This reference is the only reason (which jumps out) in his correspondence with Bush which would motivate Bush to pursue a "friendship" with Bloomfield. And no, Presidents and Vice-Presidents just don't acknowledge "friendship" with total strangers who write to them, I'm pretty sure.

George H W Bush would have to have some reason to be corresponding with a person like Bloomfield. (After all, Rosalind Carter accidentally got her picture taken with John Wayne Gacy). Bush must have had some knowledge of Bloomfield, or people who associated with Bloomfield. Bush also said that he and Bloomfield had dined at a one-on-one dinner together in Peking (apparently when Bush was ambassador to China).

3. Look at the timing here: Bloomfield and Gerald Fitzgerald wrote the definitive book on "Internationally Protected Persons" which included crimes against world leaders. G H W Bush was CIA director in 1976. The Treaty on Internationally Protected persons was passed in 1978. This treaty made assassination of a world leader a crime under international law. The CIA carried out (apparently) assassinations or other possible crimes against world leaders. And Bush and Bloomfield were "friends".

4. Bloomfield reminds Bush that he (Bush) is now an internationally protected person. This was in a letter December 5, 1980. In 1981 there were assassination attempts against both Reagan and the Pope. Why would Bloomfield send Bush a copy of his book on "Internationally Protected Persons?" I think the Secret Service could interpret that as a threat. At least LMB wanted this (implicitly threatening) comment to be a foot-in-the-door with the new Vice-President regarding his legal expertise.

5. When Bush was CIA director, he must have had a major interest in any treaty which would make assassination of a world leader into (essentially) a war crime or crime against humanity under international law. After all, that is the business of the CIA.

6. Since Bloomfield was one of 20 or so bigwigs who got Israel the a-bomb, then you have to consider that Israel, too, has always been suspected of carrying out assassinations. They allegedly assassinated Swedish Count Bernadotte and UK leader Lord Moyne back in the 1940's. The Mossad would (like George H W Bush) have a vested interest in any protection of world leaders from assassination or other crimes (including burglary, etc. etc.)

7. Bloomfield's methods which included pushing himself as a self-styled "friend" of a US political leader is a carbon copy of the actions of his associate General Julius Klein. They both were members of the 20 or so people in the Sonneborn group which assisted Israel.

Sadly, Klein used his high profile as a Jewish leader to collude with the West German government (whom he represented) and this involved close relations with ex-Nazis in that government, namely Hans Globke. Globke was the author of the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws in 1935. Klein met with Globke while visiting his client, the West German Government in Bonn, Germany and Frankfurt. (Klein got most of his money from Frankfurt bankers).

8. Since I have made my strong case in The Three Barons that ex-Nazis like Globke murdered JFK, if Bloomfield were involved in the JFK murder, that would also have involved collusion on the part of Bloomfield with ex-Nazis for his own profit. (Not at all beyond the realm of possibility).

9. I intend to read your article (which I just discovered on Kennedys and King). But you seemed to gloss over my question as to what, exactly, did Bloomfield do while serving in the military. If not OSS, then what? And for which government, US, UK or Canada? I haven't ever seen any specifics on that. When did he enlist? What was his rank? This needs to be filled in.

10. You mention that LMB knew Sir William Stephenson in the 1950's. It seems like LMB and Stephenson, if acquainted, almost certainly would have been involved in some intelligence work. How about Sir William Wiseman? He was a Jewish banker in the US with the Warburgs and was a major figure in UK intelligence. Did Bloomfield know him? Wiseman was closely involved wiith General Julius Klein during World War I. And LMB and Klein were both members together in the Sonneborn group.

11. Since I believe I have virtually proven (in The Three Barons) that General Klein was the bag-man for the money to bribe the Senators who covered up the JFK hit, then any close relationship between General Klein and LMB would raise questions about any role for either of them cooperating in the JFK murder.

General Klein also set up the payment of reparations from West Germany to Israel in the 1950's.

12. The Bronfman and Rothschild issues open a giant can of worms regarding Bloomfield and your research. One female member of the Bronfman family was recently involved in a sex-trafficing criminal situation. The book Dope, Inc. details allegations that UK persons were sponsors of the international drug trade. That book also mentions Bloomfield. And Bloomfield worked hand-in-glove with both the Rothschild and Bronfman families.

13. We know that the UK government was involved with drugs in the Opium Wars in the 1800's. Now there is a Bronfman-Rothschild organization that has opened offices in our own backyard (not far from my own home)! And the Rothschilds are notoriously powerful in the UK, maybe the most powerful people in the UK. Is there any truth at all in your opinion about the allegations in the book Dope, Inc?

14. The US (even in small communities) has been infested with the Opiod Crisis as well as an epidemic of sex-trafficing at truck stops, etc. The drug trade requires money laundering. WTF?

15. Lastly, the World Wildlife Fund (I have read in the past) has been connected in the press with covert activities which are usually associated with things like assassinations. There is even a theory that Albert Osborne, (who you link possibly to UK intel), was involved a UK assassination training facility in Puebla, Mexico. I personally think this is far-fetched, but you would know more about that than I would. I don't know that much about Osborne, but as you mentioned on Black Ops radio, he lived "without any visible means of support" which is never a good sign.

As a Canadian, I realize that the freedom of speech protections there are not as good as they are in the US. I get that. Given that fact, my hat is off to you for pursuing this Bloomfield case. As I understand it, you could be locked up under UK law even for the work you have already done if it reveals any espionage material involving the UK.

Looking forward to getting even more information regarding LMB. And thanks for your work so far, which has been (IMHO) borderline heroic.

James Lateer

Messages In This Thread
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 28-03-2019, 10:19 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 31-03-2019, 10:53 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 03-04-2019, 09:04 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by Peter Lemkin - 04-04-2019, 05:05 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 04-04-2019, 05:30 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 04-04-2019, 06:08 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 04-04-2019, 09:36 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 04-04-2019, 10:11 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 04-04-2019, 10:29 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 05-04-2019, 04:14 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by Scott Kaiser - 05-04-2019, 06:22 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by Peter Lemkin - 05-04-2019, 08:47 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 05-04-2019, 09:24 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 05-04-2019, 10:02 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 06-04-2019, 10:28 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by Peter Lemkin - 07-04-2019, 07:57 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 07-04-2019, 02:59 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 07-04-2019, 11:26 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 08-04-2019, 09:48 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 09-04-2019, 12:07 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 09-04-2019, 09:17 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 10-04-2019, 02:56 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 10-04-2019, 10:53 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 11-04-2019, 10:44 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 16-04-2019, 10:04 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 27-04-2019, 02:51 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 27-04-2019, 08:42 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 30-04-2019, 05:28 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 01-05-2019, 03:22 AM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by John Kowalski - 01-05-2019, 02:32 PM
Bloomfield / Osborne - by James Lateer - 13-04-2019, 06:30 PM

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