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Bloomfield / Osborne
It just seems to me that folks still hang their hats on Garrison's files when I believe he had the right ta-ta, but the wrong ho-ho.
Garrison was not perfect, and he was infiltrated by disinformation agents and just-plain-agents to disrupt and destroy his investigations and attempt to lead it into blind alleys and make the truth look otherwise. However, he stands as a giant in my eyes and always will. He was the only prosecutor to even try [and in part succeed] to prosecute those who were behind the event. This was a huge conspiracy and he only could go after a few of the octopus' tentacles...but he had in his mind pretty close to what I now see as the best picture we can now form with the information we have now...and he did it long ago. Also, remember he said the most important witness he had he could not use [as he didn't want him dead]...and that was Richard Case Nagell [one of the skeleton keys / Rosetta stones to the events that culminated on 11.22.63]........
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Mr. Kowalski:

I have reviewed the listing of documents for Louis Bloomfield. I note the following:

1. He was involved with the entry of King Carol of Romania into Canada in 1942. Romania was an ally of Hitler at that time. That was during WWII when Bloomfield was in the Army. He might have been involved with the entry of the Dutch Royal Family into Canada at that time. Would be the same legal issue since the Netherlands was occupied by Hitler at the time. Overseas property ownership issues come to mind.

Why would he be involved with the King Carol case? Was it intel related?

2. The lines listing Jewish activities only cover from late 1960's onward. We know he was involved with Israel getting the a-bomb beginning in the early 1950's onward. Where are the files on Jewish Activities in the 1940's and 1950's?

3. Didn't he represent Heinekin Breweries? No mention of that.

4. He was involved with the Bronfman family. No mention of that.

5. No mention of his military career or papers relating to that.

6. The papers naming George Bush Sr. were dated from 1976 to 1984. That was when Bush headed the CIA (1976). Do you know why he was corresponding with Bush, Sr?

7. You posted a letter to Baron Edmond de Rothschild which mentions Promotex company in Switzerland. This company, like the company Adalia (of Malta) also mentioned appear to be "offshoring" companies which might indicate murky international dealings (but that is just a generalization and there are not details apparent about that aspect). There is no mention of the name Rothschild in the list. Why?

8. Where are his army files? Does the Canadian government release military records on famous veterans like Bloomfield?

9. The letter that you posted to the Honorable Ferenc Nagy, LL D seems to be about setting up a speaking engagement for Nagy. Does that connect Bloomfield to the European "solidarist" movements in the 1950's or 1960's? It doesn't look like that if it is only a single speaking engagement at issue.

I didn't realize Nagy held a doctorate in laws. I read his memoirs but frankly, I don't remember anything about Nagy practicing law. He was the former leader of Hungary and allegedly escaped with the treasury money of Hungary, fleeing into Switzerland.

Overall, I can see why you conclude from looking at these papers that Bloomfield was just an ordinary lawyer who handled some important, but not sinister, types of cases. Also involved with a lot of innocuous charity work. But nothing connecting him to intelligence, the OSS or similar stuff.

But these do look like scrubbed files for the above reasons. And the texts of all of the correspondence and the contents of his diaries and appointment books are likely to "tell the tale" on Bloomfield and you can't infer very much about these from the listing.

James Lateer
Mr. Kowalski:

I forgot to answer your question about James Dombrowski.

In my opinion, the weaponized cancer project as revealed by authors Baker and Haslem, and the James Dombrowski legal case/situation represent two thirds of the important information about the JFK case. And most people on this website apparently don't have a clue about either of these matters.

Dr. Jeffry Caufield, in "General Walker.." shows that Dombrowski almost single-handedly invented the US Civil Rights movement. And his nemesis, Senator James O Eastland hounded and investigated him to try an outlaw the civil rights movement as communist.

Dr. Caufield makes an excellent case that Oswald was sent to Russia in the first place by Louisiana segregationists so he could come back and infiltrate the civil rights movement and give it the stain of Communism.

In the Dombrowski case that went to the US Supreme Court, there was an un-named informant. And Dr. Caufield believes it was Oswald. LHO infiltrated not just the Fair Play for Cuba Committee but also the CORE group and three other groups, as well. That is the reason that LHO was famously in Clinton, Louisiana in a line for voter registration.

In the Caufield book, one is told that General Walker was busted for inciting the riots at Ole Miss in 1962 by JFK and RFK. He had also commanded the troops that Ike sent into Little Rock. Walker was also busted for distributing right-wing propaganda to his troops in Germany. And he was tight with the segregationists in Texas and Louisiana. However, Dr. Caufield doesn't specifically connect him to the JFK murder as a plotter or participant, except as it relates to Marguerite Oswald and his having her surveilled. Caufield also connects Walker to a right-wing neo-nazi newspaper in Germany on the weekend of the JFK assassination.

Get the Caufield book and just read the last two or three chapters. You will be amazed, IMO.
That's because of the groundbreaking information about LHO and the Civil Rights movement legal issues.

James Lateer

Why would he be involved with the King Carol case? Was it intel related?

Bringing both the Romanian and Dutch Royals to Canada, in my opinion, would not be an intel job but a political one. Both countries were under the control of the Nazis, so perhaps the allies wanted them moved to Canada where the Nazis could not coerce them into supporting them. The support of those countries' royal families would have been a boost for Nazis propaganda. He also brought another person to Canada, a man named Priestly, so perhaps he had some special expertise in these types of matters, and given the business and political circles that Bloomfield moved in, someone in the Canadian government may have known about his experience with these matters and asked him to assist them.

2. The lines listing Jewish activities only cover from late 1960's onward. We know he was involved with Israel getting the a-bomb beginning in the early 1950's onward. Where are the files on Jewish Activities in the 1940's and 1950's?

Do not know. If he did provide them with assistance with this, it is unlikely that he would not have donated documents related to it to the archives.

3. Didn't he represent Heineken Breweries? No mention of that.

The 1959 Financial Post Directory of Directors and Directors and Executives indicates that he was president of Heineken Breweries of Canada.

4. He was involved with the Bronfman family. No mention of that.

The Bloomfield collection finding aid would not necessarily mention the Bronfmans because correspondence with them would be in the numerous letter books he gave to the archives.

5. No mention of his military career or papers relating to that.

See question # 8.

6. The papers naming George Bush Sr. were dated from 1976 to 1984. That was when Bush headed the CIA (1976). Do you know why he was corresponding with Bush, Sr?

If you got to Kennedys and King and read appendix 9 of my book review, all of his letters to Bush Sr. are there. There is no information of consequence in them.

7. You posted a letter to Baron Edmond de Rothschild which mentions Promotex company in Switzerland. This company, like the company Adalia (of Malta) also mentioned appear to be "offshoring" companies which might indicate murky international dealings (but that is just a generalization and there are not details apparent about that aspect). There is no mention of the name Rothschild in the list. Why?

See question # 4.

8. Where are his army files? Does the Canadian government release military records on famous veterans like Bloomfield?
Yes they do. I ordered Bloomfield's military records from the archives. They indicate that he never left Canada with the army during the war and that he was in the reserves. These records do not mention intel work. Albert Osborne's, who I also wrote about, WWI records are available online.

9. The letter that you posted to the Honorable Ferenc Nagy, LL D seems to be about setting up a speaking engagement for Nagy. Does that connect Bloomfield to the European "solidarist" movements in the 1950's or 1960's? It doesn't look like that if it is only a single speaking engagement at issue.

The letter itself does not connect Bloomfield to the "solidarists movements" but Bloomfield was a conservative and therefore would have been against communism. How and what he did to oppose it still has to be determined. The club mentioned in the letter "The Canadian Club" is a prominent businessman's club. I am not sure why Bloomfield was helping him but perhaps Nagy wanted to speak to them about fighting communism, and was looking for funding from them for anti-communist activities. More research has to be done to establish what Bloomfield did, if he did anything at all, related to fighting communism.

Bloomfield's files were most likely cleaned up before he donated them to the archives, and because of this, they can contribute only so much to research. What needs to be done is to look for new sources of material about Permindex and CMC. Bloomfield's correspondence indicates that a 200,000,000 lira investment was going to made, who was this from? There is a French intel document that mentions money going to Permindex to assassinate De Gaulle, where is this document? The only documents I have seen about these companies are the ones provided by Bloomfield and by Michel Metta. There has to be more information about them somewhere, and they need to be located if we are going to broaden our knowledge about Permindex's and CMC's role in the cold war.

I didn't realize Nagy held a doctorate in laws. I read his memoirs but frankly, I don't remember anything about Nagy practicing law. He was the former leader of Hungary and allegedly escaped with the treasury money of Hungary, fleeing into Switzerland.

Overall, I can see why you conclude from looking at these papers that Bloomfield was just an ordinary lawyer who handled some important, but not sinister, types of cases. Also involved with a lot of innocuous charity work. But nothing connecting him to intelligence, the OSS or similar stuff.

But these do look like scrubbed files for the above reasons. And the texts of all of the correspondence and the contents of his diaries and appointment books are likely to "tell the tale" on Bloomfield and you can't infer very much about these from the listing.
John, A little confusing who is saying what in that post...perhaps color coding it might help. Anyway, I continue to be very suspicious about Bloomfield and think/agree the papers given to the Library/Archive were scrubbed by either he or an associate. It is quite usual for 'intelligence-cleared' lawyers to also do very ordinary [non-intelligence] things both in their legal and personal lives, along with the special [intelligence-related] matters they are sometimes asked to do or do of their own volition. While these files do not 'indict' him in any major intelligence operation, the company he knew and kept in contact with is more than a bit suspicious to me. More work needs to be done and find out where the rest of his papers may be [that might be telling even without being able to access them], or if they were destroyed. But this may not be possible to discern. We, at this point, seem to be left with another loose end we can not tied down...the very nature of how intelligence works in scrubbing the actions and documentation of their actions....

John Kowalski Wrote:James:

Why would he be involved with the King Carol case? Was it intel related?

Bringing both the Romanian and Dutch Royals to Canada, in my opinion, would not be an intel job but a political one. Both countries were under the control of the Nazis, so perhaps the allies wanted them moved to Canada where the Nazis could not coerce them into supporting them. The support of those countries' royal families would have been a boost for Nazis propaganda. He also brought another person to Canada, a man named Priestly, so perhaps he had some special expertise in these types of matters, and given the business and political circles that Bloomfield moved in, someone in the Canadian government may have known about his experience with these matters and asked him to assist them.

2. The lines listing Jewish activities only cover from late 1960's onward. We know he was involved with Israel getting the a-bomb beginning in the early 1950's onward. Where are the files on Jewish Activities in the 1940's and 1950's?

Do not know. If he did provide them with assistance with this, it is unlikely that he would not have donated documents related to it to the archives.

3. Didn't he represent Heineken Breweries? No mention of that.

The 1959 Financial Post Directory of Directors and Directors and Executives indicates that he was president of Heineken Breweries of Canada.

4. He was involved with the Bronfman family. No mention of that.

The Bloomfield collection finding aid would not necessarily mention the Bronfmans because correspondence with them would be in the numerous letter books he gave to the archives.

5. No mention of his military career or papers relating to that.

See question # 8.

6. The papers naming George Bush Sr. were dated from 1976 to 1984. That was when Bush headed the CIA (1976). Do you know why he was corresponding with Bush, Sr?

If you got to Kennedys and King and read appendix 9 of my book review, all of his letters to Bush Sr. are there. There is no information of consequence in them.

7. You posted a letter to Baron Edmond de Rothschild which mentions Promotex company in Switzerland. This company, like the company Adalia (of Malta) also mentioned appear to be "offshoring" companies which might indicate murky international dealings (but that is just a generalization and there are not details apparent about that aspect). There is no mention of the name Rothschild in the list. Why?

See question # 4.

8. Where are his army files? Does the Canadian government release military records on famous veterans like Bloomfield?
Yes they do. I ordered Bloomfield's military records from the archives. They indicate that he never left Canada with the army during the war and that he was in the reserves. These records do not mention intel work. Albert Osborne's, who I also wrote about, WWI records are available online.

9. The letter that you posted to the Honorable Ferenc Nagy, LL D seems to be about setting up a speaking engagement for Nagy. Does that connect Bloomfield to the European "solidarist" movements in the 1950's or 1960's? It doesn't look like that if it is only a single speaking engagement at issue.

The letter itself does not connect Bloomfield to the "solidarists movements" but Bloomfield was a conservative and therefore would have been against communism. How and what he did to oppose it still has to be determined. The club mentioned in the letter "The Canadian Club" is a prominent businessman's club. I am not sure why Bloomfield was helping him but perhaps Nagy wanted to speak to them about fighting communism, and was looking for funding from them for anti-communist activities. More research has to be done to establish what Bloomfield did, if he did anything at all, related to fighting communism.

Bloomfield's files were most likely cleaned up before he donated them to the archives, and because of this, they can contribute only so much to research. What needs to be done is to look for new sources of material about Permindex and CMC. Bloomfield's correspondence indicates that a 200,000,000 lira investment was going to made, who was this from? There is a French intel document that mentions money going to Permindex to assassinate De Gaulle, where is this document? The only documents I have seen about these companies are the ones provided by Bloomfield and by Michel Metta. There has to be more information about them somewhere, and they need to be located if we are going to broaden our knowledge about Permindex's and CMC's role in the cold war.

I didn't realize Nagy held a doctorate in laws. I read his memoirs but frankly, I don't remember anything about Nagy practicing law. He was the former leader of Hungary and allegedly escaped with the treasury money of Hungary, fleeing into Switzerland.

Overall, I can see why you conclude from looking at these papers that Bloomfield was just an ordinary lawyer who handled some important, but not sinister, types of cases. Also involved with a lot of innocuous charity work. But nothing connecting him to intelligence, the OSS or similar stuff.

But these do look like scrubbed files for the above reasons. And the texts of all of the correspondence and the contents of his diaries and appointment books are likely to "tell the tale" on Bloomfield and you can't infer very much about these from the listing.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

I share your suspicions about Bloomfield. He was well-connected and he could have done work for intel or was involved in other activities parapolitical activities. What I am arguing against is the extreme view that Permindex is an assassination cabal from which Bloomfield directed a team of assassins who murdered JFK and other individuals. There is a small group of people who still think that Permindex and Bloomfield killed JFK. This is what I do not agree with.
Mr. Kowalski:

1. I read through the Bush correspondence. How could Mr. Bloomfield claim that he had a "friendship" with George H. W. Bush? A suspicion-driven interpretation would be that both Bush and LMB were both aware that the other was involved in the JFK murder and the implication was that Bloomfield was using that skeleton in Bush's closet as a foot-in-the-door with the US Vice-President.

2. The Bronfman family is apparently a HUGE elephant in the room in Canadian recent history. Dozens of books written by them and about them. Bernard Bloomfield is cited in one of those books. It seems that both Bloomfield and the Bronfmans shared a cultural heritage of being Romanian Jewish-descended. Looks like the Bronfmans were such big-shots, that Bloomfield would be a small-fry in comparison and would not have had a big role in their family matters in any important way.

3. Louis Bloomfield along with Gerald F. Fitzgerald are authors of a book called Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons: Prevention and Punishment. Could this special interest on the part of Bloomfield trace back to the idea that the murder of JFK could have been illegal under international law?

Apparently, the definition of "internationally protected persons" includes leaders of countries. Bloomfield informs Bush that he is now (as Vice-President) such a protected person (under the 1978 treaty on protected persons). Could this be another veiled threat directed to Bush revolving implicitly around the subject of assassination?

4. Although the listing of LMB papers mentions the entry of King Carol of Romania into Canada, apparently no such entry ever occurred. In 1942, King Carol had gone into exile in Mexico, not in Canada. In 1942, King Carol was seeking status as a "government in exile" like the Dutch and Polish governments in exile in England.

5. King Carol was neither fish nor fowl on the issue of fascism. He apparently played both sides of the street both on fascism vs. anti-fascism and on the issue of pro-Jewish vs. anti-semitic policy. The wikipedia article on King Carol is tremendously long which implies to me that there is some ongoing controversy in the present day revolving around the same Romanian factions that were active back in 1942.

6. You mention that Bloomfield was in the Army in World War II and never left the country. But what type of duty did he perform, i.e. was he in Army Intelligence, Army Legal Affairs, etc etc.?

Your brief mention of his service seems vague. Maybe the records don't disclose what he was doing. Spartacus Educational claims he was in the OSS. If he were in the OSS, that would be pretty easy to determine (it would seem). Why is this question still unclear?

7. As CEO of Heineken Breweries of Canada, LMB would have been a direct acquaintance of Dirk Stikker. Dirk was at one time CEO of Heineken in the Netherlands, but also the Dutch Foreign Minister and then the Secretary-General of NATO when JFK was shot. This is a similar issue to the connection of LMB to the Rothschilds, Sonneborn Group, Ferenc Nagy etc. He had his hands in things involving very high level society. What was he really up to overall? Still a mystery IMHO.

8. When I am next at the library which I often visit and which has a copy of the book on protected persons by Bloomfield and Fitzgerald, I will glance through it and see whether it pertains to any of the issues we have discussed here such as assassinations of world leaders.

The more I think about it, this book might deal explicitly about assassinations of world leaders. I will keep you informed.

James Lateer

1. I read through the Bush correspondence. How could Mr. Bloomfield claim that he had a "friendship" with George H. W. Bush? A suspicion-driven interpretation would be that both Bush and LMB were both aware that the other was involved in the JFK murder and the implication was that Bloomfield was using that skeleton in Bush's closet as a foot-in-the-door with the US Vice-President.

Not sure if your question is rhetorical or not but many people use the word "friendship" for relationships that are business or political.

2. The Bronfman family is apparently a HUGE elephant in the room in Canadian recent history. Dozens of books written by them and about them. Bernard Bloomfield is cited in one of those books. It seems that both Bloomfield and the Bronfmans shared a cultural heritage of being Romanian Jewish-descended. Looks like the Bronfmans were such big-shots, that Bloomfield would be a small-fry in comparison and would not have had a big role in their family matters in any important way.

I agree, Bloomfield probably did some work legal work for them but he was probably not too important to them as they probably had many lawyers working for them. Were the Bronfamns involved in alcohol smuggling during prohibition?

3. Louis Bloomfield along with Gerald F. Fitzgerald are authors of a book called Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons: Prevention and Punishment. Could this special interest on the part of Bloomfield trace back to the idea that the murder of JFK could have been illegal under international law?

Don't know.

Apparently, the definition of "internationally protected persons" includes leaders of countries. Bloomfield informs Bush that he is now (as Vice-President) such a protected person (under the 1978 treaty on protected persons). Could this be another veiled threat directed to Bush revolving implicitly around the subject of assassination?

I don't believe that Bloomfield was involved in assassinations.

4. Although the listing of LMB papers mentions the entry of King Carol of Romania into Canada, apparently no such entry ever occurred. In 1942, King Carol had gone into exile in Mexico, not in Canada. In 1942, King Carol was seeking status as a "government in exile" like the Dutch and Polish governments in exile in England.

5. King Carol was neither fish nor fowl on the issue of fascism. He apparently played both sides of the street both on fascism vs. anti-fascism and on the issue of pro-Jewish vs. anti-semitic policy. The wikipedia article on King Carol is tremendously long which implies to me that there is some ongoing controversy in the present day revolving around the same Romanian factions that were active back in 1942.

6. You mention that Bloomfield was in the Army in World War II and never left the country. But what type of duty did he perform, i.e. was he in Army Intelligence, Army Legal Affairs, etc etc.?

Your brief mention of his service seems vague. Maybe the records don't disclose what he was doing. Spartacus Educational claims he was in the OSS. If he were in the OSS, that would be pretty easy to determine (it would seem). Why is this question still unclear?

The problem is that there is no evidence that he was in the OSS. The Le Devoir article that Garrison mentioned in his book, and which I uploaded to this forum, does not seem to have a source for it. If it was not for this article, there may have not been any controversy about Bloomfield.

7. As CEO of Heineken Breweries of Canada, LMB would have been a direct acquaintance of Dirk Stikker. Dirk was at one time CEO of Heineken in the Netherlands, but also the Dutch Foreign Minister and then the Secretary-General of NATO when JFK was shot. This is a similar issue to the connection of LMB to the Rothschilds, Sonneborn Group, Ferenc Nagy etc. He had his hands in things involving very high level society. What was he really up to overall? Still a mystery IMHO.

8. When I am next at the library which I often visit and which has a copy of the book on protected persons by Bloomfield and Fitzgerald, I will glance through it and see whether it pertains to any of the issues we have discussed here such as assassinations of world leaders.

The more I think about it, this book might deal explicitly about assassinations of world leaders. I will keep you informed.

James Lateer
Mr. Kowalski:

The plot here seems to be thickening very quickly:

1. Louis M Bloomfield was involved with Israel getting the a-bomb during the period 1957 to 1963 or so. If Bloomfield dedicated his academic and law practice in major part to the treaty relating to "internationally protected persons" then this could have a huge importance on the issue of whether he was involved in assassinations, especially the JFK assassination (as a consultant at minimum).

2. The fact that in his letters to George H W Bush he drops the line that Bush is now included in the category of "internationally protected persons" must be discussed. This reference is the only reason (which jumps out) in his correspondence with Bush which would motivate Bush to pursue a "friendship" with Bloomfield. And no, Presidents and Vice-Presidents just don't acknowledge "friendship" with total strangers who write to them, I'm pretty sure.

George H W Bush would have to have some reason to be corresponding with a person like Bloomfield. (After all, Rosalind Carter accidentally got her picture taken with John Wayne Gacy). Bush must have had some knowledge of Bloomfield, or people who associated with Bloomfield. Bush also said that he and Bloomfield had dined at a one-on-one dinner together in Peking (apparently when Bush was ambassador to China).

3. Look at the timing here: Bloomfield and Gerald Fitzgerald wrote the definitive book on "Internationally Protected Persons" which included crimes against world leaders. G H W Bush was CIA director in 1976. The Treaty on Internationally Protected persons was passed in 1978. This treaty made assassination of a world leader a crime under international law. The CIA carried out (apparently) assassinations or other possible crimes against world leaders. And Bush and Bloomfield were "friends".

4. Bloomfield reminds Bush that he (Bush) is now an internationally protected person. This was in a letter December 5, 1980. In 1981 there were assassination attempts against both Reagan and the Pope. Why would Bloomfield send Bush a copy of his book on "Internationally Protected Persons?" I think the Secret Service could interpret that as a threat. At least LMB wanted this (implicitly threatening) comment to be a foot-in-the-door with the new Vice-President regarding his legal expertise.

5. When Bush was CIA director, he must have had a major interest in any treaty which would make assassination of a world leader into (essentially) a war crime or crime against humanity under international law. After all, that is the business of the CIA.

6. Since Bloomfield was one of 20 or so bigwigs who got Israel the a-bomb, then you have to consider that Israel, too, has always been suspected of carrying out assassinations. They allegedly assassinated Swedish Count Bernadotte and UK leader Lord Moyne back in the 1940's. The Mossad would (like George H W Bush) have a vested interest in any protection of world leaders from assassination or other crimes (including burglary, etc. etc.)

7. Bloomfield's methods which included pushing himself as a self-styled "friend" of a US political leader is a carbon copy of the actions of his associate General Julius Klein. They both were members of the 20 or so people in the Sonneborn group which assisted Israel.

Sadly, Klein used his high profile as a Jewish leader to collude with the West German government (whom he represented) and this involved close relations with ex-Nazis in that government, namely Hans Globke. Globke was the author of the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws in 1935. Klein met with Globke while visiting his client, the West German Government in Bonn, Germany and Frankfurt. (Klein got most of his money from Frankfurt bankers).

8. Since I have made my strong case in The Three Barons that ex-Nazis like Globke murdered JFK, if Bloomfield were involved in the JFK murder, that would also have involved collusion on the part of Bloomfield with ex-Nazis for his own profit. (Not at all beyond the realm of possibility).

9. I intend to read your article (which I just discovered on Kennedys and King). But you seemed to gloss over my question as to what, exactly, did Bloomfield do while serving in the military. If not OSS, then what? And for which government, US, UK or Canada? I haven't ever seen any specifics on that. When did he enlist? What was his rank? This needs to be filled in.

10. You mention that LMB knew Sir William Stephenson in the 1950's. It seems like LMB and Stephenson, if acquainted, almost certainly would have been involved in some intelligence work. How about Sir William Wiseman? He was a Jewish banker in the US with the Warburgs and was a major figure in UK intelligence. Did Bloomfield know him? Wiseman was closely involved wiith General Julius Klein during World War I. And LMB and Klein were both members together in the Sonneborn group.

11. Since I believe I have virtually proven (in The Three Barons) that General Klein was the bag-man for the money to bribe the Senators who covered up the JFK hit, then any close relationship between General Klein and LMB would raise questions about any role for either of them cooperating in the JFK murder.

General Klein also set up the payment of reparations from West Germany to Israel in the 1950's.

12. The Bronfman and Rothschild issues open a giant can of worms regarding Bloomfield and your research. One female member of the Bronfman family was recently involved in a sex-trafficing criminal situation. The book Dope, Inc. details allegations that UK persons were sponsors of the international drug trade. That book also mentions Bloomfield. And Bloomfield worked hand-in-glove with both the Rothschild and Bronfman families.

13. We know that the UK government was involved with drugs in the Opium Wars in the 1800's. Now there is a Bronfman-Rothschild organization that has opened offices in our own backyard (not far from my own home)! And the Rothschilds are notoriously powerful in the UK, maybe the most powerful people in the UK. Is there any truth at all in your opinion about the allegations in the book Dope, Inc?

14. The US (even in small communities) has been infested with the Opiod Crisis as well as an epidemic of sex-trafficing at truck stops, etc. The drug trade requires money laundering. WTF?

15. Lastly, the World Wildlife Fund (I have read in the past) has been connected in the press with covert activities which are usually associated with things like assassinations. There is even a theory that Albert Osborne, (who you link possibly to UK intel), was involved a UK assassination training facility in Puebla, Mexico. I personally think this is far-fetched, but you would know more about that than I would. I don't know that much about Osborne, but as you mentioned on Black Ops radio, he lived "without any visible means of support" which is never a good sign.

As a Canadian, I realize that the freedom of speech protections there are not as good as they are in the US. I get that. Given that fact, my hat is off to you for pursuing this Bloomfield case. As I understand it, you could be locked up under UK law even for the work you have already done if it reveals any espionage material involving the UK.

Looking forward to getting even more information regarding LMB. And thanks for your work so far, which has been (IMHO) borderline heroic.

James Lateer

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