25-06-2019, 08:55 AM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:'I can tell you' changed to 'I can't tell you' in the last ten minutes......so it is a she. I have NO idea...... but I aim to find out!!!!
Quote:-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: RE: FW: Skyhorse Website Message
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 17:07:54 +0000
From: Bill Wolfsthal <bwolfsthal@skyhorsepublishing.com>
To: Peter Lemkin
Dear Mr. Lemkin:
Mr. Abarelli's writing partner has not authorized the release of her name as part of this project, nor did Mr. Albarelli. So, I am afraid that I cannot share her name with you.
It is not strange that books are delayed. Each year, we have many titles for which the pub date changes--some to maximize sales, some because of problems with the manuscript, some because of problems in-house with production. Considering that this is a situation where the author passed away without turning in a final manuscript, and that we have published dozens of books on the JFK assassination and other government conspiracies, I hope you would give us the benefit of the doubt.
--Bill Wolfsthal
Well..... at least you know the gender of the 'writing partner'. Just looked at the Skyhorse offerings on JFK-related books. What a mixed bag, huh? So DiEugenio and Janney have the same publisher. Strange bedfellows at that publishing house, oui?