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Kamala Harris: A Study in Showboating
Per Kamala's own autobiography, she was the only one in her law prosecutor's office to fail the California Bar exam.

Combine that with the unknown level of academic competition offered at her alma mater Howard U, and the "second string" aura of the Hastings Law School which she attended---I still am getting the picture of a Joseph McCarthy type of personality.

McCarthy was kept out of any school system until he was 19 or 20, but then whizzed through high school in one year and then made his way through Marquette U in Milwaukee. There is not a lot of evidence as to his major, the timing of his coursework, grades, choice of courses, etc.

Like McCarthy, Harris seemed to learn quickly (after she managed to punch her ticket into the law and courts). But the only talent McCarthy perfected was the "attack" element of legal arguments and cases. That's why McCarthy rose quickly, but without any "in depth" or sincere legal specialty or interest.

Incredibly, when McCarthy arrived in the Senate, he had to approach consultants to be given his political issues because he didn't have any issues. Again, because he had a grossly underdeveloped intellect due to his spotty academic background.

McCarthy's specialty was always (1) how to quickly game the system and (2) how to substitute aggression in the place of the necessary intellect which he never developed through his education.

My picture of Kamala is that she would be a President who was something like Truman (a high school grad) or GW Bush who was a "D" student in some courses at Yale. GW Bush was only in the White House as a kind of ventriloquist dummy for Cheney, Rumsfeldt and the neo-cons.

In the case of Kamala, the silicon valley people will be doing all the thinking and Kamala would be JUST PHYSICALLY PRESENT AND LAUNCHING ATTACKS AS NEEDED.

This is the "regency" theory which kicked in when you had an heir to the throne who was a pre-teen.

With Kamala, somebody else, or some people would have to be giving her a heavy level of coaching for her to be able to function as President.

James Lateer

Messages In This Thread
Kamala Harris: A Study in Showboating - by James Lateer - 03-07-2019, 07:56 PM

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