20-12-2019, 10:24 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Has anyone ever tried to figure this out?
I guess one way would be to try and find out the length or width of the journals in his hand.
And then measure that against the rifle.
No I haven''t done that but your question reminded me of a picture in a special report that appeared in the LA Free Press circa 1978:
If you go to page 20 there's a comparison of photos of three MC rifles claimed to be the assassination weapon at various points in time. According to the article one was taken by the DPD right after they discovered it in the TSBD, the next one is of the rifle in the archives and the third was a photo taken by the WC.
I can't really vouch for the photos or the claims in the article but the rifles look dissimilar and if the length comparisons are legitimate and not the product of photo trickery then the three rifles are of different sizes and proportions.