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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
Capitol riot arrests: See who's been charged across the U.S.

Rachel Axon, Dinah Pulver, Rachel Stassen-Berger, Jayme Fraser, Josh Salman, Nicholas Penzenstadler, Katie Wedell, Morgan Hines, David Baratz 1/18/2021 17:59:58

Federal prosecutors continue to charge participants in the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, adding to dozens of arrests that took place in Washington D.C. that day.

USA TODAY is gathering details of those cases as the FBI continues to identify the people responsible for the attack that left five people dead and sent lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence fleeing to shelter.

Included are those arrested on charges federal prosecutors have filed since the riot, and those arrested by Capitol Police and D.C. Metro Police for entering the Capitol or for crimes related to weapons or violence. Check back for updates.

[Image: 18f5c0a1-d556-403b-8065-264eb8ced05e-AP_...00&dpr=1.5] Rioting supporters of President Donald Trump climb the west wall of the the U.S. Capitol in Washington. AP

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Michael Sparks

[Image: 817c29d7-90d9-4447-bbcf-9d04ef581980-Scr...00&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/17/21
  • Home state: Kentucky

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; Obstructing law enforcement

What happened

The FBI received tips from three people identifying Sparks from photos in the Capitol. According to court records, one tipster identified Sparks as the first to climb through a broken window to enter the Capitol. Surveillance and other video footage show Sparks among a group of rioters led by Doug Jensen. In now viral video, Jensen is shown chasing officer Eugene Goodman up the stairs before Goodman lures them away from the Senate floor. According to court records, Sparks yelled at and confronted a Capitol officer.

A third tipster, "who knows Sparks well," provided the FBI screenshots from Sparks' Facebook account which show him preparing to travel to Washington. In one, he warned, "“TRUMP WILL BE YOUR PRESIDENT 4 more years in JESUS NAME. No need to reply to this just be ready for a lot of big events. Have radios for power loss etc. Love every body," according to court records.

Riley Williams
  • Age: 22
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/17/2021
  • Home state: Pennsylvania

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

A former romantic partner "made several phone calls" to the FBI tipline in the days after the riot, identifying Williams from video footage and saying friends of Williams' showed the former partner video of her taking a computer or hard drive from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. The former partner told the FBI that Williams intended to sell the device to a friend in Russia who would in turn sell it to Russia's foreign intelligence service but that the deal fell through. The FBI is still investigating.

According to court records, the FBI reviewed video from ITV and identified Williams as directing people from the crypt to go upstairs, which lead to Pelosi's office. In an interview at her Pennsylvania home, Williams' mother watched the video and confirmed it was her. Williams' father told the FBI he traveled with her to Washington but they did not stay together throughout the day.

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Jack J. Griffith

Juan Bibiano

[Image: c7d9f741-fed6-4d4b-bd01-70b1b4161895-Jac...00&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/2021
  • Home state: Tennessee

Knowingly enter or remain in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do; and knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of government business or official functions, engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct

What happened

The FBI identified Jack Griffith after an informant reported he could be seen in videos wearing a red cap and clear glasses. The complaint includes a screenshot of a post authorities say Griffith wrote on his Facebook page under the name Juan Bibiano: "I even helped storm the capitol today, but it only made things worse. ... Why, God? Why? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US? Unless .... Trump still has a plan?"

Damon M. Beckley
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/2021
  • Home state: Kentucky

Unlawful entry of a restricted building and disorderly conduct

What happened

In a video taken inside the Capitol, Damon Beckley, wearing a Trump beanie, black cap and tan hood, tried to calm the crowd down in Statuary Hall. "We can go into this room if we all calm down. And if we commit to no violence, OK?" he said through a bullhorn, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported. Prior to the riot, the newspaper reported he gave an interview and stated: "If we're going to come back here and start a revolution and take all of these traitors out, which is what should be done, then we will!"

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Lisa Marie Eisenhart

[Image: f40671df-519f-418c-b8c6-b6faec9ef193-Lis...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/2021
  • Home state: Georgia

Conspiracy civil disorders; restricted buildings or grounds; violent entry or disorderly conduct

What happened

Lisa Marie Eisenhart traveled with her son, Eric Munchel, to Washington D.C. The FBI obtained surveillance video from their hotel, the Grand Hyatt, showing them leaving to go to the rally. Video footage from inside the Capitol shows Eisenhart and Munchel near a mob trying to attack two Capitol police officers guarding the entrance to the Senate, the FBI wrote in a statement. The footage shows officers run past Eisenhart and Munchel, then the mother and son follow after them, each holding flex cuffs, the FBI stated.

Edward Jacob Lang
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/21
  • Home state: New York

Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees; Civil disorder; Restricted building or grounds; Violent entry or disorderly conduct

What happened

After receiving a tip about Lang's identity, the FBI used his own social media postings as well as media and other open-source images to determine Lang was among those near the front of the crowd at the Capitol's west terrace door. In a screenshot from Lang's Instragram story, which the tipster gave to the FBI, Lang posted a photo of the door with a finger emoji pointing to his location. "This is me," he wrote on the image.

According to court records, the FBI matched those images with social media and photos and video showing a man resembling Lang don a Metro Police helmet, pick up a police shield and engage against officers.

Blake Reed

[Image: 362d114e-8439-4bfe-8c4b-ab59d2bddfbf-Bla...48&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/21
  • Home state: Tennessee

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

A photograph provided by a tipster in the case of Matthew Bledsoe showed him with a man in distinctive ski goggles and respirator, whom the FBI identified as Reed. The tipster provided photos of Reed in the googles and respirator from his Facebook account, and the FBI confirmed his identity with DMV records and other social media, including Pinterest and LinkedIn. The latter showed he went to high school with Bledsoe.

According to court records, Reed wrote on Facebook, “We The People have spoken and we are pissed! No antifa, no BLM… We The People took the Capitol!”

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Jon Schaffer

[Image: df712bc3-98a1-4ad6-972a-5a7510693b5f-AFP...00&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/2021
  • Home state: Indiana

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Disrupting the orderly conduct of government business; Knowingly engages in an act of physical violence against any person or property on any restricted building or grounds; Violent entry and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; Engage in an act of physical violence in a Capitol building; Parade, demonstrate, or picket in a Capitol building

What happened

Schaffer, the front man of the heavy metal band Iced Earth, was identified to the FBI by "numerous" people after his photo was posted from the riot. According to court records, photos and surveillance video show Schaffer carrying bear spray and asserts he sprayed Capitol police with it and engaged "in verbal altercations" with officers.

Schaffer's hat says "Oath Keepers Lifetime Member," and court records show he previously attended a November MAGA march with the Oath Keepers, a national extremist group.

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Gracyn Courtwright

[Image: 3d595d3a-26fd-412d-b075-46ef920c730f-Gra...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/2021
  • Home state: West Virginia

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Knowingly engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in any restricted building or grounds; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; Theft of government property (under $1,000)

What happened

The FBI received screenshots from Courtwright's now-deleted Instagram and Twitter accounts which show Courtwright outside the Capitol. In screen shots of Instragram direct messages the FBI obtained from a witness, Courtwright tells the witness that she was in the Senate chamber. The FBI confirmed she was in the Capitol from a Washington Post photo and surveillance footage from Capitol Police. In that footage, she is shown carrying a "Members Only" sign, which police took back from her.

Courtwright was identified in a report from at the University of Kentucky, where she is a senior, and her father told the FBI that she walked into the Capitol.

According to court records, on Jan. 6 or 7, Courtwright posted on Instagram, “Infamy is just as good as fame. Either way I end up more known. XOXO.”

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Robert Gieswein

[Image: 6af43c48-ab32-48f7-83b8-95c0846d2566-Scr...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Age: 24
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/21
  • Home state: Colorado

Assault on a federal officer; Aiding and abetting destruction of federal property; Obstruction of federal proceedings; Violent entry or disorderly conduct; Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority

What happened

Based on a review of video and photos taken during the Capitol riot, the FBI identified Gieswein by his "distinctive paramilitary gear." According to court records, those images show Gieswein push a temporary barrier against officers and spray them with an unknown substance, encourage other rioters to break a Capitol window and then enter the building through it and charge through the building.

According to the FBI's review of Gieswein's Facebook page, he is affiliated with the Three Percenters, a national extremist group. At the Capitol, he had a patch for Woodland Wild Dogs, "a paramilitary training group," on his tactical vest.

Valerie Ehrke
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/2021
  • Home state: California

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Knowingly, with intent to impede government business or official functions, engaging in disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; Engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol buildings or grounds; Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol buildings

What happened

The FBI received a tip that Ehrke posted a video from inside the Capitol on her Facebook page. Video posted the afternoon of the riot on Ehrke's page is captioned, "We made it inside, right before they shoved us all out. I took off when I felt pepper spray in my throat! Lol.”

In an interview, Ehrke told the FBI that she heard President Donald Trump speak that morning before returning to her hotel. She went to the Capitol after seeing people entering the building.

According to court records, Ehrke's profile page included a photo of a flaming Q and map commonly associated with Q Anon, a far-right fringe conspiracy group that baselessly believes a "deep-state" apparatus operates a child sex trafficking ring and is trying to bring down President Donald Trump.

Leo Kelly
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/21
  • Home state: Iowa

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry with intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of official business and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

The night of the riot, Kelly appeared in a video posted by a "self-described nonprofit Internet service emphasizing traditional Judeo-Christian principles" in which he says he was on the Senate floor, according to court records. He said he prayed there, and he shared a video from the dais with the nonprofit.

In an interview with The Gazette on Jan. 11, he admitted to entering the Capitol and said, "‘I understand there could be consequences for what happened and I will accept those and deal with them.’”

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Donovan Crowl
  • Age: 50
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/16/21
  • Home state: Ohio

Restricted building or grounds; Violent entry or disorderly conduct; Obstruction of an official proceeding

What happened

Court records identify Crowl as a member of the Ohio State Regular Militia, a "dues-paying subset" of the Oath Keepers. Members of the national extremist group "believe that the federal government has been coopted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights," according to court records, and specifically focus recruitment on former military, law enforcement and first responders.

The FBI reviewed footage from the riot showing people in reinforced vests, helmets and Oath Keepers paraphrenalia "aggressively" approaching the Capitol. The FBI confirmed Crowl's identity from DMV records, social media and a profile about Crowl in The New Yorker.

In the article, Crowl told writer Ronan Farrow that he was a member of the Ohio State Regular Militia and Oath Keepers and admitted to being in the Capitol that day. Farrow wrote that Crowl's views had become "increasingly radical in recent years, both in his support of Trump and in his expression of racist views." Crowl, who served with the U.S. Marine Corps in the Persian Gulf in 1990, was among the men in uniform breaching the doors of the Capitol, the New Yorker story said.

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Dominic Pezzola


[Image: 2ea63354-d071-4633-9959-171543baea8d-Dom...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Age: 43
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: New York

Obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of government property and illegally accessing a restricted area.

What happened

A witness told the FBI Pezzola and others said they intended to kill Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, and that they intended to return to Washington on Inauguration Day to "kill every single 'mf-er' they can."

Pezzola used a Capitol Police shield to break an exterior window and then went inside. He posted a video of himself smoking a cigar and saying, "Victory smoke in the Capitol, boys. ... I knew we could take this (expletive) over if we tried hard enough," according to the FBI complaint.

Records show Pezzola is a registered Democrat.

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Jenna Ryan

[Image: ea2d1579-ee74-41d4-939a-573acc09dc61-Jen...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Age: 50
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: Texas

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of disorderly conduct on Capitol Grounds

What happened

Jenna Ryan, of Frisco, Texas, is a real estate agent who prosecutors say took a private jet to Washington last week for the Jan. 6 rally. In a Twitter post she said: "It was one of the best days of my life." She also was pictured on a now-deleted Facebook live video saying, "Life or death, it doesn't matter. Here we go," as she approached the entrance to the Capitol.

Justin Stoll
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: Ohio

Making interstate threats and threatening a witness

What happened

Justin Stoll posted videos to Clapper and YouTube about his participation in the Capitol riot, according to the FBI. When a commenter said they had saved Stoll's video, the FBI said, Stoll threatened the commenter.

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Matthew Bledsoe

[Image: 2bd70f53-00b3-4f39-9eb3-65ad10725b94-Mat...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: Tennessee

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

What happened

Matthew Bledsoe shot video of himself, wearing a U.S. flag gaiter, walking through the outer door of the Capitol and posted it on social media, the FBI states in an arrest complaint. The agency recieved a tip, which also pointed to a quote by Bledsoe's wife on Facebook. "Matt was inside the Capitol, he was one of the first. .. My husband is a Patriot solider."(sic)

Joshua Lollar
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and impeding or disrupting official functions, obstructing or impeding law enforcement officer during civil disorder obstructing federally protected functions, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

A tip reported to the FBI noted Joshua Lollar posted numerous selfies of himself on the Capitol grounds and live video inside the Capitol. An FBI statement indicates he wore a red "Make America Great Again" cap and an armored vest. In a Facebook post at 7:34 p.m. on Jan. 6, he wrote that he had been gassed and fought with police. "I don’t know what we can do, but I’m trying my best to get it done peaceful. We can’t loose [sic] our America.”

David C. Mish, Jr.

[Image: 66a84630-574a-41ad-8480-cf70f7bfd5b2-Dav...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: Wisconsin

Unlawful entry on restricted buildings or grounds, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

David Mish reached out to the Metropolitan Police Department on Jan. 7 with information about the death of Ashli Babbitt, the FBI stated. A department detective interviewed Mish the next day, the FBI stated, and Mish said he was with several people who went into a bathroom adjacent to the speaker's lobby and that he objected when the group broke a mirror . Mish described Babbitt saying to the officer at the doorway, “Just open the door. They’re not gonna stop," referring to the crowd gathered at the doorway. Mish also said he had cell-phone video showing him near the speaker's door.

Robert Bauer
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: Kentucky

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

An anonymous caller made a tip to an FBI line saying Robert Bauer and his wife were at the Jan. 6 rally with a cousin, Edward Hemenway. Bauer and Hemenway say they walked toward the Capitol at the direction of President Trump and Bauer's wife went back to her hotel. Bauer and Hemenway told the FBI that after they entered the Capitol, a police officer hugged them, shook their hands and said, "It's your house now."

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Edward Hemenway
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/2021
  • Home state: Virginia

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

An anonymous caller made a tip to an FBI line saying Robert Bauer and his wife were at the Jan. 6 rally with a cousin, Edward Hemenway. Bauer and Hemenway say they walked toward the Capitol at the direction of President Trump and Bauer's wife went back to her hotel. Bauer and Hemenway told the FBI that after they entered the Capitol, a police officer hugged them, shook their hands and said, "It's your house now."

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Emily Hernandez
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Missouri

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds; Disorderly conduct which impedes the conduct of government business; Steal, sell, convey or dispose of anything of value of the United States; Disruptive conduct in the Capitol buildings; Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol buildings

What happened

The FBI received three tips about the identity of a woman in ITV video holding a piece of a wooden sign that had been above House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. According to court records, one of the tipsters shared screenshots from Hernandez's Snapchat account which show her in the rotunda holding the piece of wood from the sign, which the House curator estimated would cost $870 to replace.

Chad Barrett Jones
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Kentucky

Assault on a federal officer; Certain acts during a civil disorder; Destruction of government property over $1,000; Obstruction of justice; Unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

A family member identified a man in a video of the mob attempting to break the glass in the door to the speakers' lobby from video the Washington Post published of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, being shot and killed by a sworn Capitol police employee. In the video, a man in a red jacket and gray cap strikes the windows to those doors at least 10 times, according to court records.

After seeing Jones on the news, the family member spoke with him and told him he needed to contact the FBI or an attorney. The FBI spoke with a friend of Jones', who said he spoke with him the day after the riot and that Jones said he was in trouble, according to court records.

Jacob Hiles
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Virginia

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Knowingly, with intent to impede government business or official functions, engaging in disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol buildings

What happened

The FBI interviewed a witness who identified Hiles from two videos on his Facebook page and used other social media to confirm his presence in the Capitol during the riot. Hiles - who was wearing a "F--- ANTIFA" sweatshirt and, at times, tan goggles and a tan neck gaiter - posted photos taken inside the Capitol, according to court records. In the screenshot of one post, he wrote, "After being tear gassed for an hour, we entered the capitol, thousands of us."

Cody Page Carter Connell
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Louisiana

Assaulting a federal officer; Obstructing law enforcement engaged in official duties incident to civil disorder; Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

A witness who knows both Connell and his cousin, Daniel Page Adams, shared video and photographs he took from the Capitol with the FBI. In a social media conversation the day after the riot, Connell said, "4 of us breached the cops blockade and us same 4 breached the Capitol."

According to court records, the FBI agent who investigated believes Connell intends to return to Washington the week of Jan. 18. A witness told the FBI that Connell "has communicated with at least two other individuals in Texas about purchasing long-rifle firearms, ammunition, and body armor to bring with them" and that Connell said "he was not returning to Louisiana unless he was in a body bag."

Daniel Page Adams
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Texas

Assaulting a federal officer; Obstructing law enforcement engaged in official duties incident to civil disorder; Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

A witness who knows both Adams and his cousin, Cody Page Carter Connell, shared video and photographs he took from the Capitol with the FBI. According to court records, the FBI also reviewed social media posts that show Adams at the front of a crowd on Capitol grounds pushing a police line. In a video, Adams appears to engage with police, chasing them up the steps and shouting "let's go!" to encourage the mob. The video ends with a thud and Adams holding his head. In a social media conversation the day after the riot, Connell said, "4 of us breached the cops blockade and us same 4 breached the Capitol."

Connell explained that Adams was his cousin, adding, "When we stormed the cops there was 8 of them and 4 of us so he got clubbed and shot with rubber bullet. But we pushed the cops against the wall, they dropped all their gear and left. That’s when we went to doors of Capitol building and breached it."

Bryan Betancur

Bryan Clooney, Maximo Clooney

[Image: c025a6fa-c559-4506-b9f6-0f6da1c58924-Bry...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Maryland

Restricted buildings or grounds; Unlawful activities on Capitol grounds, disorderly conduct; Unlawful activities on Capitol grounds, parades, assemblages and display of flags

What happened

Betancur is on probation for fourth-degree burglary, but court records indicate he has repeatedly violated the terms of his parole and probation. An affidavit in support of his charges describes him as a "self-professed white supremacist who has made statements to law enforcement officers that he is a member of several white supremacy organizations" and that after his release he "continued to engage racially motivated violent extremist groups on the internet." His probation officer contacted the FBI, sharing that Betancur told him he was in the Capitol on Jan. 6. He later recanted that, the probation officer said. The probation officer's supervisor granted Betancur's in-person request the day before the riot to travel to Washington to distribute Bibles with Gideon International.

Betancur's GPS monitor put him in the vicinity of the Capitol for three hours on the afternoon of Jan. 6, when the riot was happening, and social media photos show him with a Confederate flag on the scaffolding set up for the inauguration, according to court records.

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Couy Griffin
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: New Mexico

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority

What happened

Griffin, an Otero County, New Mexico, commissioner, went past barricades onto a restricted area on the Capitol steps during the riot. He founded Cowboys for Trump, and in a video posted to that group's Facebook page said he "climbed up on the top of the Capitol building and . . . had a first row seat.” He went on to say he would return on Jan. 20, the date of President-elect Joseph Biden's inauguration, and "we could have a 2nd Amendment rally on those same steps that we had that rally yesterday. You know, and if we do, then it’s gonna be a sad day, because there’s gonna be blood running out of that building."

After media reports and his interviews showed him on the Capitol steps, Griffin spoke at a council meeting on Jan. 14, telling his colleagues that he was in the back of the crowd that pushed throug barricades. According to court records, he told the council he intends to return to Washington for the inauguration and has a rifle and revolver in his car.

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Andrew Hatley
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: South Carolina

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Knowingly, with intent to impede government business or official functions, engaging in disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; Engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol buildings or grounds; Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol buildings

What happened

The FBI received a photo of Hatley from a witness showing two men with their faces partially covered in front of a statue of John Calhoun in the crypt at the Capitol from the day of the riot. The first witness told the FBI they had received it from a second witness, whom Hatley had shared it with directly. Hatley also shared his location with that second person through the Life360 app.

According to court records, the FBI subpoenad records from Life360 and they showed Hatley at the Capitol. Surveillance footage from Capitol Police showed a man in the same hat in the crypt. The FBI interviewed the second witness, who records describe as having "a close relationship" with Hatley, and that person provided three photographs they received from Hatley and confirmed his identity.

Brandon Fellows
  • Age: 26
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: New York

Restricted building or grounds; Violent entry or disorderly conduct

What happened

The FBI identified Fellows from tips, open-source photos and his own social media posts, which showed him wearing a distinctive USA jacket and fake orange beard at the Capitol. In a CNN interview, Fellows said people were smoking weed in "some Oregon room." According to court records, the FBI matched that with video Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) posted of damage to his office and a DLive streaming video posted on Twitter by far-right media personality Tim Gionet, also known as "Baked Alaska," which appeared to show Fellows with his feet up on the table in that office.

A Bloomberg story reported that Brandon Fellows drove to Washington after seing this tweet from Trump: "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild."

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Samuel Camargo
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21
  • Home state: Florida

Civil disorder; Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authorty; Knowingly engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in an restricted building or grounds; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

The FBI received a tip from a former classmate of Camargo's, who shared screen grabs from his Instagram and Facebook accounts. A second former classmate saved video Camargo posted to his Instagram story, which court records indicate place him on Capitol grounds and then show a clip at a door that supports "that this video shows Camargo actively struggling to gain entrance to the U.S. Capitol Building."

The FBI captured a Facebook post from Jan. 6 in which Camargo says, "I was involved in the events that transpired earlier today."

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Daniel Goodwyn
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/15/21

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

During a live stream from the Capitol, far-right media personality Tim Gionet, also known as "Baked Alaska," called Goodwyn out by name. A Capitol police officer told Goodwyn to leave, and Goodwyn called the officer an "oathbreaker" on the way out, according to court records.

The FBI confirmed his identity with an associate who was messaging Goodwyn on Instagram, where Goodwyn posted, "I didn’t break or take anything but I went inside for a couple of minutes.” According to court records, Goodwyn is a self-professed member of the Proud Boys, an extremist group with ties to white nationalism.

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Vaughn Gordon
  • Age: 54
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/2021
  • Home state: Louisiana

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol buildings.

What happened

Vaughn Gordon wore goggles and a red white and blue scarf in photos at the Capitol. Images of his Facebook page show he posted “Live inside the Congress building. It was worth the tear gas," the FBI stated. He was interviewed for a story in a Louisiana newspaper, The Advocate, stating he went into the building because tear gas drove him inside, according to the FBI complaint.

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Peter F. Stager
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/2021
  • Home state: Arkansas

Civil disorder

What happened

A tip from an informant alerted the FBI that Peter Stager was the man seen in a video on Twitter using a pole with a U.S. flag attached to strike a Metropolitan Police Department officer.

The officer was blocking an archway as a group tried to breach the Capitol. The crowd dragged the officer down the stairs and he ended up on the ground, where he was beaten with "various objects," the FBI reported. An informant identified Stager in another video as the man saying: “Everybody in there is a treasonous traitor. Death is the only remedy for what’s in that building.”

Stager told authorities he thought the person he was striking was a member of antifa, but the complaint states the back of the uniform clearly states Metropolitan Police. Stager also told the FBI he was "wired up" from being tear-gassed or pepper-sprayed.

Joshua M. Black

[Image: 7274c9a7-7584-413a-9dd6-b8dd5f8d8387-Jos...00&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/2021
  • Home state: Alabama

Entering a restricted building or grounds, violent entry and disorderly conduct

What happened

Joshua Black called the FBI and admitted he entered the Capitol. In a photograph taken inside, he's wearing a red hat, a camouflage jacket and yellow gloves, and bleeding from his left cheek. In a YouTube video posted two days after the riot, Black says he was hit in the face with a projectile, according to the FBI.

"Once we found out Pence turned on us and that they had stolen the election, like officially, the crowd went crazy. I mean it became a mob. We crossed the gate," he said, according to the FBI. "I wanted to get inside the building so I could plead the blood of Jesus over it. ... I just felt like the spirit of God wanted me to go in the Senate room, you know. So I was about to break the glass and I thought, no, this is our house, we don’t act like that."

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John Sullivan
  • Age: 26
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/21
  • Home state: Utah

Restricted building or grounds; Civil disorders; Violent entry or disorderly conduct

What happened

Sullivan entered the Capitol during the riot, telling the FBI later that he was an activist and journalist even though he had no press credentials. He filmed extensively in the building, following the crowd up to the point where Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer at the entrance of the Speaker's Lobby. He gave the FBI a link to the YouTube account with the username JaydenX and shared a 50-minute video which the FBI confirmed he narrates at points.

According to court records, Sullivan encouraged the mob on and at times argued with officers to leave to avoid getting hurt. He says in the video, “There are so many people. Let’s go. This s--- is ours! F--- yeah,” according to the records.

Peter Harding
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/2021
  • Home state: New York

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

The FBI reviewed social media posts that showed Harding inside the Capitol and also trying to set fire to camera equipment outside of the Capitol. Two days after the riot, Harding admitted to both to the Buffalo News. "We took the rest of the media equipment that was there," he told the newspaper. "We put it into a pile. That was a symbolic gesture. Nothing burned." The FBI stated Harding recorded a video the next day: "We learned how strong our numbers are. If we can take the Capitol building, there is nothing we can’t accomplish - county government, city government, town government, state government.”

Hunter Seefried

[Image: 7b58eecf-208f-4fa6-8358-b01a8864714b-Scr...00&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/21
  • Home state: Delaware

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

Seefried entered the Capitol with his father, Kevin, through a broken window. Video on social media showed Hunter Seefried punching out glass in a window that had already been broken. During an interview with the FBI, Kevin Seefried said someone asked his son to help because he was wearing gloves.

Once inside, the men were part of a group that "verbally confronted" Capitol police officers. They were identified after one of Hunter Seefried's co-workers told the FBI the younger Seefried had been bragging about entering the Capitol with his father.

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Kevin Seefried

[Image: 09ed9379-298b-4cd7-87df-d3093ce1f719-AFP...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/21
  • Home state: Delaware

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

Seefried entered the Capitol with his son, Hunter, through a broken window. Kevin Seefriend carried a Confederate flag through the halls of the Capitol. In an interview, he told the FBI the flag is usually displayed outside his home. While inside, the Seefrieds were part of a group that "verbally harassed" Capitol police officers, according to court records.

Seefried was identified after a co-worker of his son's reported to the FBI that Hunter Seefried had bragged about entering the Capitol with his father. In an interview, Kevin Seefried told the FBI that they had come to Washington to hear President Trump speak.

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Christine Priola

[Image: eba8b304-32cb-40d1-9135-296aa6898e5c-Scr...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Age: 49
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/14/21
  • Home state: Ohio

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; Unlawful activities on Capitol grounds, parades, assemblages and display flags

What happened

The former Cleveland Metropolitan School District occupational therapist resigned her job one day after the Capitol riot.

A photo of a woman resembling Priola was posted by the Metropolitan Police Department. Cleveland media outlets reported that her home was searched by the FBI.

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Jacob Fracker

[Image: 88de80d0-47dd-4f2b-8888-1f2cd24d8aa3-Roc...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/13/21
  • Home state: Virginia

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

Off-duty police officers Jacob Fracker and Thomas Robertson posed under a statute of John Stark in the Capitol on Jan. 6, according to federal court records. They were charged for their role in the riots after the officers with the Rocky Mount (Va.) Police were identified in social media posts.

In a now-deleted Facebook post that was preserved as part of the charges against him, Fracker wrote, "Lol to anyone who’s possibly concerned about the picture of me going around... Sorry I hate freedom? …Not like I did anything illegal…y’all do what you feel you need to…”

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Thomas Robertson

[Image: 88de80d0-47dd-4f2b-8888-1f2cd24d8aa3-Roc...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/13/21
  • Home state: Virginia

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds

What happened

Off-duty police officers Thomas Robertson and Jacob Fracker posed under a statute of John Stark in the Capitol on Jan. 6, according to federal court records. They were charged for their role in the riots after the officers with the Rocky Mount (Va.) Police were identified in social media posts.

Robertson defended the pair's decision to enter the building, writing on social media that he was "willing to put skin in the game."

Federal court records quoted his social media, with Robertson commenting on Instagram that, “CNN and the Left are just mad because we actually attacked the government who is the problem and not some random small business ... The right IN ONE DAY took the f***** U.S. Capitol. Keep poking us.”

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Nicholas Rodean

[Image: 0dc3cc52-2e72-4607-972a-3d81341e6045-AP_...h=&dpr=1.5]
  • Age: 26
  • Arrested or charged on: 1/13/2021
  • Home state: Maryland

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do, kowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of governmnent business.

What happened

Along with a sweatshirt commemorating President Donald Trump’s 2017 inauguration, Nicolas Rodean also wore his company name badge when he was photographed inside the Capitol Wednesday. Rodean's employer fired him.

“After review of the photographic evidence, the employee in question has been terminated for cause,” Navistar Direct Marketing said in a Facebook statement. “While we support all employees’ right to peaceful, lawful exercise of free speech, any employee demonstrating dangerous conduct that endangers the health and safety of others will no longer have an employment opportunity with Navistar Direct Marketing.”

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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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RE: USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up nar... - by Peter Lemkin - 31-01-2021, 05:17 PM

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