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Is the Assassination of JFK an "unsolved Civil Rights murder case from the 1960s"?
Phil Dragoo Wrote:I see the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to have been the basest of the civil rights violations of the era.

In the brutal murder of our 35th president I see the violent imposition of national security dogma imposed on the constitutionally authorized executive of any legitimate policy.

Reading James Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable restores the correct focus, that foreign policy was imposed by criminals when they disapproved of that of the elected executive.

My interest is now enormously piqued by the introduction of Mr. Evica, and he is now firmly in queue of my must-read following Douglass and Horne.

Your forum continues to inspire.

Well then your interest should be equally piqued by the introduction of Col. Wickliffe P. Draper, Robert J. Stoddard, The Bradley brothers from Allen-Bradley Corp. founders of the Right Wing Bradley Foundation and Col. Willard F. Rockwell of Rockwell Intl who are probably the individuals who profited the most and the earliest as a result of the profiteering enjoyed by Rockwell International during the mid 1960's when the Viet Nam War effort was accelerating. Rockwell bought out The Draper Company on the EXACT DATE that Gordon Novel skipped town and moved to Columbus, Ohio when Garrison was on his tail. Novel used the blackmail artifice of the pending takeover of Draper Company by Rockwell to make certain that he would gain safe haven in Ohio with DISC. Wickliffe Draper received almost $100,000,000 in Rockwell Pfd Stock on that date as a reward for his efforts in having JFK killed and Rev. Gerald L K Smith got over $1,000,000 from Draper right after the Winnipeg Airport Incident in Feb of 1964 to start his Christ of the Ozarks Shrine in Arkansas when he only had $5,000 to his name as of December of 1963. My main suspects ALL received large cash rewards for their efforts in the JFK hit and retired to live happily ever after. No one else can say that about their list of usual suspects. No one.

I think that most of James Douglass' observations are merely rehashed patently obvious and basically accurate "rah-rah go get em" statements discovered and documented by many, many others well before Mr. Douglass came onto the scene which unfortunately totally misses the roles of The Eugenicists, The Pioneer Fund, The John Birch Society, The Mississippi White Supremacists, The World Anti Communist League and The Knights of Malta in the entire JFK Conundrum. As well done as the book is, there is exactly ZERO original research included which was done by Mr. Douglass. I am just as certain that if he wrote that book in 5-10 years he would include all of my usual suspects as well. I read the book and did not find one bit of original research or original conclusions elsewhere. It should have been called The Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination.

To imply that my focus is somehow deficient and his is more accurate is a gross distortion of reality. In fact one of the primary tools of Eugenics and Eugenicists in order to reduce undesirable populations very quickly is the creation of World Wars. Setting one army consisting of mostly undesirable minority populations onto a country populated by other undesirable minority populations kills two birds with one stone, no pun intended. I am just in awe that I even have to explain that concept at this late date. Their other favorite artifice is Genocidal Population Reductions as in the Holocaust. Add to that the Involuntary Sterilization Movement begun by Wickliffe Draper himself and you have the Eugenicists Troika of Death, Destruction and Depopulation.

Their more recent efforts have focused on Rawanda and Zaire where you set one country against the other merely by exacerbating existing hostilities, or in the case of Iraq and Iran by claiming that the search for Weapons of Mass Destruction is your humanitarian primary focus. At that point you can release our own WMD against those populations to assure that we are the only ones with WMD capabilities. And at the same time the Holy Crusades against the infidels and heathens who are non-Christian are also fulfilled. And my guess is that the Eugenicists love of biological warfare and bacteriological warfare has led them to utilize those artifices several times already as well. Even if they did not create AIDS in Africa they probably found the best way to assist its rapid geographical distribution and to prevent its elimination in Africa and elsewhere.

So my argument would be that Mr. Douglass has only begun to trivially scratch the surface in his redundant and repetitive rather rudimentary rehash of the work of many, many other authors who came before him by focusing on a DOMESTIC plot instead of an INTERNATIONAL plot, by focusing on only a CIA dominated plot instead of on an Army Intel Plot, an FBI plot, a DIA or DISC plot or a John Birch Society Plot or on a World Anti-Communist League Plot, or on a Shickshinny Knights of Malta Plot or on a Pioneer Fund Plot or on a White Supremacist Plot and more specifically a Mississippi Sovereignty Commission Plot. He is merely reflecting, echoing and radiating what he thinks others want to hear and he did a great job at that. But to the extent that he failed to cover much of the new material discovered since the mid 1990's when I began in earnest to work on this case, the book is for me at least, a major, major disappointment.

He is at least 15-20 years behind the fast breaking news on all of these topics and he is also stuck in many of the typical LaBrea Tarpits of JFK research. I have always said that Guns and Gore and Dealey Plaza Can Yield No More and for the most part I stand by that statement to this day. And the only archives which have yielded any significant new advances in the last 10 years including several valid new suspects like Elmore Greaves, Ned Touchstone, Guy Banister, George Soule, Edwin A. Walker, Wickliffe Draper, Leander Perez, James O. Eastland and Medford B. Evans are The Archives of The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission. The ARRB only succeeded in uncovering carcasses picked clean by all the buzzards and bastidges which was my main concern going into that exercise. It turned into yet another LaBrea Tarpits trapping many people in its sticky morass and it allowed the real perps and culprits to meet their makers unmolested and unconvicted.

My focus is essentially the same as that of James Douglass but it is much more sophisticated and far more advanced than his reportorial, rehash and regurgitation style which has never appealed to me.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

Messages In This Thread
Is the Assassination of JFK an "unsolved Civil Rights murder case from the 1960s"? - by John Bevilaqua - 04-02-2010, 02:43 AM

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