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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"
Post #147 in this thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The involvement of the old fascist Bolivian military with Rozsa Flores' dirty tricks assassination gang is becoming clearer.

There are also intriguing links to events in the Balkan false flag civil war, and to the betrayal of Che Guevara. Especially interesting, given Eduardo Rozsa Flores' father's claims to have been a compadre of Che, and his son's spooky role as Carlos the Jackal's "translator".

Oh yeah, and a Bolivian "security" company named "Templars". :aetsch:

It's looking more and more like a Baby Condor.

The prosecution says the "military ring" of the cell Rózsa
Updated 03/06/2009

prosecutor Marcelo Soza spoke with reporters yesterday at the Institute of Forensic Research. Investigators are seven general, a lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant, serving all liabilities. The Prosecutor evaluates the levels of participation of each former soldier in this case to cite to testify.

The prosecutor Marcelo Soza investigates nine former officers of the Armed Forces who may have formed a "military ring" of the group led by Eduardo Rózsa Flores: It is on the trail of seven general service liabilities, and two other minor graduation were discharged from bottom of the military institution.

Researchers are the retired generals Añez Lucio Rivera, Gary Prado Salmon, Gelafio Santiesteban Hurtado Camacho Herles Mancilla, Moses Shriqui Bejarano, Raul Pacheco Ganti and Bernardo Ortiz Chávez also Zoilo Salces of Lieutenant Colonel and Lieutenant Oscar Sepúlveda Zabala, both retired the Armed Forces.

The morning of April 16, police intervened in the fourth floor of the Hotel Las Americas, where he died and his cronies Rózsa Flores Michael Martin Dwyer, Irish, and Árpád Magyarosi, Romanian, and who were captured alive, the Croatian Mario boliviano Astorga Tadic and the Hungarian elodes Tóásó.

The statements of the witness "key" of the Public Ministry, Vargas Ignacio Villa, known as the "Old", linked to the military retirees Añez, Prado, Camacho and Santiesteban, while further research, as Soza, related to the other former officers Rózsa with the militia.

The email addresses of retired generals Ganti Pacheco Ortiz and Chavez were allegedly found in some emails sent by the alleged mercenaries, like the Aroldo Urquiola Robles attorney and former lieutenant Oscar Zabala.

According to official Carmelo Crespo and Rene Aqueron, the United States National Guard, the former general Chavez Ortiz was involved in the first half of the last decade in a case of smuggling of 390,000 guns and 30 million rounds of ammunition, in According to the indictment, had spent the war in the Balkans, for which Rózsa Flores was a hero.

The open process by the prosecution came to an end not because the Kosovo Force, which were theoretically intended, never confirmed the receipt of shipment or negotiations.

Some of these weapons were seen in the recent disturbances in the hands of members of the Youth Union Cruceños as an expert on war materiel Samuel Montaño.

During the demonstrations of the "crescent" raised between August and September last year, Salces was checked by the then deputy minister of internal governance, Rubén Gamarra, of army deserters, who commanded a group of 200 or 300 persons " took by force the offices of the Departmental Service of Education (Seduce) in Trinidad.

According to the newspaper La Razón published on July 18, 1999, Zabala was part of the Immediate Reaction Force Army (FRIE) established by the now-fugitive Marco Marino Diodato.

Zabala was the expulsion of the deceased general Luis Iriarte, one of the hostesses of former President Hugo Banzer, had signed a document in which he asked the Italian civil Avagnina Andrea to coordinate with the "master Diodato" demonstration apparatus sophisticated communications for the Government Palace. The commander of the Armed Forces, Admiral Jorge Zabala, said the military judge found responsible for some of the ten members of the FRIE, among whom was Zabala.

He subsequently organized a security company, Templars, in Santa Cruz.

Lucio Añez provided statements to the prosecutor in Santa Cruz Soza, which had argued that "some defense in the event that announced a lay siege on the capital Santa Cruz farmer.

Gary Prado said before several media in Santa Cruz, in her capacity as an officer of the Army, could not be part of a support group to a computer illegally.

Prado was one of the captors of Ernesto Che Guevara.

The current mayor of Trinidad, Moises Shriqui, said last night the press: "I am aware that you do not want to make any comment, I will first wait for what the prosecutors say. I know nothing, I will ask about it, I will be attentive to any call I make the competent authorities and shall have no objection to going to testify. "

He added: "I have nothing to do with being part of a group much less connected with other comrades."

Shriqui regretted that involve "people with whom we have defended our homeland throughout his military career of more than 35 years."

According to the testimony of Villa Vargas, "the contact (the militia) in La Paz was the general Gelafio Santiesteban.

To ascend to the rank of general in 2005, won a constitutional Santiesteban.

This officer acted in 2003 the command of the Ninth Army Division, based in Ibuelo, Chapare, during which a lot was stolen weapons without their porters, who were in the tanks of the military division.

Having been denounced for trafficking in military weapons, the Public Prosecutor for investigation, raided his home without finding the missing materiel.

Senator Félix Rojas of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS), said on July 17 last year that Santiesteban collect military information for the CIA.

However, consulted on the matter, the legislators did not recall the issue and pledged to review their documents, "because memory is fragile."

Herles Camacho was commander of the Bolivian Air Force in 2002 and after service liabilities was appointed in 2006, Public Safety Officer of the City of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The prosecutor argued that Soza assesses the degree of responsibility for each retired officer to call to testify.

He clarified that evaluates the contents of 27,678 sheets stored in the archives of electronic equipment to the hostages in the Las Americas hotel in the booth Cotas.

Deputies located the vehicle of the cell

The multi-party commission that is investigating the case of alleged terrorist identified the vehicles they moved the members of the disrupted cell April 16 at the Hotel Las Americas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The Toyota Land Cruiser trolley green, 1994 model, registered in Warnes, Santa Cruz, is in the name of José Giovano NA

Another is a motorized trolley Nissan, Japan, Pathfinder model, color clears wine, made in 1997, and which corresponds to the right owner Carlos AC

The third unit is another trolley of Japanese industry, brand Daihatsu, Terios model, green and silver plate of 1304-KGI control, built in 2001, recorded in Santa Cruz and belongs to Marianela VA

In these cases is not known whether the power was given or if it was not sold and the corresponding transfer minuta saving 3 percent of the amount, which corresponds to paying the transaction tax (IT).

The fourth car is a Hyundai brand, color lead, model 1993, which belonged to the lawyer Cruz Carlos Alberto Guillén, Blooming club vice president, who said that a person named Jorge Hurtado Flores addressed the company's lawyer to Buy Pereyra Alejandro Melgar the car. The transaction was made at $ 3500 and Guillen hopes to sell at $ 70,000 to "hurt" Cotoca fifth in a transaction that had operated on April 21, five days after the police operation in the Las Americas hotel that killed Rózsa Flores .

Velarde, multiple man

Juan Carlos Velarde Roca, president of the Telecommunications Cooperative of Santa Cruz (Cotas), is a person with many activities in Santa Cruz and is identified by deputies César Navarro, president of the multi-party commission of the Lower House, which investigates the case the alleged terrorist, as one of the main "sponsors" of the irregular cell led by Eduardo Rózsa Flores and comprises four other foreigners.

In 2001 he was dismissed along with other people's case "bancovínculos" in which executives were involved in the Banco Internacional de Desarrollo Sociedad Anónima (Bidese) because no proof against him.

Also exercised the general management of the Exhibition Fair in Santa Cruz (Fexpocruz) and alternate director of the Chamber of Industry, Trade, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz (CAINCO).

The 24 Dimensions of ombudsmen who provided statements to the Office in La Paz pointed to Velarde Roca as solely responsible for the suspected mercenaries had taken the stand in the exhibition Cotas Cruz.

"On December 9 last year, the President of the cooperative Mario Herrera ordered the manager to install internet in the booth Fexpocruz, and this led to the investigation Landívar Hugo Paz, head of maintenance and custody of that space. Upon receiving the order, he directed the technical Fernando Hevia to do the work, which actually was. "

Navarro questioned whether any other services cooperative the owner of the Governing Council meets minimum topics such as installing an internet point.

Asked leave to hold office on April 21, five days of the police operation in which died boliviano-Croatian-Hungarian Rózsa Flores, in addition to Romanian and Irish Magyarosi Árpád Michael Martin Dwyer. According to the statutes of the institution, the period of leave can not exceed 60 days.

The adviser was quoted on two occasions to testify to the Public Prosecutor of La Paz, but not responded to the call. The prosecutor Marcelo Soza, who leads the investigation of this case, consider, now, by quoting edicts before issuing an arrest warrant.

Nayar requires judge decides

In press conference yesterday, the president of the Federation of Livestock Santa Cruz (Fegasacruz) and first deputy chairman of the Committee for Santa Cruz, Guido Nayar Parada, demanded that the judge Marcela Siles, who knows the case of alleged terrorism, "which chicanerías not continue, that does not move desktop documents and to resolve "the remedy of injunction made by the judge Luis Hernando Tapia Pachi to declare that" competent or decline jurisdiction "and the case lies in the Court of Santa Cruz .

The statement provided Nayar Parada was stopped in La Paz, he said, because they raised the same appeal and it was not because it must continue to learn on Tuesday which is also leader of the exhibition of Santa Cruz.

He regretted that the case had "passed from hand to hand," according to its terms, and requires that "a judge decide."

Under the duty, the legal battle that had begun by the institutions Cruz's return to terrorism in Santa Cruz is now in the hands of the judge Siles La Paz Marcela. However, even Siles approach has not delivered on this request, which was taken to La Paz for Guido Nayar, vice president of the Committee and Fegasacruz.

According to the president of the Superior Court of District of Santa Cruz, Osvaldo Céspedes, Siles need to have a say in this. "There must be a first pronouncement of the judge Siles, because no one can predispose something that has not happened." He added that if Siles is declared competent, generate competition and conflict "the Court is obliged to act."

The state attorney general, Mario Uribe Melendres, meanwhile, said that the superior courts of La Paz and Santa Cruz must resolve this conflict of jurisdiction and not to do the Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court, sitting in Sucre.


The multi-party commission of the Lower House, which investigates the case of suspected terrorist was preparing to make statements to authorities and the Executive Branch of the National Police.

The Member of National Unity (UN) Peter Maldonado member of this committee, indicated that the interviews are scheduled with Minister of Government, Alfredo Rada, Defense Minister Walker San Miguel, the Commanding General of Police, Victor Hugo Escobar; Director of Intelligence and others. Not yet released the schedule of the call.

Rada Escobar and should give explanations of the police operation on April 16 at the Las Americas hotel in Santa Cruz, where he hit a shot to the alleged terrorist Eduardo Rózsa, Árpád Magyarosi and Michael Dwyer, and two others were arrested, and elodes Tóásó Mario Tadic.

The congressman said that there are significant advances in research that the committee began a month ago, when they took statements from a key witness Tadic and the Prosecutor, Ignacio Villa Vargas, "Old." Early findings could be known within about two weeks.

Maldonado, as ANF, said that one of the preliminary findings is that the militia Eduardo Rózsa was designed to form a military or paramilitary group which has not yet identified the people who financed the group illegal.

Questioned about the trip to the United States Bernardo Montenegro deputy, who is vice president of multi-party commission, his assistant explained that his wife is a U.S. citizen and his transfer was due to family reasons and not to seek to "autoexiliados.

More statements

Two administrative officials Fegasacruz give statements to the Prosecution.

This is Nancy and Marbel Lugo Villarroel, who must be submitted in the morning.

Fegasacruz other officials were notified to appear tomorrow.

The prosecutor said yesterday that Marcelo Soza not summoned to testify in July Cardinal Terrazas.

Although he did not rule out convening, you do so as a victim, it still discussed.

If the Cardinal interview, investigators could be moved to Santa Cruz.

The Minister of Justice, Celimar Torrico demanded that the state involved in La Paz.

He criticized the alleged pressure to move the investigation to the jurisdiction of Santa Cruz.

ANF Torrico said that "he who does nothing, fears nothing, should help in the investigation."

Over thirty Cruz personalities have been interviewed by the Prosecution.

Post #157 in this thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:From a Russian "online culture" site.

However, more accurately, I suspect this is a Bolivian intelligence briefing of a Russian intelligence organ.

So spooky... but with a certain ring of truth.... :vroam:

Quote:It was evident that the organiser and head of the group destroyed in Santa Cruz was Eduardo Rozsa Flores, killed in the hotel “Las Americas.” Rozsa is regarded as a national hero in Croatia. This character with an adventurist strain had always yearned to be in the focus of attention, purposefully building up an image of a romantic selfless champion of any just cause. He was born in Santa Cruz, with his father a Hungarian and his mother – a Spaniard. Rozsa came to the Balkans in 1991 to cover armed conflicts in the region for the Spanish newspaper “La Vanguardia” and the BBC. However, the role of a passive viewer soon bored him, so he joined the Croatian National Guard, becoming its first-ever foreign volunteer. Some time later he was entrusted with formation of the First International unit in the Croatian army. He was given the rank of colonel and by the personal order of Croatian president Tujman he became a citizen of Croatia.

Rozsa wrote books, and was shot in an apotheosis film about his fight with “Serbian aggressors.” But Rozsa was silent about some of the episodes of his biography. It was known that he had something to do with the killings of two journalists – the Swiss Wurtenberg and Briton Jenks. There was serious evidence, but “war wiped it all out.”

Before leaving for Bolivia, just in case Rozsa gave an interview to a journalist of the state Hungarian MTV channel, saying: “Should something happen to me, air the news immediately!” Rozsa was not too open in his interview, but there was something of interest. In particular he said: “We are all set to declare independence of (several riotous Bolivian autonomous provinces) and the establishment of a new country.” Rozsa admitted that he had been “invited“to Santa Cruz by middlemen acting on errands of local authorities for the purpose of “organising defence” in connection with the threat of violence on the part of the central authorities. Of course Rozsa did not tell anything concrete about his contacts in Santa Cruz, the sources of funding and the channels of weapons delivery, just dropping a hint that the rioters would act using “peaceful means, but demonstrating their strength.”

By then the tensions in Bolivia were at its highest. The government’s dialogue with the regional opposition was severed. In the north of the country near the city of Pando the Peruvian and Brazilian mercenaries attacked the manifestation of the supporters of president Morales, killing 35 people and wounding at leas 100 others. The organisers of the massacre, including the Pando prefect fled to Brazil. Confrontation was also growing in other “riotous” departments.

Rozsa and his group penetrated Bolivia using secret paths from Brazil. Losing no time in the conditions of conspiracy work began to consolidate the semi-military formations made up of mainly young people connected with the “Civil Committee for the Defence of Santa Cruz.” This ultra-rightist organisation was set up by Branco Marinkovic, a major land-owner of the Croatian descent. According to the Bolivian counter-intelligence, no other than him invited the former militants of the First international unit of the Croatian army to Bolivia. He did that on the basis of the confidential recommendation of the US Ambassador to Bolivia Phillip Goldberg. The US diplomat knew what he was talking about being one of the operators of the blood-letting in the Balkans. He had to his credit the “successful” mission in Kosovo that in many respects facilitated the victory won by the Albanian separatists. Goldberg assured Marinkovic that the US secret services and their European partners would not oppose the mobilisation of militants.

As is known, Evo Morales declared Goldberg persona non grata for his subversive activities against the legally elected Bolivian government in the worst spirit of “cold” war. Several spy scandals broke out during his stint in La Paz, with all evidence showing that the US Embassy had a finger in them), the “matrimonial duo” of bombers, the US citizens was put under arrest on charges of making explosions in several Bolivian hotels. Goldberg would spend days and nights in the “riotous” departments of Santa Cruz, Beni, Taiha and Pando. At times one could be under the impression that the Ambassador tried to show he ignored Morales, as if to send a signal to conspirators: “The sooner you get rid of him, the better for you and the United States.”

The Rozsa group closely watched the movements of Morales and the key ministers of the Cabinet. The shadowing was detected by his guards, who managed taping several conversations Rozsa had with his group. Once he pitied the “untimely” obtaining of information about the session Morales had with his ministers on board a naval vessel on Lake Titikaka, saying: “We could have exploded the boat and do away with their Marxist government once and for all.”

The secret services also identified the pavilion “Cooperative de Telecommunicaciones” (Cotas) at the permanent exhibition complex in Samta Cruz, that was the terrorists’ base station. Regardless of the word “Cooperative”, Cotas is a private company, and its role in the anti-government conspiracy could be compared to that of the Chilean ITT radio and TV company that was involved in the preparations of the overthrow of Salvador Allende. The Cotas warehouses stored firearms, grenades, C-4 explosives, nitroglycerine and other ordnance. One of the rooms was a shop where bombs were made. Another stored note-book computers and maps marking facilities for sabotage and lists of the pointed victims. After the operation at the hotel Las Americas the hideouts were opened to deliver the things in them to investigators. Later they were shown to journalists. Mass media was also given a video showing the bodies of the terrorists killed in the attack – Rozsa, his Irish bodyguard Michael Dwyer, and an explosives expert, Romanian Magiarosi Arpak.

The surviving terrorists, Hungarian Elod Toaso and Mario Tadic Astorga of the Bolivian-Croatian descent agreed to cooperate with investigators and are now making evidence. The search for the members of the clandestine Rozsa organisation is going on all over the country. Europeans that came to Bolivia starting 2008 are thoroughly inspected. The “Argentinean” trace is also closely investigated.

It has been discovered that Rozsa was in contact with the retired Argentinean army officers, the “carapintados” discussing potential joint armed “guerrilla operations” in Bolivia. Assistance to Rozsa in establishing contacts with Argentineans was rendered by Penia Esclusa, the head of the NGO “UnaAmerica” funded by the United States. Small wonder, as Esqlus was a mature (the best description) CIA agent whom his organisation attempted to introduce into the inner circle of Hugo Chavez at the start of his political career (“Beware of Esqlus, - ho wrote to his friends – “as he goes out of his way to wriggle into favour”).

The financiers and suppliers of arms are already under arrest. Radio and TV broadcast statements calling for those who are still hiding to surrender. The res0onse to those so far was nil, not to speak about a telephone call from the United States Hugo Acha, a Rozsa connection, made to a TV channel. Shortly before that time Aca (dubbed “Superman”)was a Human Rights Watch (HRW) representative in Bolivia, thus being able to meet US diplomats on a regular basis. Besides, he was a leading lecturer at the Bolivian Higher School for Military Investigations, being in close contact with the upper army echelon, and could visit Defence Minister Walker San Miguel. “Superman” denies his cooperation with terrorists, even admitting meeting them “illegally.” Aca has no intention of returning to Bolivia, explaining g this by his distrust of “the current Bolivian justice.” But the real reason behind his flight is he is still the connection of CIA residents who guided Rozsa. This agent was just deactivated for reasons of the threat of his disclosure.

EDIT 1: Aca in the last paragraph refers to Hugo Acha.

EDIT 2: The self-styled "Human Rights Foundation/Watch" in Bolivia has actively supported the European/Nazi ratline/landowner separatist movements against indigenous Aymara and Quechua. Its name is a textbook example of doublespeak.

And now we have the following from the Irish Times on April 16, 2010:


IN THE latest twist to his sprawling investigation the Bolivian prosecutor in charge of the case last week claimed Eduardo Rozsa Flores was working for a web of powerful right-wing separatist groups in Santa Cruz controlled through a Masonic lodge called The Knights of the East, which plotted to kill President Evo Morales and have Santa Cruz secede from Bolivia.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans" - by Jan Klimkowski - 17-04-2010, 04:24 PM

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