24-04-2010, 08:58 PM
Bernice, in the first document of your 26 above http://www.deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/...stcount=26 appears the delicious--and unreported--remark:
This gives rise to the obvious speculation that it is a contract for ammunition placed by CIA with Western under a USMC cover for concealment purposes.
Not only did Oswald not buy, possess, store, transport, fire, or conceal any 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano nor any other military rifle, e.g., Enfield, Mauser, et cetera, but he did not buy or shoot any ammunition.
And the sixth recipient of the memo, William Sullivan, was shot dead with a high-powered, scoped rifle preventing his testimony before the HSCA. Part of the FBI package deal, "With six, you get egg roll."
This gives rise to the obvious speculation that it is a contract for ammunition placed by CIA with Western under a USMC cover for concealment purposes.
Not only did Oswald not buy, possess, store, transport, fire, or conceal any 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano nor any other military rifle, e.g., Enfield, Mauser, et cetera, but he did not buy or shoot any ammunition.
And the sixth recipient of the memo, William Sullivan, was shot dead with a high-powered, scoped rifle preventing his testimony before the HSCA. Part of the FBI package deal, "With six, you get egg roll."