19-12-2008, 07:39 PM
Myra Bronstein Wrote:Well it's lookin' like Obama is their kinda guy then. Unless he evolves like JFK, but I won't hold my breath.
While it is early days - and Obama is not yet even President, his choices for advisors and Cabinet etc. - not to mention his delays on promises certainly would leave one thinking he is not currently in any danger from the Secret {Deep} Government - and maybe only from someone who just won't abide by a Black in the White House. While he has the intelligence to evolve and people can change, with every day I feel less and less confident he's the type to likely do so...but we'll see. He is certainly going to be faced with an economy disaster never before seen in America. It will not be easy to do the usual Empire 'building' and 'democracy exporting' when 1/3 of the population is ill-fed, ill-housed, jobless, and mad as hell. Its going to be a very strange and I fear 'ugly' next several years that are very hard to predict. It does seem that he is the darling of the 'progressive' (sic) wing of the Deep Governmental Establishment - as Bush was for the regressive wing [Yankee and Cowboy Wars]. The differences on foreign policy only seem to be in the style; minor differences on domestic policy, but again mostly different rhetoric, with all too similar consequences. Let's hope he can be moved a little [or more than a little] toward the 'light' for OUR sake - or we are rather doomed for some VERY bad times.......coming upon the heels of 8 absolutely horrible ones. Bartender, make mine a quadruple!