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America-Israel-Iran: the real “axis of evil”?

As for the Kurds, apart from a handful that speak out against the Occupation, the majority have been brainwashed with so much chauvinistic propaganda, that to me, I consider them as the main culprits along with the Shiites of Iraq, in Her downfall.

In other words, they fertilized the ground for the Anglo-American, Iranian and Israeli occupation of the Land of the two Rivers.

But it does not stop here. The Arabs, including the Palestinians, forgot all about our genocide, and sided with the power of rhetoric. The Iranian rhetoric.

And while the people of Iran are protesting en masse, defying the most vile militia in the world, those Arab "brethren" are still dancing like monkeys to the Iranian drums...

This is a chapter of our history I shall never, ever forget.

I did say in the past, Iraq was the fig leaf that fell and exposed all...

It still is and shall remain so.

Messages In This Thread
America-Israel-Iran: the real “axis of evil”? - by Peter Dawson - 30-06-2010, 04:31 AM

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