30-06-2010, 10:10 AM
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Helen Reyes Wrote:Mark Stapleton Wrote:[quote=Helen Reyes]
1. I know. So?
You just claimed not to know anything about Nicaragua.
No, I said I don't know anything about Nicaraguan politics.
The reaction by various world Governments to Israel's behaviour is not internal Nicaraguan politics, but global politics.
I don't appreciate your subtle misrepresentation here.
No, you refused to answer the question of whether we should expect a Zionist coup d'etat in Nicaragua by claiming not to know anything about Nicaragua. The misrepresentation is on your part.
Calling me naive for not subscribing to your theory that "Jews control the world" based on less argument than Mein Kampf provides, plus your insinuation that I work for Megaphone (you never clarified that accusation, I invite you to do so now) plus your various other comments lead me to believe that you believe in a global Jewish conspiracy, and that you think anyopne who doesn't agree with you is misinformed and/or working for the Jewish conspiracy.
Again, you are the one who should provide substance to your theory. I havent' seen substance or argument, just reliance on an assumption Jews control the world, which I don't find very compelling.
In fact, as a thought experiment, we could consider how Mark Stapleton might be serving his alleged Zionist masters, because
1) if his assertion is true, that Jews control the world, Mark Stapleton is presenting this fact in such a way as to make it appear false;
2) if it's false, he's exaggerating Zionist power, creating the public perception that Israel is much more powerful than it is.
That said, I am not a priori against the idea Rudd was deposed by some Israeli interests. The new "first boyfriend" is an Israeli lobbyist, which doesn't do anything to explain Rudd's removal, but does show the new PM has Zionist connexions of some sort, probably at a personal level.
The executor of Rudd's removal was an Arab Australian whose father was from Libya.
The "smoking gun" used to scare the party was a totally unrepresentational webbot-type word cloud.
Mark, please clarify your accusation I work for Megaphone. I find your style of discussion completely lacking in good faith, and driven by some sort of hatred of Jews, which I do not share.