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Police find body in bag at MI6 man's London flat
OK whilst we're looking at this laterally....

The nature of Williams' corpse is bizarre: stuffed into a sports bag, smothered in "unknown" fluid, and left in a bath, for a fortnight, in an MI6 super secure safe house, with no spooks bothering to check on this important spy's welfare.

Here are claims of another strange and spooky historical corpse, with echoes of sacrificial victim, Stephen Milligan MP:

Quote:James Rusbridger was a tremendous irritant to the security services. His letters to newspapers poured scorn on the Official Secrets Act; his books cast doubt on the official version of events. But where Rusbridger, really annoyed the spooks was when he unearthed Britain's code-breaking secrets, in particular the story that the British had cracked Japanese naval codes in advance of the attack on Pearl Harbour.

He was bright, hale and hearty for his 65 years of age before he was found dead at his home in Jasmine cottage near Bodmin. He was dressed in a green protective suit for use in nuclear, biological or chemical warfare, green overalls, a black plastic mackintosh and thick rubber gloves. His face was covered by a gas mask and he was also wearing a sou-wester. His body was suspended from two ropes, attached with shackles fastened to a piece of wood across the open loft hatch, and was surrounded by pictures of men and mainly black women in bondage. Consultant pathologist Dr Yasai Sivathondan said he died from asphyxia due to hanging 'in keeping with a form of sexual strangulation'.

His death occasioned a piece in The Sunday Times, (20th February 1994) where reporter James Adams, whose own books boast of contacts with British Intelligence, reported: "His death was as much a fantasy as his life,'. The article went on to claim that Rushbridger, a cousin of Peter Wright of Spycatcher fame, had become interested in intelligence since his conviction for four counts of defrauding the Bodmin Cash and Carry in July 1977 when he had been sent for psychiatric counselling in a local hospital. Such an extensive demolition job by intelligence officials would perhaps only be merited by someone who had been a serious thorn in their side.

In my own copy of The Intelligence Game, purchased from a book sale at St Austell library, anonymous pencilled margin notes have been added. They refer to the secret recovery of aqualungist 'Buster' Crabb's severed head, after a failed spy mission to a Russian ship in a British harbour in 1956.

Quote:C's head brought ashore in Lee on Solent. Saw it myself. True. The Navy knows this. Really True. The head was in a sort of plastic or string bag. I was walking on the beach with my baby son. Divers Navy? carried it."
The Intelligence Game by James Rusbridger, Bodley Head, 1989

I have no idea if this has any relevance at all to the murder of Gareth Williams...

However, I do fear that many of SIS's finest were weaned far too early, must have suffered extremely traumatic potty training, compounded by beastly perverted games of torture at elite fee-paying schools.

How else could they devise such bizarre death scenes for their prey?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Police find body in bag at MI6 man's London flat - by Jan Klimkowski - 08-09-2010, 07:30 PM

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