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FTR #644 Interview with Ed Haslam About Dr. Mary’s Monkey
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ September 16, 2008Post a comment
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Tags AIDS, Bio Weapons, CIA, Cover-Up, David Ferrie, Dulles, Genocide, JFK, SV40
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Intro*duc*tion: Con*tin*u*ing our explo*ration of the ground*break*ing research of Ed Haslam, the pro*gram sets forth some of the major points of inves*ti*ga*tion from Ed’s lat*est book, Dr. Mary’s Mon*key. A New Orleans Native, Ed Haslam’s life*long inves*tiga*tive path*way into events over*lap*ping the milieu of the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy and appar*ently iatro*genic (man-made) epi*demics con*sti*tutes a nar*ra*tive that is both thrilling and ter*ri*fy*ing. Sup*ple*ment*ing and expand*ing an inves*ti*ga*tion first pub*lished in Ed’s 1996 title Mary, Fer*rie and the Mon*key Virus, this vol*ume intro*duces the remark*able story of Judyth Vary Baker, a bril*liant can*cer researcher recruited to work on a clan*des*tine project in which viruses were irra*di*ated. Appar*ently inau*gu*rated in order to cre*ate an anti-cancer vac*cine, the project mor*phed into an effort to cre*ate bio*log*i*cal weaponry, ini*tially to assas*si*nate Fidel Cas*tro and, per*haps, to cre*ate geno*ci*dal weapons. Among Ms. Baker’s co-workers in the project were (allegedly) Lee Har*vey Oswald. After a rup*ture with Dr. Arnold Ochsner, the med*ical lumi*nary who presided over the project, Lee allegedly trav*eled to Dal*las to attempt to pre*vent the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy by ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence. Unsuc*cess*ful, he was framed for the crime and mur*dered before he had a chance to defend him*self. After the 1964 mur*der of Dr. Mary Sher*man, the Ochsner asso*ciate who was a piv*otal mem*ber of the project’s staff, the deadly mutated viruses appear to have fallen into the hands of mur*der*ous right-wing extrem*ists con*nected to the intel*li*gence community.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: Syn*op*sis of the impor*tance of the city of New Orleans to Amer*i*can polit*i*cal and eco*nomic infra*struc*ture; dis*cus*sion of the sig*nif*i*cance of New Orleans as a cen*ter for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; overview of the impor*tance of Tulane Uni*ver*sity for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; the med*ical and polit*i*cal career of Dr. Alton Ochsner; dis*cus*sion of the careers of three remark*able female med*ical researchers (Mary Sher*man, Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy); review of the fun*da*men*tals of the New Orleans com*po*nent of the assas*si*na*tion of JFK; dis*cus*sion of a soft-tissue can*cer epi*demic cur*rently man*i*fest*ing itself in the United States as a result of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with a can*cer caus*ing mon*key virus–SV-40; dis*cus*sion of the pos*si*bil*ity that the AIDS epi*demic may be man made (FTR#16 may prove par*tic*u*larly use*ful in research*ing this sub*ject.) The Virus and the Vac*cine by Deb*bie Bookchin and Jim Schu*macher fleshes out the story of the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine.
1. The pro*gram begins with analy*sis of the Cres*cent City as a vital eco*nomic and polit*i*cal engine. The North*ern*most port of the Caribbean and the gate*way to the Mis*sis*sippi River–the largest com*mer*cial water*way in the United States–New Orleans has long occu*pied a piv*otally impor*tant posi*tion in Amer*i*can eco*nomic infra*struc*ture. With agri*cul*tural prod*ucts such as cof*fee, sugar and bananas com*ing up from Latin Amer*ica and U.S. farm prod*ucts such as corn and wheat, as well as fin*ished indus*trial tools and goods going down to Latin Amer*ica, New Orleans has been a com*mer*cial epicenter.
The eco*nomic power cen*tered in the Cres*cent City pro*duced deriv*a*tive polit*i*cal and national secu*rity influ*ence. The pro*found strate*gic sig*nif*i*cance of the port of New Orleans ele*vated that city and–to an extent, the state of Louisiana–to dis*pro*por*tion*ate influ*ence in both Con*gress and the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Among the leg*isla*tive lumi*nar*ies from Louisiana:
2. The loca*tion of New Orleans and the resul*tant trop*i*cal dis*ease prob*lem it has encoun*tered has made the city a focal point of med*ical research into afflic*tions such as malaria and yel*low fever. Although not as well known as some US insti*tu*tions of higher learn*ing, Tulane Uni*ver*sity has assumed great sig*nif*i*cance in trop*i*cal dis*ease research. Much of that research has involved using pri*mates as exper*i*men*tal subjects.
3. Next, Ed syn*op*sizes the career and activ*i*ties of Dr. Alton Ochsner and his lofty stand*ing in the med*ical com*mu*nity. A famous sur*geon who helped to pio*neer blood trans*fu*sion pro*ce*dures, Ochsner became a dom*i*nant influ*ence at Tulane Uni*ver*sity and in New Orleans. Of par*tic*u*lar note was his rela*tion*ship with Latin Amer*i*can elite infrastructure.
4. Ed out*lined Ochsner’s reac*tionary polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion, includ*ing his oppo*si*tion to the civil rights move*ment and, above all, his mil*i*tant anti-Communism, which led him to found INCA—the Infor*ma*tion Coun*cil of the Amer*i*cas. An appar*ent intel*li*gence front, INCA recorded an inter*view on New Orleans radio sta*tion WDSU fea*tur*ing Lee Har*vey Oswald pro*claim*ing his sup*posed Marx*ist sym*pa*thies. (To hear this inter*view and back*ground infor*ma*tion about INCA, see FTR#621.) Ochsner devel*oped numer*ous links to the intel*li*gence com*mu*nity as the Cold War progressed.
5. The “impor*tant ques*tions” noted above receive a two-track answer in Ed’s book. In New Orleans, we view the con*flu*ence of the covert oper*a*tions being con*ducted against the regime of Fidel Cas*tro in Cuba with attempts at deriv*ing a vac*cine to neu*tral*ize a deadly, cancer-causing viral con*t*a*m*i*nant in the polio vac*cine admin*is*tered to mil*lions of Amer*i*cans. One of the major focal points of Dr. Mary’s Mon*key con*cerns the SV-40, a simian ver*sion of the deadly poly*oma virus which causes mul*ti*ple can*cers in mul*ti*ple species. Because the polio vaccine’s virus was grown on mon*key kid*neys, SV-40 found its way into the vac*cine when the polio viruses were har*vested for vac*cine pro*duc*tion. Out*lin*ing the story of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with SV-40, Ed presents that account in con*junc*tion with the story of three remark*able female physicians–Dr.‘s Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy and Mary Sher*man. After dis*cussing the fail*ure of the ini*tial polio vac*cine, Ed writes:
6. More about Dr.‘s Eddy, Stew*art and their dis*cov*ery of Poly*oma and the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine:
7. Like Dr.‘s Eddy and Stew*art, Dr. Mary Sher*man should be a focal point of seri*ous fem*i*nist research. These women achieved pro*foundly sig*nif*i*cant gains in the field of med*ical research at a time when pro*fes*sional advance*ment for women was dif*fi*cult. Dr. Sher*man even*tu*ally landed in New Orleans as a pro*tege of Dr. Alton Ochsner. Ed the*o*rizes that her net*work*ing with NIH mem*bers, includ*ing Sarah Stew*art, may have resulted in her par*tic*i*pa*tion in a project to irra*di*ate viruses in hope of devel*op*ing a vac*cine to pre*vent the pro*jected HIV-generated can*cer epidemic:
8. In New Orleans largely as a result of her pro*fes*sional rela*tion*ship with Dr. Ochsner, Sher*man crossed into the world of covert oper*a*tions because of that same rela*tion*ship. As seen above, Ochsner was very polit*i*cally active and well con*nected with the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Part of the anti-Castro covert oper*a*tions milieu in New Orleans, Ochsner appears to have been involved with–among other activities–an attempt at irra*di*at*ing viruses in order to cre*ate a bio*log*i*cal weapon with which to kill Fidel Cas*tro. This alle*ga*tion comes from yet another bril*liant female can*cer researcher, Judyth Vary Baker. A sci*en*tific prodigy, Judyth’s can*cer research drew the atten*tion of top med*ical author*i*ties while she was still in high school. Judyth Vary Baker con*tends that she, Dr. Sher*man, Lee Har*vey Oswald, Dr. Alton Oschner and David Fer*rie were work*ing on a project to use irra*di*ated viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal war*fare agent to kill Cas*tro. The oper*a*tion was pig*gy*backed on the project to pro*duce the can*cer vaccine.
9. With polit*i*cal extrem*ists of Ferrie’s ilk in charge of the deadly viruses being made under the aus*pices of the project, the organ*isms may have been used in a geno*ci*dal, ethnic-cleansing application.
10. Through*out the pro*gram, Ed fills in the pic*ture of David Fer*rie, his long*stand*ing work for ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence, his work for New Orleans crime boss Car*los Mar*cello, as well as his rela*tion*ship to the milieu of the JFK assassination.
11. Ed the*o*rizes that AIDS may have stemmed from the irra*di*a*tion of viruses under the janus-faced can*cer research/biological war*fare project:
12. Using the National Can*cer Institute’s own sta*tis*tics for the inci*dence of can*cer from 1973 to 1988, Ed came to some very dis*turb*ing conclusions:
13. One of the most intrigu*ing aspects of the book is Ed’s search for the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor used to mutate the viruses. It was located at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Ser*vice Hos*pi*tal in New Orleans. It was a defect in this par*ti*cle accelerator–deliberate sab*o*tage in Ed’s opinion–that killed Dr. Mary Sher*man. The offi*cial story of Dr. Sherman’s mur*der has it that she was mur*dered by a sex*ual preda*tor and her body set afire. As Ed notes, that could not account for the severe burns on the body, that could only have been gen*er*ated by tremen*dous heat. For a more com*plete under*stand*ing of the foren*sic evi*dence in Dr. Sherman’s mur*der and the story of Ed’s hunt for the loca*tion of the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, read the book!
14. It appears that some of the viruses mutated in the project were suc*cess*fully tested on a prison inmate “vol*un*teer.” Judyth’s objec*tions to the test led to a break between Ochsner on the one hand and Baker and asso*ciate (and lover) Oswald on the other.
15. Hav*ing orig*i*nally assumed his “pro-Castro/communist” cover in order to deliver the bio*log*i*cal weapon to Cuba in order to kill Cas*tro [accord*ing to Baker], Oswald then attempted to inter*dict an attempt to kill Kennedy in Dal*las. Instead he was killed and framed for the crime. The pro-Castro cover, arranged by Ochsner, INCA et al. pro*vided a per*fect ruse for cov*er*ing up the crime by mak*ing it look as though a com*mu*nist had done it.
FTR #644 Interview with Ed Haslam About Dr. Mary’s Monkey
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ September 16, 2008Post a comment
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Tags AIDS, Bio Weapons, CIA, Cover-Up, David Ferrie, Dulles, Genocide, JFK, SV40
![[Image: marys300.gif]](http://spitfirelist.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/marys300.gif)
Intro*duc*tion: Con*tin*u*ing our explo*ration of the ground*break*ing research of Ed Haslam, the pro*gram sets forth some of the major points of inves*ti*ga*tion from Ed’s lat*est book, Dr. Mary’s Mon*key. A New Orleans Native, Ed Haslam’s life*long inves*tiga*tive path*way into events over*lap*ping the milieu of the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy and appar*ently iatro*genic (man-made) epi*demics con*sti*tutes a nar*ra*tive that is both thrilling and ter*ri*fy*ing. Sup*ple*ment*ing and expand*ing an inves*ti*ga*tion first pub*lished in Ed’s 1996 title Mary, Fer*rie and the Mon*key Virus, this vol*ume intro*duces the remark*able story of Judyth Vary Baker, a bril*liant can*cer researcher recruited to work on a clan*des*tine project in which viruses were irra*di*ated. Appar*ently inau*gu*rated in order to cre*ate an anti-cancer vac*cine, the project mor*phed into an effort to cre*ate bio*log*i*cal weaponry, ini*tially to assas*si*nate Fidel Cas*tro and, per*haps, to cre*ate geno*ci*dal weapons. Among Ms. Baker’s co-workers in the project were (allegedly) Lee Har*vey Oswald. After a rup*ture with Dr. Arnold Ochsner, the med*ical lumi*nary who presided over the project, Lee allegedly trav*eled to Dal*las to attempt to pre*vent the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy by ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence. Unsuc*cess*ful, he was framed for the crime and mur*dered before he had a chance to defend him*self. After the 1964 mur*der of Dr. Mary Sher*man, the Ochsner asso*ciate who was a piv*otal mem*ber of the project’s staff, the deadly mutated viruses appear to have fallen into the hands of mur*der*ous right-wing extrem*ists con*nected to the intel*li*gence community.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: Syn*op*sis of the impor*tance of the city of New Orleans to Amer*i*can polit*i*cal and eco*nomic infra*struc*ture; dis*cus*sion of the sig*nif*i*cance of New Orleans as a cen*ter for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; overview of the impor*tance of Tulane Uni*ver*sity for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; the med*ical and polit*i*cal career of Dr. Alton Ochsner; dis*cus*sion of the careers of three remark*able female med*ical researchers (Mary Sher*man, Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy); review of the fun*da*men*tals of the New Orleans com*po*nent of the assas*si*na*tion of JFK; dis*cus*sion of a soft-tissue can*cer epi*demic cur*rently man*i*fest*ing itself in the United States as a result of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with a can*cer caus*ing mon*key virus–SV-40; dis*cus*sion of the pos*si*bil*ity that the AIDS epi*demic may be man made (FTR#16 may prove par*tic*u*larly use*ful in research*ing this sub*ject.) The Virus and the Vac*cine by Deb*bie Bookchin and Jim Schu*macher fleshes out the story of the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine.
![[Image: virusvaccine.gif]](http://spitfirelist.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/virusvaccine.gif)
The eco*nomic power cen*tered in the Cres*cent City pro*duced deriv*a*tive polit*i*cal and national secu*rity influ*ence. The pro*found strate*gic sig*nif*i*cance of the port of New Orleans ele*vated that city and–to an extent, the state of Louisiana–to dis*pro*por*tion*ate influ*ence in both Con*gress and the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Among the leg*isla*tive lumi*nar*ies from Louisiana:
” . . . F. Edward Hebert, Chair*man of Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives. Taxes start in the House, and bud*gets start in Com*mit*tee. As Chair*man of the House Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee, the entire U.S. mil*i*tary bud*get and the vast major*ity of the CIA bud*get started on Hebert’s desk. One of his jobs was to hide most of the CIA bud*get in the U.S. mil*i*tary bud*get. He was known as ‘the military’s best friend.’
Allen Elen*der, had been in the U.S. Sen*ate for over 40 years. He was the senior sen*a*tor when [for*mer Louisiana Gov*er*nor] Huey Long was the junior sen*a*tor in the 1930’s. Ellen*der sat on the Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. Sen*ate and got Hebert’s bud*get through the Sen*ate. Between the two, they made sure that Louisiana received its fair share of mil*i*tary and space contracts.
Rus*sell Long, the son of Huey Long, was Major*ity Whip of the U.S. Sen*ate, Chair*man of the Senate’s pow*er*ful Ways and Means Com*mit*tee, and mem*ber of the Sen*ate Bank*ing Committee.
Hale Boggs, Major*ity Whip of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives, was the 3rd most pow*er*ful man in that body, and was con*sid*ered by many to be LBJ’s ‘man-in-the house.’ . . .”
Dr. Mary’s Mon*key by Ed Haslam; Trine Day [SC]; Copy*right 2007 by Ed Haslam; ISBN 978–0-9777953–0-6; p. 30.Allen Elen*der, had been in the U.S. Sen*ate for over 40 years. He was the senior sen*a*tor when [for*mer Louisiana Gov*er*nor] Huey Long was the junior sen*a*tor in the 1930’s. Ellen*der sat on the Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. Sen*ate and got Hebert’s bud*get through the Sen*ate. Between the two, they made sure that Louisiana received its fair share of mil*i*tary and space contracts.
Rus*sell Long, the son of Huey Long, was Major*ity Whip of the U.S. Sen*ate, Chair*man of the Senate’s pow*er*ful Ways and Means Com*mit*tee, and mem*ber of the Sen*ate Bank*ing Committee.
Hale Boggs, Major*ity Whip of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives, was the 3rd most pow*er*ful man in that body, and was con*sid*ered by many to be LBJ’s ‘man-in-the house.’ . . .”
2. The loca*tion of New Orleans and the resul*tant trop*i*cal dis*ease prob*lem it has encoun*tered has made the city a focal point of med*ical research into afflic*tions such as malaria and yel*low fever. Although not as well known as some US insti*tu*tions of higher learn*ing, Tulane Uni*ver*sity has assumed great sig*nif*i*cance in trop*i*cal dis*ease research. Much of that research has involved using pri*mates as exper*i*men*tal subjects.
“ . . . In Louisiana, the Delta Regional Pri*mate Cen*ter opened its doors in Novem*ber 1964 with Tulane Uni*ver*sity serv*ing as the host insti*tu*tion. This took the mon*key virus research out of down*town New Orleans and put it in 500 wooded acres near Cov*ing*ton, Louisiana across Lake Pontchar*train. Today, that lab*o*ra*tory has over 4,000 pri*mates, thirty sci*en*tists, and 130 sup*port work*ers, plus a pub*lic rela*tions direc*tor whose job it is to boast of the center’s virus research espe*cially on AIDS, and to point to the improve*ments in lab secu*rity, such as the high-security zone, where researchers and staff shower and change clothes before approach*ing or leav*ing the 500 mon*keys infected with simian AIDS. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 23.3. Next, Ed syn*op*sizes the career and activ*i*ties of Dr. Alton Ochsner and his lofty stand*ing in the med*ical com*mu*nity. A famous sur*geon who helped to pio*neer blood trans*fu*sion pro*ce*dures, Ochsner became a dom*i*nant influ*ence at Tulane Uni*ver*sity and in New Orleans. Of par*tic*u*lar note was his rela*tion*ship with Latin Amer*i*can elite infrastructure.
“ . . . The Latin Amer*i*can angle was a nat*ural for a med*ical clinic in New Orleans. And as we noted ear*lier, New Orleans was America’s com*mer*cial pipeline to Latin Amer*ica, and Tulane’s rep*u*ta*tion was golden in the region. For a group of Tulane doc*tors to form a med*ical clinic to serve the needs of the Latin elite was great news for those who could step on a plane in their cap*i*tal city and be in New Orleans quicker than most Amer*i*cans. To pro*mote his clinic, Ochsner made over a hun*dred trips to Latin Amer*ica dur*ing his career, and became friends with its rulers. . . . Among his friends, Ochsner counted Anas*ta*sio Somoza, Nicaragua’s for*mer Pres*i*dent (and dic*ta*tor), who was run out his coun*try by rev*o*lu*tion*ar*ies in 1979. Thos rela*tion*ship is what one might call a per*sonal one, based on the let*ters in Ochsner’s per*sonal papers. . . Ochsner and Somoza shared mutual anti-Communist objec*tives. Somoza’s per*sonal physi*cian, Dr. Henri DeBayle, sat on the Board of Direc*tors of Guy Banister’s infa*mous Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean. Another patient was Juan Peron the pres*i*dent (and dic*ta*tor) of Argentina. Fol*low*ing the lead of these dic*ta*tors came the oli*garchies of Latin Amer*i*can coun*tries, which had not devel*oped their own health care systems. . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 178–179.4. Ed out*lined Ochsner’s reac*tionary polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion, includ*ing his oppo*si*tion to the civil rights move*ment and, above all, his mil*i*tant anti-Communism, which led him to found INCA—the Infor*ma*tion Coun*cil of the Amer*i*cas. An appar*ent intel*li*gence front, INCA recorded an inter*view on New Orleans radio sta*tion WDSU fea*tur*ing Lee Har*vey Oswald pro*claim*ing his sup*posed Marx*ist sym*pa*thies. (To hear this inter*view and back*ground infor*ma*tion about INCA, see FTR#621.) Ochsner devel*oped numer*ous links to the intel*li*gence com*mu*nity as the Cold War progressed.
“ . . . In Octo*ber 1959, after two years of work*ing in a ‘Sen*si*tive Posi*tion,’ pre*sum*ably with the FBI, the FBI con*ducted yet another ‘Sen*si*tive Posi*tion’ inves*ti*ga*tion on Ochsner and for*warded their find*ings to an unnamed U.S. gov*ern*ment agency. Sev*eral days later, on Octo*ber 21, 1959, the FBI, free*ing him up to accept an assign*ment from the other undis*closed agency. So what was hap*pen*ing in 1957 and 1959? Why would they have needed the ser*vices of a doc*tor? And what did they need from this doc*tor that they could not get from the legions of other doc*tors already work*ing for the U.S. gov*ern*ment in one capac*ity or another? These are impor*tant questions. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 182.5. The “impor*tant ques*tions” noted above receive a two-track answer in Ed’s book. In New Orleans, we view the con*flu*ence of the covert oper*a*tions being con*ducted against the regime of Fidel Cas*tro in Cuba with attempts at deriv*ing a vac*cine to neu*tral*ize a deadly, cancer-causing viral con*t*a*m*i*nant in the polio vac*cine admin*is*tered to mil*lions of Amer*i*cans. One of the major focal points of Dr. Mary’s Mon*key con*cerns the SV-40, a simian ver*sion of the deadly poly*oma virus which causes mul*ti*ple can*cers in mul*ti*ple species. Because the polio vaccine’s virus was grown on mon*key kid*neys, SV-40 found its way into the vac*cine when the polio viruses were har*vested for vac*cine pro*duc*tion. Out*lin*ing the story of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with SV-40, Ed presents that account in con*junc*tion with the story of three remark*able female physicians–Dr.‘s Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy and Mary Sher*man. After dis*cussing the fail*ure of the ini*tial polio vac*cine, Ed writes:
. . . In the after*math of the deba*cle, Ber*nice Eddy was taken off polio research and trans*ferred to the influenza sec*tion by the thank*less NIH man*age*ment. She shared her frus*tra*tions with a small group of women sci*en*tists who ate brown-bag lunches on the steps of one of the lab*o*ra*to*ries. There Eddy met a tena*cious sci*en*tist named Stew*art, M.D., PhD., who was wag*ing her own bat*tle against the offi*cial par*a*digms of bureau*cratic med*i*cine. Ber*nice Eddy and Sarah Stew*art became close friends.
Sarah Stewart’s name remains vir*tu*ally unknown today, despite her huge con*tri*bu*tion to mod*ern med*i*cine. Not only did she prove that some can*cers were caused by viruses, but sub*se*quent research on the virus she dis*cov*ered led to the dis*cov*ery of DNA recom*bi*na*tion, which is one of the most pow*er*ful tools in med*ical research today. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 204.Sarah Stewart’s name remains vir*tu*ally unknown today, despite her huge con*tri*bu*tion to mod*ern med*i*cine. Not only did she prove that some can*cers were caused by viruses, but sub*se*quent research on the virus she dis*cov*ered led to the dis*cov*ery of DNA recom*bi*na*tion, which is one of the most pow*er*ful tools in med*ical research today. . . .”
6. More about Dr.‘s Eddy, Stew*art and their dis*cov*ery of Poly*oma and the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine:
” . . . In 1957, Stew*art and Eddy dis*cov*ered the poly*oma virus, which pro*duced sev*eral types of can*cer in a vari*ety of small mam*mals. Poly*oma proved that some can*cers were indeed caused by viruses. Her dis*cov*ery offi*cially threw open the doors of can*cer virol*ogy. . . . But it raised some dark ques*tions about ear*lier deeds. Before long, Yale’s lab*o*ra*tory dis*cov*ered that the poly*oma virus that had pro*duced the can*cer in Stewart’s mice and ham*sters turned out to act like Simian Virus #40 (SV-40), a mon*key virus that caused cancer.
In June 1959, Ber*nice Eddy, who was still offi*cially to the flu vac*cine project, began think*ing about the polio vac*cine again. This time she was wor*ried about some*thing much deeper than polio. The vaccine’s man*u*fac*tur*ers had grown their polio viruses on the kid*neys of mon*keys. And when they removed the polio virus from the mon*keys’ kid*neys, they also removed an unknown num*ber of other mon*key viruses. . . . Eddy grew sus*pi*cious of the polio vac*cine and asked an excru*ci*at*ing ques*tion: Had they inoc*u*lated an entire gen*er*a*tion of Amer*i*cans with cancer-causing mon*key viruses? She con*ducted her research qui*etly, with*out alert*ing her NIH super*vi*sors. . . .Her impli*ca*tion was clear: There were cancer-causing mon*key viruses in the polio vaccine! . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 206–7.In June 1959, Ber*nice Eddy, who was still offi*cially to the flu vac*cine project, began think*ing about the polio vac*cine again. This time she was wor*ried about some*thing much deeper than polio. The vaccine’s man*u*fac*tur*ers had grown their polio viruses on the kid*neys of mon*keys. And when they removed the polio virus from the mon*keys’ kid*neys, they also removed an unknown num*ber of other mon*key viruses. . . . Eddy grew sus*pi*cious of the polio vac*cine and asked an excru*ci*at*ing ques*tion: Had they inoc*u*lated an entire gen*er*a*tion of Amer*i*cans with cancer-causing mon*key viruses? She con*ducted her research qui*etly, with*out alert*ing her NIH super*vi*sors. . . .Her impli*ca*tion was clear: There were cancer-causing mon*key viruses in the polio vaccine! . . .”
7. Like Dr.‘s Eddy and Stew*art, Dr. Mary Sher*man should be a focal point of seri*ous fem*i*nist research. These women achieved pro*foundly sig*nif*i*cant gains in the field of med*ical research at a time when pro*fes*sional advance*ment for women was dif*fi*cult. Dr. Sher*man even*tu*ally landed in New Orleans as a pro*tege of Dr. Alton Ochsner. Ed the*o*rizes that her net*work*ing with NIH mem*bers, includ*ing Sarah Stew*art, may have resulted in her par*tic*i*pa*tion in a project to irra*di*ate viruses in hope of devel*op*ing a vac*cine to pre*vent the pro*jected HIV-generated can*cer epidemic:
” . . . [Intel*li*gence agent and Gar*ri*son inves*tiga*tive tar*get David] Fer*rie and the angry Cuban exiles may have been will*ing to develop a bio*log*i*cal weapon to kill Cas*tro, but I per*son*ally had not thought that Dr. Mary Sher*man (or the other doc*tors) would have know*ingly been party to the secret devel*op*ment of a bio*log*i*cal weapon. I did, how*ever, think that she might have been will*ing to be part of a covert effort to pre*vent an epi*demic of can*cer! Espe*cially, if com*pe*tent can*cer researchers whom she per*son*ally knew and trusted thought it was pos*si*ble, and if she believed that bureau*cratic pol*i*tics or pro*ce*dures were ham*per*ing the process at the national level. They Key Words are ‘knew and trusted.’ . . . Mary Sher*man and Sarah Stew*art were friends and class*mates in Chicago for three years. . . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 218–9.8. In New Orleans largely as a result of her pro*fes*sional rela*tion*ship with Dr. Ochsner, Sher*man crossed into the world of covert oper*a*tions because of that same rela*tion*ship. As seen above, Ochsner was very polit*i*cally active and well con*nected with the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Part of the anti-Castro covert oper*a*tions milieu in New Orleans, Ochsner appears to have been involved with–among other activities–an attempt at irra*di*at*ing viruses in order to cre*ate a bio*log*i*cal weapon with which to kill Fidel Cas*tro. This alle*ga*tion comes from yet another bril*liant female can*cer researcher, Judyth Vary Baker. A sci*en*tific prodigy, Judyth’s can*cer research drew the atten*tion of top med*ical author*i*ties while she was still in high school. Judyth Vary Baker con*tends that she, Dr. Sher*man, Lee Har*vey Oswald, Dr. Alton Oschner and David Fer*rie were work*ing on a project to use irra*di*ated viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal war*fare agent to kill Cas*tro. The oper*a*tion was pig*gy*backed on the project to pro*duce the can*cer vaccine.
” . . . Was Judyth the tech*ni*cian in David Ferrie’s under*ground med*ical lab*o*ra*tory? She admits that she was, despite the obvi*ous legal, eth*i*cal and secu*rity con*se*quences of doing so. Were they irra*di*at*ing cancer-causing viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal weapon? Judyth par*tic*i*pated in that oper*a*tion, and has said that their use of radi*a*tion was both delib*er*ate and cen*tral to the design of the project. Was the oper*a*tion in David Ferrie’s apart*ment con*nected to an oper*a*tion at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Hos*pi*tal? Judyth says it was. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 305.9. With polit*i*cal extrem*ists of Ferrie’s ilk in charge of the deadly viruses being made under the aus*pices of the project, the organ*isms may have been used in a geno*ci*dal, ethnic-cleansing application.
” . . . The Ferrie-Sherman under*ground med*ical lab*o*ra*tory may have started with the noble and patri*otic mis*sion of pre*vent*ing an epi*demic of can*cer in Amer*ica; but once the work started, once the power to move can*cer from ani*mal to ani*mal was estab*lished, once the abil*ity to change viruses genet*i*cally was demon*strated, once the more vir*u*lent viral strains were iso*lated, once the means of trans*mis*sion was estab*lished, once Mary Sher*man died, and once [intel*li*gence agent and anti-Castro oper*a*tive] Guy Ban*is*ter died, then the lab*o*ra*tory, the ani*mals and the viruses were left in the hands of David Fer*rie. He could eas*ily have per*verted the lab’s resources into a bio*log*i*cal weapon if he wished to do so, pick*ing the most vir*u*lent strains and deliv*er*ing them to a tar*get. . . Given his his*tory of vio*lent polit*i*cal acg*tivigties and his record of men*tal insta*bil*ity, the ques*tion is dis*turb*ing: What would David Fer*rie do if he real*ized he held the power to change his*tory in his hands? . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 280–81.10. Through*out the pro*gram, Ed fills in the pic*ture of David Fer*rie, his long*stand*ing work for ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence, his work for New Orleans crime boss Car*los Mar*cello, as well as his rela*tion*ship to the milieu of the JFK assassination.
11. Ed the*o*rizes that AIDS may have stemmed from the irra*di*a*tion of viruses under the janus-faced can*cer research/biological war*fare project:
” . . . SIV is the Simian Immun*od*e*fi*ciency Virus, one of sev*eral mon*key Viruses known to have con*t*a*m*i*nated the polio vac*cine. The more car*cino*genic SV-40 has received most of the press. SIV, a single-strand RNA retro*virus, is con*sid*er*ably smaller than SV-40 (a double-strand DNA virus). The tech*nol*ogy of the 1950’s was not able to fil*ter SIV from the viral extracts. Fur*ther, researchers of the day did not con*sider retro*viruses to be dan*ger*ous, so they basi*cally ignored them. AIDS has taught us how dan*ger*ous retro*viruses can be. If ‘the project’ in New Orleans was inten*tion*ally expos*ing SV-40 to radi*a*tion they have exposed SIV to radi*a*tion at the same time. Sim*ply stated, HIV-1 is a mutated form of SIV. Did the muta*tion which changed SIV into HIV-1 occur when SV-40 was exposed to radi*a*tion? Was this the moment of con*cep*tion of AIDS? Could this artificially-induced muta*tion explain why HIV-1 is mutat*ing so rapidly? Why it is behav*ing so ‘unnaturally’? . . . .”
Ibid.; p. 305.12. Using the National Can*cer Institute’s own sta*tis*tics for the inci*dence of can*cer from 1973 to 1988, Ed came to some very dis*turb*ing conclusions:
” . . . Was [Dr. Ber*nice] Eddy’s pre*dic*tion of a can*cer epi*demic accu*rate? Did the epi*demic ever hap*pen? If it did, wouldn’t it show up in the can*cer sta*tis*tics? . . . A real epi*demic should be easy to spot due to its size. So I dug out the can*cer sta*tis*tics pub*lished by the National Can*cer Insti*tute in 1989 and started related lit*er*a*ture. Two things became clear: 1. We were los*ing the War on Can*cer, and 2. We were in the midst of an ongo*ing can*cer epidemic. . .”
Ibid.; pp. 210–211.13. One of the most intrigu*ing aspects of the book is Ed’s search for the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor used to mutate the viruses. It was located at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Ser*vice Hos*pi*tal in New Orleans. It was a defect in this par*ti*cle accelerator–deliberate sab*o*tage in Ed’s opinion–that killed Dr. Mary Sher*man. The offi*cial story of Dr. Sherman’s mur*der has it that she was mur*dered by a sex*ual preda*tor and her body set afire. As Ed notes, that could not account for the severe burns on the body, that could only have been gen*er*ated by tremen*dous heat. For a more com*plete under*stand*ing of the foren*sic evi*dence in Dr. Sherman’s mur*der and the story of Ed’s hunt for the loca*tion of the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, read the book!
” . . . If Mary Sher*man was killed by a lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, then the cen*tral ques*tion was clear: Where was the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor located? and then a series of related ques*tions: Upon whose prop*erty did Mary Sher*man die? Whose rep*u*ta*tion was her masquerade-murder intended to pro*tect? Upon whose author*ity was the inves*ti*ga*tion into her mur*der shut down? I thought about these ques*tions each time I looked at the book, and I won*dered if I would ever find the answers. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 245.14. It appears that some of the viruses mutated in the project were suc*cess*fully tested on a prison inmate “vol*un*teer.” Judyth’s objec*tions to the test led to a break between Ochsner on the one hand and Baker and asso*ciate (and lover) Oswald on the other.
” . . . The Sherman-Ferrie-Vary exper*i*ments suc*cess*fully cre*ated aggres*sive can*cers in mice and (at Judyth’s sug*ges*tion) these new can*cers were tested on mon*keys. They worked, killing the mon*keys quickly. But there was a miss*ing link–they needed to know if their can*cer cock*tail would actu*ally kill a human. It was decided to test their con*coc*tion on a pris*oner from Louisiana’s Angola State Pen*i*ten*tiary who had ‘vol*un*teered’ for the exper*i*ment . They brought him to the Jack*son State Men*tal Hos*pi*tal (near Clin*ton, Lou*siana) where he was injected with their new bio-weapon, and died. . . It was a seri*ous tac*ti*cal error on her part, but Judyth has always been very strong-willed and uncom*pro*mis*ing on cer*tain issues. Dr. Ochsner was equally strong-willed and uncom*pro*mis*ing in his response, before slam*ming the tele*phone down: ‘You and Lee are expendable!’ . . .”
Ibid.; p. 325.15. Hav*ing orig*i*nally assumed his “pro-Castro/communist” cover in order to deliver the bio*log*i*cal weapon to Cuba in order to kill Cas*tro [accord*ing to Baker], Oswald then attempted to inter*dict an attempt to kill Kennedy in Dal*las. Instead he was killed and framed for the crime. The pro-Castro cover, arranged by Ochsner, INCA et al. pro*vided a per*fect ruse for cov*er*ing up the crime by mak*ing it look as though a com*mu*nist had done it.
” . . . Judyth’s phone con*ver*sa*tions with Lee Oswald con*tin*ued until Wednes*day, Nov. 20, 1963. Dur*ing the final emo*tional phone call, Lee made it clear to Judyth that there would be a real attempt to kill Pres*i*dent Kennedy on Fri*day at one of three loca*tions in Dal*las. Lee told Judyth that he believed a man named David Atlee Phillips was orga*niz*ing it. He told Judyth to remem*ber the name. How*ever he got there, Lee was now inside the assas*si*na*tion plot try*ing to kill Pres*i*dent Kennedy, and con*sid*ered it his duty to stay in posi*tion and under*cover until it was over, telling Judyth, ‘If I stay, there will be one less bul*let fired at Kennedy.’ . . .”
Ibid.; p. 327.
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