01-10-2010, 01:46 PM
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Peter
We saw Tim Buckley at Rafael's Silver Cloud Lounge outside Albuquerque in 1973.
He appeared white as a sheet, thin as his mike stand, sweating and jumpy as a live wire.
Dancing on the floor before him in the crowd was a woman in a black dress, black floppy hat, barefoot and transfixed.
She would deliver a karate blow to a point within an inch of my nose and hiss, “I want to be alone.”
He would die in 1975, reputedly from snorting a Sangre de Cristo of smack, possibly in the tender care of Greta Garbo.
I hadn't been at all surprised at news of his death—he might have dropped between sets from what we could see.
But Lennon—having read his 23,000-word Playboy interview shortly before his murder, and seen the video of Yoko and him doing Imagine, oh, he was much too dangerous.
Yet if one wanted to vacuum up the trail of minstrels leading away from militancy, of course you've got a wide swath, and they're just loki, you send your morlocks.
Phil: I was reading that interview in bed on 12/8, that day for me was filled with Lennon. Heard Instant Karma as I was parking for law school. Later played and sang some Beatles songs. Listened to Beatles records with my daughter over dinner. Fell asleep reading the interview only to be awakened by an ex boyfirend telling me there had been another political assassination, John Lennon. Devestated was an understatement.
I have always been suspisious about Phil Oachs death too. His alleged suicide by hanging, I don't buy it. Did not then and never have.
Yes MDC was definately a Manchurian candidate. The evidence is overwhelming.