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Jesse Ventura's JFK Conspiracy Program
OK, Jim, we're almost home.

Lyndon Baines Johnson, before and after the fact of the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was a knowing member of the assassination conspiracy -- and a damned important one to boot.

And now for finer points I give you:

James H. Fetzer Wrote:In Charles' language of SPONSORS/FACILITATORS/MECHANICS, all that I have intended by the use of the term "mastermind" is that LBJ was the crucial facilitator[.]

A "crucial Facilitator" -- absolutely!

"Mastermind" as a synonym for "crucial Facilitator" -- absolutely NOT!

James H. Fetzer Wrote:[LBJ] had links to all of the forces opposed to JFK[.]

Again, I believe that you're being far to broad with the use of "all."

Perhaps through the application of a "degrees of separation" linkage you are technically correct. But "links" as you use the word begs the inference of "close working relationship" -- at least for me.

I understand those "opposing forces" to include Soviet and American traitors within the global political-military-industrial structure who were, in George Michael Evica's term, "above Cold War differences." There is much evidence to support the existence of such a group (I look forward with great anticipation and indeed joy to a Fetzer review of the forthcoming Trine Day edition of Evica's A Certain Arrogance), but absolutely no evidence for LBJ's awareness of it, let alone link to it. For just one example.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:[W]ithout LBJ's complicity, which even extended to making sure "all the arrangements" were in place for the assassination, it could not have taken place.

There's that damned "all" again. There is no reason to believe that LBJ knew anything about conspiracy "arrangements" that were not directly connected to the facilitation of his role as a major Facilitator.

An example: Do you have evidence that LBJ knew how the actual killers were recruited and paid? I don't mean Sponsor patsy-supporting fools like Mac Wallace, assorted LCN-types (Harrelson, Cain, etc.), E. Howard Hunt, et al. Rather, I refer to the planet's most savagely gifted hunters of humans -- those responsible for making certain that, once initiated, the crossfire produced fatal results.

An example: Do you have evidence that LBJ was intimately familiar with the apparatus that created the multiple Oswald personalities and ran them for years prior to the assassination?

An example: Do you have evidence that LBJ "masterminded" the doppelganger gambits that run throughout the pre- and post-assassination theatrics?

An example: Do you have evidence that LBJ was any more in control of the CIA than was Richard Nixon?

James H. Fetzer Wrote:[LBJ] was the one person whose engagement was indispensable to [the assassination's] taking place. Everyone else was "replaceable", even Lee Oswald, except for LBJ. He, after all, was the person who would decide whether the full powers of the government would be unleashed to uncover and expose those responsible.

I heartily agree. Although I would add the words "as it did" after "taking place."

James H. Fetzer Wrote:The principal reason Bobby was taken out, after all, is that he had declared he would do exactly that!

"Principal," like "all" as used above, for me goes too far.

A main reason? No doubt in my mind.

A reason that trumps the need to protect the true Sponsors' most important control and profit operations from assaults by another Gracchi brother?

No way. At least for me.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:I would like to believe that this explains my position, which, alas, has not been adequately appreciated by some whom I admire, who have imposed a different meaning than the one I had intended. I hope this clarified the matter and leaves no doubt in anyone's mind by what I and, I have no doubt, Phillip Nelson, whom I have interviewed, have meant by the use of the term "mastermind", which is entirely accurate with regard to what he and I intended.

Throughout our exchange we've been on opposite sides ofthe "mastermind" characterization of LBJ. As stated above, "mastermind" and "crucial Facilitator" are not synonymous under any circumstances when attempting to assign roles to conspirators or, for that matter, to participants in any complex operation.

A "crucial Facilitator" by definition carries out functions devised by a "mastermind." Unless, that is, I should be attending ESL classes.

As always, Jim, I take you at your word regarding your intentions regarding use of "mastermind." But I maintain for the record that the term is entirely inaccurate and, for our shared purposes, terribly counter-productive when used to describe Facilitator LBJ's role in the JFK hit.

I cannot offer the same stipulation in the case of Phillip Nelson, who already is driving the most gullible and underinformed within our community -- not to mention those whose exposure to the evidence in this case is, at best, minimal -- to the ruinously wrong conclusion that Lyndon Baines Johnson was the "mastermind" -- the prime mover, prime designer, and prime beneficiary -- of the JFK assassination.

Nothing could be more distanced from the truth.

Messages In This Thread
Jesse Ventura's JFK Conspiracy Program - by Charles Drago - 21-11-2010, 07:31 PM

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