08-01-2011, 08:57 PM
Jack White Wrote:What's the deal???
I wrote this only a couple of hours ago, and it has already
cycled off the first page and nobody will read it after I went
to the trouble of writing it. Postings shold stay on the first
page for at least 24 hours. I will quit writing stuff if it continues
to DISAPPEAR so quickly, before many read it. BAD software
program. Should at least refer the reader to page 2, 3, etc.
instead of disappearing.
I noticed that too. I was reading the new posts, and after reading a thread I went back to the new post section and most of them were gone. Is this the problem that you are describing? What I did to get the new posts back was to log out, close Mozzila, then open DPF with a different browser (IE8). When I did this. all of the new posts were back.