14-04-2011, 06:54 AM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Well, IMO, Abraham, you come across as a well-intentioned, but in-the-end dividing of the 911-Truth Movement - and a bit too much of a zealot for Wood. A&E911Truth focuses on the collapse in New York; Pilots for 911Thruth focuses on the planes; others focus on the Pentagon or even Shanksville or the stand down or war games, etc. I don't see the logic in attacking Gage or his organization for what they might not have done. How about what they HAVE done! Wood is wood and has her own area of expertise and interest - and as I've said elsewhere in your now proliferating threads - I don't dismiss her ideas, and think they too need to have others investigate them. Maybe it is because you are young and have not seen how such investigations by non-government citizens and citizen groups go. Here I'm thinking of 11/22/63, Watergate, Iran-Contra, Vietnam War, etc. et al. As an old-timer I've seen 'em all. I think, in the end, except when disinformation agents or groups are found, it is best to work forward toward exposing the truth to power and the public in PARALLEL, then attacking one another. People have different perspectives, 'takes' on events, interests, blind-spots, belief systems of what is and is not possible in the realm of weapons and technology [as so much is kept secret and we are not all physicists, chemists, engineers]. Your efforts for Wood are commendable. I don't however applaud your attack on Gage and AE911Truth, but you are no doubt angry they censored your profile. Human, human, all too human - as one great philosopher once said. Carry on on your crusade with DEW being used [as I think they may well have been used in tandem with thermite/ate]; but please don't be divisive in such a small community of hard-working and committed citizen-investigators. The real villains in this piece you'll never get to address, IMO, and are the men behind the curtain of power that really run the country and world polity, and the economic system destroying our planet at an accelerated clip.
Excellent, Peter!