01-05-2011, 05:34 AM
A country dance was being held in the garden ...
In re Ainsworth as the girl in the polka dot dress: Welcome to Chauncy Holt country.
In re the Bulova execs as CIA look-alikes placed in the Ambassador Hotel "in case one of [the real CIA superstars] got caught and needed to be switched-in": utterly preposterous on about a dozen levels -- starting with the proposition that purely by coincidence there were two doppelgangers of meta-officers employed by the same company and ...
In re Ainsworth as the girl in the polka dot dress: Welcome to Chauncy Holt country.
In re the Bulova execs as CIA look-alikes placed in the Ambassador Hotel "in case one of [the real CIA superstars] got caught and needed to be switched-in": utterly preposterous on about a dozen levels -- starting with the proposition that purely by coincidence there were two doppelgangers of meta-officers employed by the same company and ...