01-05-2011, 05:57 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:In re the Bulova execs as CIA look-alikes placed in the Ambassador Hotel "in case one of [the real CIA superstars] got caught and needed to be switched-in": utterly preposterous on about a dozen levels -- starting with the proposition that purely by coincidence there were two doppelgangers of meta-officers employed by the same company and ...
I don't understand what you are saying? The whole idea expressed in my post was that the dopplegangers were deliberately created within the military-allied Bulova Corporation exactly because they could be sent to the locations of covert operations and used as a means of explaining potential identifications of the real covert operators. Once you understand CIA used this practice in the JFK Assassination the likelihood it was a regular practice used throughout their operations increases. I think it should be clear that the chances that 3 executives were close enough look-alikes to 3 main CIA players that close associates would confuse them is statistically above the odds of chance. Therefore it should have been obvious from the post that this wasn't being called a "coincidence" but the exact opposite. In light of this I thank you for your strong agreement.