02-06-2011, 04:19 AM
Bernice Moore Wrote:hi gents; i did go to see if the member in question had mentioned how long she has been into the JFK research, i noticed it no where, would it not perhaps be a good question to ask when applying for membership, i think most would answer honestly, that would then tell much about whether a newbie, or into such and knowing better, just a thought, but in this case i know she nor anyone can have it both ways, in their beliefs,that the shot came from the back seat of the lead car, and from Greer in the limo as well,, that can never make sense,if a newbie then she has much to learn so perhaps should be given a break but also, take a second thought to what she responds in spades, until she has done all the studies which takes years, and all are still learning, just my 2 cents..thank you.imo...b
For me Bernice it was the incredibly short space of time she changed her mind and also tried to make out that I had encouraged her into the Greer angle. I reckon thats pretty sus. But yeah I agree we'll wait and see.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992