12-07-2011, 11:06 PM
Correlate the above with the information in Albarelli's "A Terrible Mistake", the information in Haslam's "Dr. Mary's Monkey" about the purposeful covert contamination of vaccine with cancer-inducing agents, the knowledge that both Israel and the US have genotype-specific bio-warfare tools and programs (ours was announced in thr PNAC document) [in English, they attack based on the target's ethnicity], the fact that the Rockefellers essentially control modern medicine and Big Pharma in the US (sources available on request), the fact that BigPharma has worked with the CIA directly in several known instances involving mass attack and mass murder, the fact that multiple drills have been run for years to insure that FEMA can martial the people necessary to conduct mass vaccination programs, and then roll up your sleeves.
Be sure they use an alcohol prep pad.
Be sure they use an alcohol prep pad.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"