14-07-2011, 09:18 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:... I personally do not believe the system can be forced to do a real investigation, so it is left to we citizen investigators [as with Dallas]. Carry on! We do not all agree on every detail....but the Truth movement is united on the fact that the official version is a total fiction.... We have much work to do and little time to do it....
Well said, and a good summary. As I noted elsewhere to someone else, the focus on Dealey Plaza -- while valid and good -- needs to be set aside in some sense for a re-focus on today. Perhaps it is better to say it this way: some synapses and groups of them need to be focused on Dealey, some on 9/11, some elsewhere, and others need to be attentive to today and tomorrow.
We need somehow to invent [is it here at at DPF already?] a bi-cameral global mind with a functional corpus callosum that looks backwards, and to some extent into the future, but which remains mostly attentive to the now of today.
Even 9/11 is past history now.
We must simultaneously learn to appreciate how the culprits think and act so as to stymie them when and where possible but, perhaps more importantly, we need to build our own resilient regenerative systems of freedom, liberty, life, etc.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"