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Groden; Dealey Plaza and the TSBD
from bill kelly.

By Jim Schutz

July 14, 2011


Just for the sake of historical accuracy, I would like to pointout that the city of Dallas has claimed in court filings that the SixthFloorMuseum was behindthe June 10, 2010, arrest and incarceration of Kennedy assassinationauthor Robert Groden, who is charged with illegally sellingliterature in DealeyPlaza.

And just for the sake of even more historical accuracy, Iwould like to remind you of a statement given to me by Sixth Floor directorNicola Longford and included in an Observercover story publishedback in April. I'd asked Longford to talk to me about why the museum got Grodenarrested. She told me, in a frosty email: "Concerning the city of Dallas and activities in DealeyPlaza, we are notparty to the matters you have referenced, and it would thus be improper for usto comment."

Au contraire, it would appear. Not only wasthe Sixth Floor a party to the arrest of Groden, it was the host of the party,according to papers filed June 16 in Groden's federal lawsuit against the city.

Groden does a brisk weekend trade inbooks, magazines and CDs, which he sells to tourists from a folding table inthe old pergola at the west end of Dealey Plaza, where President John Kennedywas assassinated on November 22, 1963. But last year, Groden was arrested bycity police officers for selling without a license in a city park. That arrest wastossed by two criminal courts after Groden's lawyers demonstrated that the citydoesn't even offerlicenses tosell in parks, and DealeyPlaza isn't a park, anyway.

Groden is suing thecity in federal court, arguing that his arrest came as the culmination of yearsof persecution in violation of his civil rights.

But why?

​Groden, a conspiracy theorist, has a fairly conspiratorial caseto make: that the city wants tourists to hear only the Sixth Floor theory(Oswald did it) and not his own (more people were in on it). Other vendors whowork the weekend crowds at DealeyPlaza offer a simpler story: that the SixthFloor is all fancy-schmancy and best-foot-forward and doesn't want a bunch ofrag-tag conspiracy guys junking up the landscape.

And while Longford,the Sixth Floor's gal, told me that the museum had nothing to do with Groden'sarrest (before shutting down our brief interview), half the city's defenseappears to be that that the Sixth Floor made them do it.

Court records showthat police arrested Groden because a security guard working for the SixthFloor "had observed Groden sell some merchandise from his parkedvehicle." Police made the arrest after the guard, who worked for a companyhired by the museum, "explained that he was a security guard and that suchcommercial activity was not permitted there."

Interesting source to rely on in making an arrest. Just amonth before, police had accused an employee of the same security company,Platinum Security and Consulting, of trying to steal a safe from the SixthFloor. And the day after Groden's arrest, Tanya Eiserer in The Dallas Morning News had what we in the news business call<a href="" target="_blank">a real good story pointing out that Platinum hadrecently paid a $10,000 fine for using 140 unlicensed guards, some withcriminal histories.

But, sure. If we're the cops and we have to decide whether to arrest aprominent author for selling books and CDs in a public place, let's askProfessor Platinum. He works for the
SixthFloorMuseum, after all.

Still, the citywon't cry "Uncle!" in Groden's federal suit. They admit they don'treally have licenses for selling in parks, but they say they could totally havesome if they wanted to. They admit that DealeyPlaza isn'treally a designated park, but they say it totally should be. And, anyway, theSixth Floor started it.

Not the strongestcase. So what does the city have going for itself? An entire wing of City Hallfilled with lawyers. That's what they have. That and a great deal of patience.Plus, when the suit finally does settle and that big cash register rings in thesky, guess who will will be paying Mr. Groden?

That bell tolls forthee, my fellow taxpayer. It tolls for thee.


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