26-12-2011, 02:00 AM
Albert Doyle Wrote:There's a conspiracy theorist named Ralph Cinque on You-Tube right now pushing a new breakthrough discovery of 'proof' of Oswald's innocence in the Altgens blow-up of the Depository front steps. He says he has teamed-up with Fetzer and gotten his blessing on this theory. Myself, I've watched all 10 parts and came away believing this is one of the most laughable attempts by any conspiracy theorist to push through credulous, contrived embarrassingly unprofessional evidence that I've ever seen. If people are worried about unqualified CTer's drawing ridicule and doubt on the entire CT community this is something to really worry about. I'll let you judge for yourself:
In fairness Al you have had some interesting ideas yourself.
What you don't do however, is press your opinion as if you have gods given right to do so. I'm probably guilty of the latter lol. Its a good quality and you don't let it detract from the good stuff you have done IMO. But Al this type of madness (I only made it through 7 minutes, how you watched all this crap I commend you) is now standard for Ron. Have you seen his nutjob pal Nico Haupt? Now he's hooked up with John Hankey. I seriously think Fetzer will endorse the MJ-12 documents. I see no reason in his contrary nature why he won't get behind this hoax and go on to terrify the UFO nexus. Maybe there with Richard Dolan, Kenn Thomas, David Childress, Joe Farrell and Dick Hoagland he can find the inner peace denied him all these years.
Further that, I said to Adele in one of his threads that I would like his help to track down the real identity of Ron on the show. Mr Fetzer ignored my attempt even though I do so to clear his name. He probably won't reply nor has he replied to my piece he did with Hankey. Fetzers distortions of my work were rather funny I have to say. But so out of context I think he has run and hid truth be told. In fact I will repost it in a new thread and let some light on it.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992