04-01-2012, 01:10 AM
Ralph Cinque Wrote:Mr. Drago,
I am done talking to you. And I request that you stop talking to me.
Ralph Cinque
Request denied.
As a founder of the Deep Politics Forum and speaking for myself and not my partners, I find you to be in violation of the spirit and the letter of our rules of engagement. Since your appearance on these cyber-pages, you have done nothing but offer third-rate thinking and attempt to antagonize members in good standing.
In my estimation you are doing the enemy's work -- wittingly or not, I cannot say. Not that it matters.
There is no place for you here, and I intend to argue forcefully for your permanent banning.
I may not be successful; ours is a democratic partnership.
If you are allowed to remain, I shall continue to expose your intellectual limitations and to investigate your deeper motivations for behavior that is, in a word, unacceptable.