14-01-2012, 05:01 AM
Silvija (☺)
"... [In re:] pedophilia in Haiti after the quake. I wanted to post some quick followup to that. We learned that 14 large NGOs got the worst pedophile ever caught in Cambodia OUT OF PRISON. It highlighted the predatory nature of large NGOs, also their connection to top government officials, intel groups, the elites.
Having worked in a war-torn country for years (I ran an NGO), Haiti, which Wayne mentioned, sounds no different than Bosnia or many others. NGOs, who bill themselves as the humanitarian saviors of the world, arrive in short order after any disaster. They are exempt from taxation, typically exempt from customs and import duties, enjoy carte blanche in their operations in stricken countries around the world, exempt from scrutiny. There are small charities who are sincere and do great work and are struggling to stay afloat but let's focus on the big ones - all of the big ones are politically or economically motivated by the crisis they are tending to. All of them among the big ones, no exceptions, have some kind of agenda - and often very dark covert activities as well. I have come to know them well in my years in the field.
Arms smuggling. Human trafficking. Drug smuggling on a large scale. Pedophilia. And worse. Yes, worse. Wherever you find these problems in a stricken country, you will find NGOs in a central position. They are not innocents who are plagued by pedophiles who go to work for them. They are the plague themselves in most cases.
I do not wish to smear all humanitarian efforts. I strongly support what our doc does with his RAM Clinic in Tennessee. That is an example of a good clean small charity. I am referring to the big players on the global scene who cash in on disasters, relieve little of the misery and exploit the victims further in the worst ways. They are the big names in the booming humanitarian industry. They connect to the global elites, USAID programs, AmeriCares, Knights of Malta, Red Cross, World Vision, Clinton Global Initiative, Catholic Relief Services, CARE International, Save the Children, UNICEF, the UN presence, et al.. over 10,000 charities alone are currently present in Haiti. Ten thousand of them? That should be enough to wipe out ALL misery in Haiti, no? How come Haiti is in worse shape than ever? I will skip the known horrific problems all around these NGOs such as cholera which began when the NGOs came in and is still out of control in Haiti, rape-as-routine of refugees in tents by NATO troops, human trafficking, organ trafficking which has come to Haiti since the quake and go straight to pedophilia, since Wayne mentioned pedophilia and Haiti since the quake.
There are COUNTLESS SUCH cases but here are just two off the top of the pile involving NGOs and Haiti:
There is Michael Geilenfeld - Executive Director of St. Joseph Family Homes for Boys, Haiti Outreach Ministry. Accused serial pedophile, former brother of Mother Teresa's Order. Per his web site: http://andypomeroy.com/haitioutreach2011...age_id=114 -- - his "calling" has taken him to India, Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, California, El Salvador, and finally to Haiti (coincidentally ALL countries where pedophilia is a major problem and access to children virtually unlimited). A letter to the US ambassador in Haiti contained the following: "Please note that child abuse allegations against Geilenfeld are documented as early as 1987 in Boston; 1990 in Haiti and the U.S.; 1995 in Detroit; 1997 in UK and Haiti; 1999 in Haiti; 2006-2007 in Haiti and U.S." (link)
( https://istwanouayisyen.com/?cat=10 ) Various human rights advocates and lawyers in Haiti demand he be removed from Haiti immediately (link) ( http://dossiergeilenfeld.blogspot.com/20...ction.html ).
Geilenfeld's NGO is funded by a host of groups - to name a few: Tulane University via Hearts for Haiti, a Chicago-based Hearts for Haiti group (Hearts for Haiti continues to support Geilenfeld despite being aware of the pedophilia extradition charges), Moyer Foundation Seattle, various catholic groups in the US and Canada. "Father" Geilenfeld also organizes his children to go on "dance tours" to many cities in the US where funds are raised with the children's performances. It has not been successful to charge or convict him, not even remove him from the orphanages. Nothing has been able to be done about him despite identical charges going back to the 1980s in Boston. He remains in Haiti, running his "orphanages" with at least 200 known children in his custody while his donors, fully aware of the accusations, continue to send him money. He has been receiving cash windfalls to build new facilities since the quake. All molestation accusations came from young boys. At least one of his long-term victims has reached age 18 and asked for asylum in the US for fear of retribution of Geilenfeld and others involved in this. He has spent decades living in pedophile playgrounds like Haiti, Cambodia, Thailand, in charge of children.
Then there is the post-quake case of Douglas Perlitz, Executive Director of an NGO named Project Pierre Touissant, who was convicted in Connecticut of serial pedophilia involving underage boys in Haiti. The case ties to various New Haven, CT groups - New Haven, CT also is a major CIA hub and at least the Knights of Malta very directly connect to CIA also - I know these groups well from having worked with them. See the Perlitz case here: http://articles.cnn.com/2012-01-07/justi...PM:JUSTICE Perlitz' orphanage was also funded by the Bush-Clinton Haiti Fund who were also named as co-defendants as well as Jesuits and Knights of Malta. Fairfield University in Connecticut (pic): http://ww4.hdnux.com/photos/01/15/13/316...28x471.jpg was also a major donor involved in this charity. Photo - Perlitz and his boys: http://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/13/16/20/92/perlit10.jpg He was sentenced to 20 years in the US - one of the rare ones to ever be brought up on charges, much less convicted. The only reason he was convicted was due to the dogged persistence by this womah here - native Haitian human rights lawyer Ezili Danto (link) [ http://www.opednews.com/articles/Help-Ha...1-949.html ] who brought the case to justice in the US and continues to hunt predators in Haiti.
I could probably find 100 more like that if I kept digging in Haiti alone. It is just a followup to the can of worms I opened in the last thread - that numerous large NGOs are organized crime syndicates and pedophilia is very high on their list of specialties."
A footnote to that: It is not true that nothing can be done about big pedophiles such as the two mentioned above. Under the PROTECT ACT of 2003 [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROTECT_Act_of_2003 ] sex crimes committed abroad are fully prosecutable by law in the US. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is supposed to participate in investigating and capturing child sex tourists abroad and ICE prides itself in having caught 1,100 US pedophiles abroad.
Thailand, Brazil, Cambodia, India and Mexico (in thar order with Brazil being about to overtake Thailand for #1 spot) are identified as worst affected countries by child sex exploitation.
Considering the PROTECT ACT and the fact that the US ambassador to Haiti has last summer already been served documents proving that Michael Geilenfeld is a known serial pedophile in the US and other countries, the US ambassador on behalf of the State Department is OBLIGATED to act and remove this man from Haiti and extradite him to the US for prosecution. Instead, Geilenfeld continues traveling back and forth from the US and Haiti with his children (finished a US "dance tour" with his children AFTER the US ambassador in haiti was notified and apparently received visas from this embassy), continues raising funds and molesting children with an unknown 3-digit number of them in his physical custody to this day. Could his connections to major NGOs have something to do with this de facto immunity from repercussions? (Yes, some of the NGOs are that powerful.)
Silvija (☺)
Following up on wealthy western pedophiles from the last On Topic...another big fish: Rick Schair from Atlanta, was arrested in 07/2011 with charges of running a child sex tourism business in Brazil centered around Manaus and disguised as "ecological fishing expeditions" in the Amazon rain forest under the name "Wet-A-Line" which took elite customers on yachts down the Amazon where they were connected with groups of indigenous child sex slaves. This involves a ring of US members of the exclusive top-level masonic : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Order_of_Jesters . Of the 20 child sex customers arrested by Brazilian police, 19 were American Jesters (top-tier freemasons). Jesters are also under investigation for child sex trafficking in NY state. A July of 2011 sting of Jesters involving sex slaves netted a NY Supreme Court judge, a police chief and others at a party involving sex slavery.
A 'witness' appearing at Schair's trial with personal letters of support was Larry Mackey, the former federal prosecutor who convicted Timothy McVeigh. Mackey works for the law firm of Solomon Wisenberg which defends Schair in the child sex trafficking suit and Mackey is personally involved in Schair's defense.
Article with photos of Wet-A-Line tours here: Link: http://sandyfrost.newsvine.mobi/_news/20...rafficking Wet-A-Line allegedly used fishing as a disguise and ONLY conducted child sex tourism for wealthy clients in Brazil and Mexico under this cover. Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85EuHZxJYJg Clients were wealthy males and virtually all were Jesters masons - I wonder what those king-sized beds were for on board of the fishing yacht...Another link here: [URL="http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/<br />http://sandyfrost.newsvine.com/_news/2008/05/25/1511547-brazilian-fishing-trip-depositions-masons-pictured-having-sex-with-teen-prostitutes"]http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/
I found this case when reading up on the statistics that the Amazon rain forest was overtaking Thailand for most child sex tourism. American shriners, Jesters run child sex slave rings in the Amazon rain forest and and Tim McVeigh's prosecutor is working on defending them...interesting.
"... [In re:] pedophilia in Haiti after the quake. I wanted to post some quick followup to that. We learned that 14 large NGOs got the worst pedophile ever caught in Cambodia OUT OF PRISON. It highlighted the predatory nature of large NGOs, also their connection to top government officials, intel groups, the elites.
Having worked in a war-torn country for years (I ran an NGO), Haiti, which Wayne mentioned, sounds no different than Bosnia or many others. NGOs, who bill themselves as the humanitarian saviors of the world, arrive in short order after any disaster. They are exempt from taxation, typically exempt from customs and import duties, enjoy carte blanche in their operations in stricken countries around the world, exempt from scrutiny. There are small charities who are sincere and do great work and are struggling to stay afloat but let's focus on the big ones - all of the big ones are politically or economically motivated by the crisis they are tending to. All of them among the big ones, no exceptions, have some kind of agenda - and often very dark covert activities as well. I have come to know them well in my years in the field.
Arms smuggling. Human trafficking. Drug smuggling on a large scale. Pedophilia. And worse. Yes, worse. Wherever you find these problems in a stricken country, you will find NGOs in a central position. They are not innocents who are plagued by pedophiles who go to work for them. They are the plague themselves in most cases.
I do not wish to smear all humanitarian efforts. I strongly support what our doc does with his RAM Clinic in Tennessee. That is an example of a good clean small charity. I am referring to the big players on the global scene who cash in on disasters, relieve little of the misery and exploit the victims further in the worst ways. They are the big names in the booming humanitarian industry. They connect to the global elites, USAID programs, AmeriCares, Knights of Malta, Red Cross, World Vision, Clinton Global Initiative, Catholic Relief Services, CARE International, Save the Children, UNICEF, the UN presence, et al.. over 10,000 charities alone are currently present in Haiti. Ten thousand of them? That should be enough to wipe out ALL misery in Haiti, no? How come Haiti is in worse shape than ever? I will skip the known horrific problems all around these NGOs such as cholera which began when the NGOs came in and is still out of control in Haiti, rape-as-routine of refugees in tents by NATO troops, human trafficking, organ trafficking which has come to Haiti since the quake and go straight to pedophilia, since Wayne mentioned pedophilia and Haiti since the quake.
There are COUNTLESS SUCH cases but here are just two off the top of the pile involving NGOs and Haiti:
There is Michael Geilenfeld - Executive Director of St. Joseph Family Homes for Boys, Haiti Outreach Ministry. Accused serial pedophile, former brother of Mother Teresa's Order. Per his web site: http://andypomeroy.com/haitioutreach2011...age_id=114 -- - his "calling" has taken him to India, Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, California, El Salvador, and finally to Haiti (coincidentally ALL countries where pedophilia is a major problem and access to children virtually unlimited). A letter to the US ambassador in Haiti contained the following: "Please note that child abuse allegations against Geilenfeld are documented as early as 1987 in Boston; 1990 in Haiti and the U.S.; 1995 in Detroit; 1997 in UK and Haiti; 1999 in Haiti; 2006-2007 in Haiti and U.S." (link)
( https://istwanouayisyen.com/?cat=10 ) Various human rights advocates and lawyers in Haiti demand he be removed from Haiti immediately (link) ( http://dossiergeilenfeld.blogspot.com/20...ction.html ).
Geilenfeld's NGO is funded by a host of groups - to name a few: Tulane University via Hearts for Haiti, a Chicago-based Hearts for Haiti group (Hearts for Haiti continues to support Geilenfeld despite being aware of the pedophilia extradition charges), Moyer Foundation Seattle, various catholic groups in the US and Canada. "Father" Geilenfeld also organizes his children to go on "dance tours" to many cities in the US where funds are raised with the children's performances. It has not been successful to charge or convict him, not even remove him from the orphanages. Nothing has been able to be done about him despite identical charges going back to the 1980s in Boston. He remains in Haiti, running his "orphanages" with at least 200 known children in his custody while his donors, fully aware of the accusations, continue to send him money. He has been receiving cash windfalls to build new facilities since the quake. All molestation accusations came from young boys. At least one of his long-term victims has reached age 18 and asked for asylum in the US for fear of retribution of Geilenfeld and others involved in this. He has spent decades living in pedophile playgrounds like Haiti, Cambodia, Thailand, in charge of children.
Then there is the post-quake case of Douglas Perlitz, Executive Director of an NGO named Project Pierre Touissant, who was convicted in Connecticut of serial pedophilia involving underage boys in Haiti. The case ties to various New Haven, CT groups - New Haven, CT also is a major CIA hub and at least the Knights of Malta very directly connect to CIA also - I know these groups well from having worked with them. See the Perlitz case here: http://articles.cnn.com/2012-01-07/justi...PM:JUSTICE Perlitz' orphanage was also funded by the Bush-Clinton Haiti Fund who were also named as co-defendants as well as Jesuits and Knights of Malta. Fairfield University in Connecticut (pic): http://ww4.hdnux.com/photos/01/15/13/316...28x471.jpg was also a major donor involved in this charity. Photo - Perlitz and his boys: http://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/13/16/20/92/perlit10.jpg He was sentenced to 20 years in the US - one of the rare ones to ever be brought up on charges, much less convicted. The only reason he was convicted was due to the dogged persistence by this womah here - native Haitian human rights lawyer Ezili Danto (link) [ http://www.opednews.com/articles/Help-Ha...1-949.html ] who brought the case to justice in the US and continues to hunt predators in Haiti.
I could probably find 100 more like that if I kept digging in Haiti alone. It is just a followup to the can of worms I opened in the last thread - that numerous large NGOs are organized crime syndicates and pedophilia is very high on their list of specialties."
A footnote to that: It is not true that nothing can be done about big pedophiles such as the two mentioned above. Under the PROTECT ACT of 2003 [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROTECT_Act_of_2003 ] sex crimes committed abroad are fully prosecutable by law in the US. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is supposed to participate in investigating and capturing child sex tourists abroad and ICE prides itself in having caught 1,100 US pedophiles abroad.
Thailand, Brazil, Cambodia, India and Mexico (in thar order with Brazil being about to overtake Thailand for #1 spot) are identified as worst affected countries by child sex exploitation.
Considering the PROTECT ACT and the fact that the US ambassador to Haiti has last summer already been served documents proving that Michael Geilenfeld is a known serial pedophile in the US and other countries, the US ambassador on behalf of the State Department is OBLIGATED to act and remove this man from Haiti and extradite him to the US for prosecution. Instead, Geilenfeld continues traveling back and forth from the US and Haiti with his children (finished a US "dance tour" with his children AFTER the US ambassador in haiti was notified and apparently received visas from this embassy), continues raising funds and molesting children with an unknown 3-digit number of them in his physical custody to this day. Could his connections to major NGOs have something to do with this de facto immunity from repercussions? (Yes, some of the NGOs are that powerful.)
Silvija (☺)
Following up on wealthy western pedophiles from the last On Topic...another big fish: Rick Schair from Atlanta, was arrested in 07/2011 with charges of running a child sex tourism business in Brazil centered around Manaus and disguised as "ecological fishing expeditions" in the Amazon rain forest under the name "Wet-A-Line" which took elite customers on yachts down the Amazon where they were connected with groups of indigenous child sex slaves. This involves a ring of US members of the exclusive top-level masonic : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Order_of_Jesters . Of the 20 child sex customers arrested by Brazilian police, 19 were American Jesters (top-tier freemasons). Jesters are also under investigation for child sex trafficking in NY state. A July of 2011 sting of Jesters involving sex slaves netted a NY Supreme Court judge, a police chief and others at a party involving sex slavery.
A 'witness' appearing at Schair's trial with personal letters of support was Larry Mackey, the former federal prosecutor who convicted Timothy McVeigh. Mackey works for the law firm of Solomon Wisenberg which defends Schair in the child sex trafficking suit and Mackey is personally involved in Schair's defense.
Article with photos of Wet-A-Line tours here: Link: http://sandyfrost.newsvine.mobi/_news/20...rafficking Wet-A-Line allegedly used fishing as a disguise and ONLY conducted child sex tourism for wealthy clients in Brazil and Mexico under this cover. Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85EuHZxJYJg Clients were wealthy males and virtually all were Jesters masons - I wonder what those king-sized beds were for on board of the fishing yacht...Another link here: [URL="http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/<br />http://sandyfrost.newsvine.com/_news/2008/05/25/1511547-brazilian-fishing-trip-depositions-masons-pictured-having-sex-with-teen-prostitutes"]http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/
I found this case when reading up on the statistics that the Amazon rain forest was overtaking Thailand for most child sex tourism. American shriners, Jesters run child sex slave rings in the Amazon rain forest and and Tim McVeigh's prosecutor is working on defending them...interesting.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"