29-01-2012, 02:27 AM
Keith Millea Wrote:Also located in Southern California is the Fort Irwin National Training Center.This is where armor units from all over the country come to train,usually before a deployment.This convoy of armor,that we have seen, could very well be heading out to the desert for ordinary training purposes.
Keith, I don't wish to argue with you here... You have added a snippet of information that appears valid and can be checked out but also appears at odds with prior offerings that the tactics and strategy of armored warfare such as you suggest have been scrapped (as per Doyle) as outdated (an argument I am not making but will hear).
I am not inclined to debate the depth and breadth of military tactics at the present state of global warfare in light of the US material and technological abundance and in the face of Sun Tzu, B. H. Liddell Hart, and John Boyd, as well as being personally unable to penetrate the minds/circle of US military command.
What I wish (ha ha) is that, with the help of something like Google Earth, some inside mapping of the US rail network, and perhaps other tools, that we could in fact watch and monitor such mass movements. The routing to a scrap heap was suggested by the comments under the original YouTube posting (who here caught that, or noted it?) and is also in parallel with other reports (unposted) of similar southbound air traffic by flights of phalanxes of military helicopters in parallel with I-35 southbound out of Oklahoma City towards Dallas (and ?).
Were we to get any more specific and timely in terms of monitoring massed movement of US military materiel, we would surely generate a visit from a few folks.
This goes to the challenge (unanswered thus far) that I put openly to the executive leadership of Deep Politics Forum to set some rules and a common understanding of what would be tolerated and facilitated and supported here in terms of commentary, reporting el al at a time in which global military conflict appears to be ramping up, and at a time of rampant and expansive disinformation, misinformation and cyber-warfare. (See the quote in Peter Lemkin's signature.)
If, indeed, we as civilians, have become information cyber-warriors, perhaps we ought to wear uniforms, or badges, or something.
Or not.
If not, damage will be done to the forum and its mission which, when last I read it, addressed the issue of a coordinated effort.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"