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Clifton tape and Collins Radio Doug Horne
apparently i get from the information, he had at least a couple of alibis, excuses of the where he was situated and his activities there,, one in an official biography, you may be interested in the following...posted...
Yes LeMay was one crazy sob...did you or anyone notice the information that Doug relates about SS Kellerman into it, up to including his ears.hmmmmmmm..and Good for Jackie for screwing them up...right and again cheers for David Lifton, Doug Horne and Bill Kelly......Worship

from Bill Kelly;great information.

Black Op Radio

From what I understand the program was very successful, Doug touched on a lot of important points, Len asked good questions, and the show was listened to by a lot of people from all over North American and Europe.

The map at the bottom of this post shows the locations of those who tuned in live:

JFKcountercoup: Doug Horne on Black Op Radio

Here's the synopsis:
Show #569
Original airdate: March 8, 2012
Guest: Doug Horne
Topics: Transcripts of the Air Force One Tapes

Play Part One - Doug Horne (3:00:00) RealMedia or MP3download

ï‚· Doug performedstaff work on the ARRB andwrote a five volume book (2009)

ï‚· Air Force One audio tapes, Cedar Rapids, theFishbowl, call-sign Liberty, Collins Radio,Bill Kelly

ï‚· SAM 26000, David Lifton,the AP article,Clifton, 2:20 long, on-line recordings,2 mp3's

ï‚· Doug's blog, take off/landing timesfor Air Force Two, Col. Dorman tryingto get hold of Gen. LeMay

ï‚· MSgt. Trimble,4 simultaneous frequencies, the 02:17:00flight should have 6 hrs of recorded conversation

ï‚· Still missingmessages, to Salinger and Asst. Sec. State Robert Manning fromWH Situation Room

ï‚· The Making of thePresident 1964,Oswald guilty message passed to Air Force One

ï‚· General LeMay,what was he doing the day of the assassination?

ï‚· Airman Gilmore,contact LeMay, log bookrescued from trash, Chuck Holmes

ï‚· Airplane sent to Toronto,diverted to Wairton, Secretary ofthe Air Force orders plane to Andrews

ï‚· Lands at National,a civilian airport in a military craft at 5:12 PM EST, 52 minutes before AF1 lands

ï‚· Warren Kozak book,p356, "on a hunting trip in Michigan", a strong dislike between LeMayand JFK

ï‚· JCS, SAC, Gen. Power, Seven Daysin May (1962), LeMay calling Kennedy a coward

ï‚· Missile Crisis,quotes from transcript, Timothy Naftali, Munich,Cuba had tactical nuclear weapons

ï‚· Russian Beartesticles, "We've won", "We've been had", LeMay,"Won, hell!, We lost", first strike

ï‚· Paul O'Conner, Navy man atautopsy, LeMay was at the autopsy, smoking a cigar,

ï‚· Why is LeMays aidenot with him?, Why a special flight to get him? Lying about where he was thatday

ï‚· 67 Japanese citiesdestroyed by firebombing,a cheerleader of the coup, SIOP-62

ï‚· The autopsy site andthe mode of transportation forthe body

ï‚· Context, threecasket entries to the morgue, 6:35 pm,cheap metal shipping casket, 6:55, 8:15

ï‚· Kellerman to Behn,"Waiting for swearing in", "After the uh, body"

ï‚· Aft starboardgalley door, Dr. Rose,Aubrey Rike, Mrs. Kennedyon board, flying command post

ï‚· Col. Hornbuckle,where will the autopsy be? Kellerman, Adm. Burkley,ambulance to Walter Reed

ï‚· Behn, "No, byhelicopter to Bethesda",Burkley, to Walter Reed, "Choppered to South Grounds"

ï‚· "Body by heloto Bethesda", Clifton/Watchman, Heaton,ambulance to Walter Reed,

ï‚· Mortuary ambulance,"Black Cadillac", Col. Swindal, rampforward on starboard side

ï‚· NBC,6:04 pm, AF One rolls to a stop,"an Army helo has just landed", gray Naval ambulance

ï‚· 6:09 ambulance departs, Jackie stayed with the coffin,"ambulance to helicopters"

ï‚· 6:20 TV coverage is cut, Lifton/Lancer 1996,interviewed a Marine helicopter pilot

ï‚· Hid his chopperbehind some trees, to approach unnoticed if possible, fly body to Bethesda

ï‚· HMX Squadron, Anacostia,the Hot Team, flew back to Quantico,motorcade took 45 or 46 minutes

ï‚· The actual intentof those controlling theautopsy, Gawler's FuneralHome, Tom Robinson

ï‚· The body wasremoved before the swearing-in,reunite his body with the casket at Walter Reed

ï‚· Early entry toperform inspection, post-mortem/pre-autopsy surgery, remove evidence of frontalshots

ï‚· Walter Reed, 1997Dr. Dick Davis, AFIP,all set to do a craniotomy, the body never arrived

ï‚· Originally to go toWalter Reed, altered there, then Humes and Boswell toserve as dupes,

ï‚· Dallascasket/ambulance lost andfound on Bethesda grounds, signed letters ofsilence

ï‚· Lipsey (HSCA)mentions decoy ambulance, diagram ofwounds description, three hits from behind

ï‚· Humes told FBI twoshots, the chain of custody was broken, a clandestine operation was afoot

ï‚· Remaining minutesof the recording? recordings made at Liberty, WHCA property

ï‚· Salandria,White, Manning,fingering the lone assassin way too early in the game, absurd

ï‚· Crown/Behn/Bundy,sceptical, wonderful if another tape showed up, government search, they refused

ï‚· Behind a wall ofsilence, risk, blame and exposure, raise a massive uproar, political cowardice

ï‚· Covered up in the60's by guilty men and to prevent WWIII, perpetuated by cowards

ï‚· We don't need to beprotected from the truth, AARB cop-out, no official investigation orconclusions

ï‚· Anna Nelson, DeMohrenschildt linkedto VP Johnson, FBI bugged KBG,Johnson responsible

ï‚· SS InspectorGeneral Tom Kelley opposeda bill making Pres. assassination afederal crime

ï‚· Melvin Eisenberg memo, EarlWarren, to shut down rumors Johnson was involved

ï‚· Brain, tissueslides, photographs, x-rays missing, altered, accessory after the fact

ï‚· Pre-autopsysurgery? Robinson sawhead sawed open, x-raytechnician Ed Reed, the forehead, photographs, x-rays

ï‚· 8:00 "autopsy", altering the wounds, expand thehead wound, destruction ofevidence, a charade

ï‚· Secret or shadowgovernment still in control? Eisenhower warned us,Military/Industrial complex

ï‚· Jeremy Gunn,ARRB charter forbade investigation and conclusions, Blakey,a limited hangout

ï‚· Autopsy attendees?A list,unusual, LeMay was there to gloat, the gallery wasfull, Galloway/Burkley

ï‚· Thomas Jefferson,

ï‚· Hooverand Johnson, essential enablers, Sibert and O'Neill report,"surgery of the head area"

ï‚· The WC buried thatevidence, Ebersol,Gerald Custer,story kept changing, Ed Reed,occipital

ï‚· Boswell ARRB deposition,bone missing, but it looked intact, burning ofautopsy notes

ï‚· Fink's notesdisappeared, a first draft reviewed without Fink, Capt. Canada,Capt. Stover

ï‚· Galloway,third written version, Doug's book, Joannides,assigned as CIA liason toHSCA

ï‚· A big conspiracy, amassive government cover-up, implemented immediately, too soon

ï‚· Do notblindly accept the pronouncements of authority, demand the right to know

Black Op Radio

Messages In This Thread
Clifton tape and Collins Radio Doug Horne - by Bernice Moore - 12-03-2012, 05:27 AM

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