22-05-2012, 05:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 22-05-2012, 09:17 PM by Albert Doyle.)
Don Jeffries Wrote:While Albert feels inexplicably positive that the figure is Lovelady, some of us disagree. Lovelady told the FBI he wore a short slieeved red and white striped shirt the day of the assassination, which clearly wasn't the one on the figure in the Altgens photo. He wore that and was photographed in it, because the FBI told him not to worry about wearing the same shirt he had on that day. Does that make any sense? The shirt was a vitally crucial piece of evidence, and the FBI says it really doesn't matter, just wear what you want?
It's not "inexplicable" at all. In fact it's been explained by numerous EF members. There are numerous levels of corresponding evidence like the witness statements, other films and photos, and the logistical impossibility of Oswald being in doorway according to the timing. Lovelady is seen in Weigman within a second or two in the exact same spot in the plaid shirt. Until you can answer why he shows up in every other single piece of evidence in the right place and in the right shirt your position is what's inexplicable. Any objective person would see that no matter what shirt Lovelady said he wore he was obviously filmed wearing the plaid shirt. Why, if Altgens was forged, would they put the wrong shirt on Lovelady and draw attention to themselves? From what I'm seeing there's every sign intel may have wanted to create a "strawman" here and shot down the imposter conspiracy theories in order to publicly defame the suggestion of conspiracy. Or Lovelady could simply have remembered wrong. You have to look at what you're suggesting. You're suggesting Fetzer's roving forgery labs altered each and every filmed instance of Lovelady wearing that striped shirt and meticulously forged-in the plaid on top of it. You share the same weird Alice In Wonderland perspective and method as Cinque at that point. Good luck to you!
Don Jeffries Wrote:Lovelady didn't want to be photographed, and he looked enough like Oswald to fool Marguerite and his own stepchildren. That's pretty impressive; have any of your co-workers ever looked enough like you to fool a close family member? Taken in conjunction with the fact Oswald was overtly being impersonated in the weeks leading up to the assassination, I think the fact he just happened to have this lookalike co-worker is potentially very significant. Just because the case for conspiracy doesn't rely upon the figure being Oswald doesn't mean researchers should just allow neo-con types to force a group consensus that it wasn't when that just hasn't been established.
"Neo-cons"??? WTH!
If Lovelady looked that much like Oswald others in the doorway would have mistaken him for Oswald. When I see photos of Lovelady and Oswald I'm quite capable of distinguishing between two, as were all the doorway witnesses who said Lovelady was there. I've never had trouble telling the difference. This is a good example of the power of suggestion triggered by means of the Doorway Man controversy. It's a complete coincidence kept alive by imaginary flights of fancy. Lovelady's existence in the Altgens photo has been established to the extent of reasonable proof. Objectivists' sole position is sophist doubt, in my opinion.
Don Jeffries Wrote:Albert, the reason I said Ralph Cinque made a good point about your timeline analysis of Fritz's notes is because he did. You attempted to take Fritz's notes in the order they were written in, and thus show that Oswald was referring to being "out front" with Shelley after the assassination. Ralph looked at the same information and correctly said that, if such was the case, then Oswald also ate his lunch after the encounter with Baker and Truly. Leave out any of his photographic claims; how is what he said there not logical?
No, he did not. As I've explained numerous times, Cinque seized upon the lunch issue solely to avoid explaining the chronology of Fritz's notes. Don't be fooled for a second that Cinque isn't fully aware there wasn't time for Oswald to eat lunch in the 1 minute the timeline allows for Oswald to go from the Baker encounter to the front door. As I explained to Greg, the reason Cinque seizes upon this is because he's fully aware that he cannot account for the timing in Fritz's statements. Once we recognize that Oswald couldn't have had lunch after the Baker encounter then we have to ask why would Fritz have written "had lunch" after this encounter? The answer is because Fritz was obviously condensing Oswald's having told him that he had already had lunch and was therefore exiting because he assumed there would be nothing to do. This makes sense. So, much sense in fact that those who try to float the objectivity position universally ignore it. Wise people would see both the objectivists and Cinque didn't make good points - they made no points vs what was really said and what it showed. Cinque takes great relief and endorsement in this objectivist backing. It literally keeps his crazy theories alive. You can see him thanking people for it. You just fed the troll while congratulating yourself for doing so and attacking people who oppose him on sound grounds.
Objective people would see that since we can't accept any eating of lunch after the Baker encounter then we have to ask why did Fritz write it in that order? Like a sleazy defense lawyer Cinque is trying to dismiss the entirety of Fritz's notes using this device. However he is doing it in order to escape the obvious conclusion that Fritz would not have written 'out in front with Shelley' well after the Baker encounter unless it had happened that way. THIS is the 'good point' here that Cinque is conspicuously dodging answering (with your help). Obviously Fritz wrote "had lunch" after the Baker encounter because Oswald had told him he had already had lunch in the lunchroom where Baker caught him washing it down with a Coke, so therefore he exited the building.
The EF has yet to recognize that Cinque is not a serious person deserving to be taken seriously. He's ignored too many real cases of evidence to be granted the right to continue his juvenile idiocy and contemptuous denial.
Don Jeffries Wrote:I recall clearly seeing either a color photo or film still of the TSBD doorway, taken from another angle, a few moments before the assassination. The figure in the doorway was seen to be wearing the same kind of shirt Oswald had on, with its distinctive rust/brown color. I thought the picture was in one of the numerous books in my personal library, but I have been unable to locate it. Years ago, on Rich Dellarosa's forum, poster Martin Barkely recalled it as well, but no one else seems to. Oh well, the search goes on....
Forgive me if I have my doubts. Again, well within the known range of CIA psy-ops.