05-07-2012, 07:23 PM
During the murder of our elected President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, TX, there seems to be some discrepancy among witnesses regarding the number of shots and the spacing of those shots. However, without naming names or quoting, I have noted a fairly consistent report among the witnesses about the first sound being "different", and louder than the following sounds that are now believed to be gun/rifle shots. I realize my information comes from research study and subject to interpretation, but I tend to believe those reports. Even more consistent is the many reports of two of the shots, at least two, were very close together and impossible to both come from a bolt action rifle. But, the "first sound" is to me something worth study/research and possibly is the reason some witnesses thought they were hearing fireworks or a backfire from a vehicle. Undoubtedly this subject has been well vetted, but since it has reappeared I just wanted to add my one and one-half cent, FWIW.