21-07-2012, 05:32 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Charles Drago Wrote:Fine.
Oh really?
OK Charles.
What's the conspiracy?
That the CIA ordered the clothes that morning, but did not plan for the guy being African-American in Washington D. C.?
Therefore they used a white guy with skin pigmentation dye--decades ahead and much better than anything Michael Jackson ever used. But then, they also had a stand in for Crump on the scene. And the joggers were actually spotters.
Oh my aching back.
You're missing my point, Jim.
The fact that Lamar Waldron presents a demonstrably specious argument for an OC-sponsored conspiracy in JFK's death does not lead us to conclude that there was no conspiracy in Dallas. Does it?
And by the way, your Michael Jackson-driven lampooning of the Crump scenario may be on-target. But it is worthless as a comment supporting dismissal of the "joggers as spotters" argument -- on the validity of which I do not opine here.