10-08-2012, 02:20 PM
Quote:Really, why would anyone post anything by this CIA disinformation artist? To what end?I am, maybe more than you, interested in the person LeWinter and his motives. I find it interesting that he writes about Vietnam and wonder, whether he served there or if everything is just a thin cover story. I also wonder about the interests of his handlers, whether the purpose was just to muddy the waters or if he was part of a larger psychological operation keeping the small fringe of people interested in deep political events on false trails, driving some over the edge in the process.
I am fascinated by the parallels between him and Russbacher and wonder whether there have been more of this type, intelligent european Jews being brought to the states in a young age and made into tools for the manipulation of the people thirsting for reality.
Maybe you know more about this man than me. If you do, I am interested.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".