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A poem about Vietnam by Oswald LeWinter
"Oswald LeWinter is the disinformant who did most damage in the Palme murder investigation. He kept the Police Investigation Group (PU) working for four years. LeWinter led an incredible double life. Behind the scenes, he was a professional disinformant, intelligence agent, and infiltrator, operating under cover names like 'Y', 'Razin', 'Razine', 'Racine', 'Wamma', and 'Ibrahim Razin'. The face he showed the world, however, was as a sophisticated and respected literature professor who had authored the book "Shakespeare in Europe ', a politician, and a poet."

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You might also consider the names "Oswald" and "LeWinter" within their historical and literary contexts related to espionage and assassination operations.

Messages In This Thread
A poem about Vietnam by Oswald LeWinter - by Charles Drago - 10-08-2012, 03:30 PM

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