18-08-2012, 08:29 PM
Mark Prior Wrote:Peter / Nathaniel
I agree...coordinated use of the internet is under-utilized by the assassination proponents. I think a website specifically for the 2013 anniversary is warranted: an outline of goals, a timetable to achieve those goals, guidelines for a letter writing campaign, and a schedule for potential flashmobs & posting letters, etc. Facebook / Twitter posts should become more prevalent as we approach 11/22/13.
I have visited Bill Kelly's blog but have not seen what you are referring to. If you wouldn't mind copying & pasting here what you & Bill have discussed, I'm sure others and I would be interested in taking a look at it.
I agree with you 100% that we must be united. At the very least, everyone can agree that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy, the medical evidence does not support the single bullet theory, and that the evidence against LHO is flimsy at best. If we attempt to break off into individual LBJ DID IT, CIA DID IT, MAFIA DID IT endeavors, we will accomplish very little.
Hi Mark,
A lot of what you have requested is already being done by COPA - check out their web site - Coalition On Political Assassinations, and Facebook pages devoted to Freeing the Files and getting Congressional oversight of the JFKAct.
The most important event coming up is Wed. Aug. 29th at the National Archives and Records Administration in DC
Dan Alcorn has called attention to this important meeting that I think we all should add imput to regarding JFK assassination records:
I sent an e-mail around yesterdaycalling attention to the open public forum that will be held by the NationalArchives on August 29 seeking public input on the declassificationprocess. It occurred to me later that the Archives is accepting questionsfor the forum in advance, so that those who are not in the DC area could submitquestions for the forum. Here is the notice with the e-mail address ofthe Archives official who is point of contact for this forum:
The NDC will be hostingits third annual open forum on Wednesday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 noonin the McGowan Theater at the National Archives Building.The theme for this year's forum will be "NDCChallenges at Two Years: What did we learn, and how are we moving forward?" Youmay contact Don McIlwain, don.mcilwain@nara.gov or 301-837-0587 foradditional information or to submit advance questions. Additional informationand details will follow.
I will be responding to the other points as soon as I can.