04-09-2012, 02:39 AM
Bill Kelly Wrote:Nate, I didn't think our goal was to put Jim Douglas' book back on the best seller list.
I thought our goal for the 50th was not to debate Lone Nutters but instead to use the media and momentum to seek the release of the remaining withheld JFK assassination records, get Congressional Oversight of the JFK Act and to seek out new records and witnesses?
JFKCountercoup2: NARA's NDC Ramping Up Declassification
Bill I strongly disagree with the goal you state as being the major objective of our work around the 50th. I think they can be an important component of the goal, but I think that if that alone is our goal it will be gigantic failure, because it will be mediated into nothingness. Our efforts must IMO include the WHY IT MATTERS ASPECT. If we ASSUME relevance or context we are doomed.
I mentioned JFK and the Unspeakable not as an end in itself but because it is the best single book that mixes the assassination with THE POLICIES. How many people STILL think that it is just a myth that JFK would not have expanded the War in Vietnam.???? Even now. If we do not address that and only focus on a missing piece of the puzzle we can bet the house the media will remove every single other piece of the puzzle, both evidence of conspiracy and the policy importance.
We cannot assume ANYTHING about the mediation of our efforts, besides, that is the intention of the liars to not mediate. Our efforts have to be the mediation, and the very real connection to America in 2013, and elections that have descended beneath the level of puppet show.
Again, I think it is worth emphasizing that I do not at this stage, present one proposal as excluding others. We are, as was stated earlier , at the stage of throwing ideas out there. So I am not stating that release of the records NOT be a part of the bigger picture. But I am definitely saying that such an effort not be conceived of as the main focus. Also I just think anything Congress says around November 2013 will be quickly forgotten. It is not 30 years of corruption after the coup. It is 50 years of corruption after the coup. I greatly appreciate your research, Bill, and have done my share to make it hit more eyeballs. But sometimes it seems that you underestimate the degree of corruption in our government and media. Were i as focussed as you, I think I would too.