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9/11 Weekend - New hypothesis to Explain 9/11 - Part I
There are echoes of Dealey Plaza games on this and other 911 threads. It is already known to a logical and moral certainty that the official version was a pre-planned and still carried out lie. The same is true of 911, yet people endlessly bring up the same discounted things over and over and over again. IMHO they are either terribly new to the subjects and not informed or have the agenda to stop the progress of threads and research - to keep the community endlessly at the starting point all over again. Jack White and I and others have detailed on this Forum [search] how the official version is a lie - multiple lies - total lies; and how witnesses heard explosions; saw explosions; video caught molten metal flowing from the WTC; the evidence fits only controlled demolition and there was molten steel in the basements of three towers for many months [min 4; maybe 6 months]. The meteorites found [cooled masses of metal, molten metal and concrete] along with the chemical/atomic signatures of nanothermite speak volumes. It is time to move on and not go back [as official versioners and Sunstein agents would have us do]. People felt the ground shake BEFORE a few times and then again during the 'attack' - but multiple times rapidly as the buildings came down; everything was incinerated but a planted passport of one of the patsy 'terrorists' [all of who trained and worked for the US military or intelligence services - or sister services of other countries]. The evidence was quickly destroyed; access to ground zero and photos of it were controlled. First responders were and still often are afraid to speak of what they saw and heard. Some have been threatened. Some now begin to speak out, but the long hidden tapes and interviews just during and after the event do NOT comport with the official lies. CNN and BBC reported WTC7 down before it had and the owner said they agreed to 'pull it'. WTC gold disappeared hours before the 'attack'. Others had foreknowledge and acted on it. Many of the largest corporate fraud files and trail evidence were in WTC7 and destroyed. Even which floors [which companies] were targeted by the planes is more than suspect and obliterated damning computer data and persons; as well as coinciding exactly with where the WTC towers had been retrofit with new 'fire retardant foam' [ample time and access to pre-plant the explosives and wireless detonators, etc.] The only time in history the air defenses of the USA were helpless, and the air defenses at the Pentagon didn't work [not to mention the hole only could fit a missile, not a plane - and we are denied the 20+ videos and satellite reconnaissance - why?]. I could go on for hours...people have in books. The official 'investigations' can be easily demonstrated as orchestrated cover-ups. Why? What did they need to hide [obviously what really happened]. Read a good book such as those by Gafney or Griffin [and others]; read the scientific papers on the nanothermite. Get real. We need to solve who did this and the details of how - and how they covered and cover it up still....not endlessly re-invent the wheel and debate what has been all but the naive, mis- or uninformed, or agents trying to stop the truth from wide dissemination and the logical following citizen anger and action to dismantle the government [and those behind it] and build a new society. We have nothing to fear in the truth. Those who pulled Dallas and 911 [and so many other such] have EVERYTHING to fear in the truth and its discussion.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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9/11 Weekend - New hypothesis to Explain 9/11 - Part I - by Peter Lemkin - 19-10-2012, 09:58 AM

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