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The explosive nature of nanothermite
To give readers a glimpse of what a mess the 9-11 truth movement is in. read this missive from one of the presenters who appeared at the Fetzer organized event:

As an expert witness-presenter at the Vancouver Hearings and direct eye- and earwitness to Alfred Webre's dinner table conversation with me and another witness the last night of the Hearings, I know with 100 percent certainty that he is outright lying when he claims he didn't make an agreement with Hearings organizer Jim Fetzer not to include Basiago's absurd claims in the Hearings process. He did, and the proof is that over dinner the last night of the Hearings he outlined Basiago's claims to me at length, to which I took notes as he spoke; expressed frustration that he had made the promise not to include Basiago's information in what he was to write up for the Hearings; and asked explicitly how I thought he might get around his promise so he could include it anyway. Shocked that he would even consider including claims -- sworn to or otherwise -- of a delusional Cosmic 'Forrest Gump' who thinks he personally witnessed Jesus' cruxifiction and Lincoln's Gettysburg address and battled dinosaurs on Mars with President Obama, I told him in no uncertain terms, as did the other party at the dinner, that he DID have to keep his promise to Jim Fetzer to protect the integrity of both the Hearings and the 9/11 Truth Movement. Webre then not only went ahead and solicited an affidavit from Basiago, who was not a presenter at or even present at the Hearings, which he included in the Hearings docket, but sent ONLY the Basiago nonsense and NONE of the hard evidence presentations or affidavits of ANY of the 19 expert witnesses who actually testified at the Hearings -- to a high-ranking European judge. This action caused immediate outrage by almost every Hearings speaker, and we immediately joined ranks to formally separate from Webre and any 9/11- related process he continues with. He is not a 'judge' of anything, except in his own mind. His claim in his posted comment to this article that Jim Fetzer, Kevin Barrett and I "distort what really happened in their passion
to limit the 9/11 Accused to the 'usual suspects'" is both provably false and absurd. It is Webre who completely distorts what happened, in fact outright lies about it, and knows that he is. He made a promise to Jim Fetzer and willfully, 'in-your-face' broke it. It is also impossible that his claim that I have "a passion for limiting the 9/11 Accused to the 'usual suspects'" could be true when, precisely because I knew he was planning to discredit the Hearings process with Basiago's Cosmic Forrest Gump claims, I had withheld my submission listing who should be accused from him. He doesn't have it, so he has zero idea what is in it. Webre's claims in other forums that I 'lobbied' him at the dinner the last night of the Hearings is also a crock. He asked to have dinner with me; it was his agenda; and it was he who lobbied me to try to help him come up with ideas as to how he could get around his pledge to Jim Fetzer. He just asked the wrong person. I will be preparing a sworn jurat affidavit including all of these points for the record.
Barbara Honegger"

This is precisely the level of childishness and ego that is destroying any opportunity to learn the truth... the so called leaders of the 9-11 truth movement are going to rue the day.

Messages In This Thread
The explosive nature of nanothermite - by Jeffrey Orling - 20-10-2012, 01:01 PM

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