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9-11 Suspects - Explosive Connections (Updated Fixed and Revised)
9-11 Suspects - Explosive Connections (Updated Fixed and Revised)!

Uploaded by FacelesswithEyesOpen on Feb 6, 2012
Uploaded by WarCrime911 on Oct 15, 2011
Most of the material for this video was adapted from Kevin Ryan's landmark article on who had "Demolition access to the WTC Towers":
Clean Up:

For blueprints of the WTCs with a list of all the suspicious tenants and connections check out:

Links and sources for things mentioned in the video:

Kevin R. Ryan, et al, Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials, The Environmentalist, Volume 29, Number 1 / March, 2009,

Niels H. Harrit, et al, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol 2, 2009, doi: 10.2174/1874412500902010007,

Kevin R. Ryan, The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nanothermites, Journal of 9/11 Studies, July 2008,

Website for In-Q-Tel,

Wikipedia page for Jerome Hauer,

Peter Jennings interview with Jerome Hauer, ABC, on 9/11, 14:53, available on You Tube,

Akzo's International Paint is the maker of Interchar

Taku Murakami, US Patent 5532449 - Using plasma ARC and thermite to demolish concrete,

Steven E. Jones et al, Extremely High Temperatures During the World Trade Center Destruction, Journal of 9/11 Studies, January 2008

Albert Gibson et al, Integral low-energy thermite igniter, US Patent number: 4464989,

Skull and Bones is a secret society at Yale University, founded in 1832. Members have included George H.W. Bush, his father Prescott Bush, his son George W. Bush, his brother Jonathan J. Bush, and many other powerful people. For LMI's mission, see its website -

Michael C. Ruppert, Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA's Highest Ranks, October 9, 2001,

Kevin R. Ryan, Mahmud Ahmed's itinerary from his Washington DC visit the week of 9/11,, 11/27/2009,

The agreement between LLNL and Savannah River can be found here -

Savannah's reference to developing sol-gels can be found here -

SEC document for Washington pre-payments -

The Ties That Bind, Descended from family business empires, six huge business groups dominate the Japanese economy, Multinational Monitor, October 1983 -

Securacomm Consulting Inc. v. Securacom Incorporated, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, January 20, 1999, 49 U.S.P.Q.2d 1444; 166 F.3d 182,

Wikipedia page for Stratesec,

SEC filing for Stratesec, May 2, 1997,

Kroll Inc website,

Wikipedia page for the Quill and Dagger Society,

The History Commons, "Wolfowitz Doctrine", Aaron Dykes, Wolfowitz Warns of 'Surprise like Pearl Harbor' Months Before 9/11 Attacks, Jones Report, February 9, 2007's meeting with Mahmud Ahmed was documented in a FOIA response obtained by the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington -

Plaintiffs'' Opposition to Defendant Terrence R. McAuliffe's Motion to Dismiss, Case No: 1:98CV02859 (RCL), W.L. Meng et al vs. Bernard L. Schwartz and Loral Space et al, US District Court for the District of Columbia,
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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